I been having a play trough and here is some issues I have noticed so far.
-Ogime the Black Cloud yells about "he" (the player) having to put gun down even when playing as female .
-Talking with Mr Bertolini, one line starts with [He shrugs], even when playing as female.
-Talking with Mr Chase there is option to say "I thought you were and honest businesswoman, not some...". Should be "businessman" since its Mr Chase after all.
-Game crashes always when leaving the Reno danceclub into the horny crowd, if having level up waiting on, after using level up, no crash. Could be also related to health since after level up, only surviving with 5 HP.
-Giving Beer with flavor to Eldorado patrons, message says that they drop off their feet but no animation of it happening. Dunno is it also lacking from original version but such simple thing missing just seems odd.
-Spy in Wind of War place says "you look like a man with the necessary qualities" even when playing as female
-Talking to Francis in Salt Lake city about needed power armor parts there is an error in a text "...and in addition - new layerC< of radiation and gas protection"
-When gambling in Reno trough the dealer. She calls female character "sir!" when you win and triple your money, on doubling the money its right calling "ma'am"
All these issues with genders.