Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Can be not remove. And to put the missing parenthesis {

{224}{}{Gunpowder fuse.}
{225}{}{"Gunpowder fuse" schematic (1), ammunition remains (30), puke (1), flare (1)}

Updated the game CE and Translations Fix CE - The link is the same

I haven't noticed the odd parenthesis. Good to know.
BTW is there a possibility to pin the link with files to the first post?
Personally I had problems locating all the latest versions of the files, maybe others might have such problems too - browsing through posts isn't most convenient.
Not sure if it helps, or is necessary at this point, but I had 4 errors in the Translation.
Screenshots: http://www.filedropper.com/screenshotsfnerrors
They are all in New Reno at the ranch, except one which is at the movie showing by Patrick.

I'm using Fallout_Nevada_HD [1.02], the 2018 Translation Manual (from downloads) and the Fallout Nevada (EN Translation) [0.11]

I messed around a lot testing how to copy and paste the translations into the game.
(Apparently 0.11 needs “dialog, game etc.” to go to data, without it it needs to go to master.dat, and to copy and past the Interface or Intrface files replaces the city list of 0.11 on the world map. Which is not good as some are not translated (Gerlach, Black Rock, Uranium City, Povo and another one, as far as I could tell).
So I use all of the 2018 translations (fixes, as far as I can tell, the Nevada Express Advertisement Holodisc, for example), but the Interface and/or Intrface folders.

The interesting bit could be that (during testing I found that) running only 0.11 has no error messages at the ranch (see screenshots). They only occur when I copy and paste the 2018 translation files (either dialog or game) into data.
hi guys, I cant figure out who i need to talk to to ride in the train with me to find the overseer? also can anyone tell me where to get the car?

Thanks Guys!
Yo! Big shoutout for all the ppl here on this legendary site.
Q: Can you raise primary statistics later in this mode? I mean by some modules like in F2?
Hi guys.

I am at the last stage of the game,
but I just can't drive train, and I am afraid that this is some kind of bug...
When I am trying to use its says: "you need driver", even that i hired idle man from New Reno, after which he dissaper.
Try to speak with other idle man, reaload game frome past, etc, nothing seems to work...
Somebody had similar stuation?
Please help!

Thanks Guys!
Hi found out myselfe - the assistant should be found later at the hotel in the SLS (Business Center) and sent to the railway station.
i get stuck at the quest destroy lucianos ranch without killing him. I disabled the collars , detonate the barrell, poisoned the well, poisened the brahmin water .... what now? bertolini doesnt speak any more with me because i killed thompson.
Going to post an update soon, will have some Russian text translated we missed, also I hope to find English button layouts for the map, have to read old posts I'm sure someone send them to me before. Also will credit everyone that worked on the translation. Maybe start to edit some files myself after that, I'm not as good as Snikers but my English definitely got better. Still here, still working on the translation.
Going to post an update soon, will have some Russian text translated we missed, also I hope to find English button layouts for the map, have to read old posts I'm sure someone send them to me before.
If you mean the location buttons in English on the right side of the map. Then I was the one that made them for you. If you need them again just say so :wiggle:.
If you mean the location buttons in English on the right side of the map. Then I was the one that made them for you. If you need them again just say so :wiggle:.
Yes I remembered it was you Risewild, I already used them in the update, thanks to Red!Viewer program you uploaded I was able to finally see what is going on with the buttons and the inventory menu. I remember it was always a mess because I could not understand how they are working and where they are located exactly, that's why I always ended up losing or forgetting them, but now it's fixed once and for all. Thank you.

Cheers and prayers for you comrade! But don't push yourself! Take a break!

Anyway, I know I said I'm just going to wait for a Really, Truly, Final Version™ (and the previous fiasco about copyright kinda scared me back then) but I don't think I can! So, can anyone summarize how to properly install the TC mod + translation files + the updates?

Once again, cheers and thanks a lot translation team!

Cheers and prayers for you comrade! But don't push yourself! Take a break!

Anyway, I know I said I'm just going to wait for a Really, Truly, Final Version™ (and the previous fiasco about copyright kinda scared me back then) but I don't think I can! So, can anyone summarize how to properly install the TC mod + translation files + the updates?

Once again, cheers and thanks a lot translation team!
There is a Readme in the translation patch but I will explain anyway, FN is a standalone and can be found on this site, follow the instructions with pics and everything and install the latest translation patch manually, it is recommended to do a clean install, so back up your saves. You don't need Fallout 2 to play Nevada, you don't need any other english patch except the one we provide, Translation patch and the russian mod are uploaded separately for reasons I won't go into. It is recommended to use only the version of FN that I uploaded for smooth experience. I hold no responsibility for compatibility with different versions of the mod or CE.
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