Fallout: New Vegas BethBlog poster contest winners

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The Bethesda Blog announced the winners of its signed poster contest, signatures including - of course - a Vault Boy from Brian Menze and stick figure from Chris Avellone.

<center></center><blockquote>Back when the Fallout: New Vegas teaser trailer was revealed, we kicked off a contest for folks to have chance to win a New Vegas poster signed by the developers at Obsidian Entertainment. Before we send the posters to the winners (more on that in a second), I thought I’d share how they turned out. The Obsidian team seems to have mastered the art of signing posters — it’s got monsters, Vault Boy, and no smudges. Nice work, guys!

Congrats to Jessica Duncan and Louis Gonzalez on winning via Facebook and Twitter, respectively. Your posters should be on the way soon!</blockquote>
Too much red in this game. What's up with them?

And too much dark, just like in Fallout 3's promotional art. I'm not expecting much from their art department...
Morbus said:
Too much red in this game. What's up with them?

And too much dark, just like in Fallout 3's promotional art. I'm not expecting much from their art department...

Didn't you get the memo? Blood is red. Blood signifies strength and aggression.

Red light districts are about sex. Sex sells.
The mask does not match the armor. If you're subjecting yourself to an environment requiring something as extreme as that mask, you have to have a hulky, metallic armor.

The armor in the poster calls for a respirator at the most.
Obligatory it was what Tycho was described to look like post.

And I walk around in a mask and trenchcoat all the time.....you should see their faces when I walk into the bank....or the mall...or the park.....really any public place.
shihonage said:
The mask does not match the armor. If you're subjecting yourself to an environment requiring something as extreme as that mask, you have to have a hulky, metallic armor.

The armor in the poster calls for a respirator at the most.

Yea, no class, when you wear average armor, never, never should you want more protection for your head if you can afford it. Wasn't this basic fashion tip in last week's Cosmo ?
Not really digging the art style so far, but it's just a poster. Hopefully we'll get more Fallouty stuff in the final game.
Santoka said:
Yea, no class, when you wear average armor, never, never should you want more protection for your head if you can afford it. Wasn't this basic fashion tip in last week's Cosmo ?

I don't see someone using that combination on daily basis. Either you put yourself in enough danger that warrants both a mask and a real armor, or the mask simply makes you paranoid laughingstock of the wasteland.

Do you walk around in a respirator, just in case you pass by a really farty grandma in the park ?
I can hardly tell who half of the people are, most of the "signatures" are really just squiggly lines. :)
Thanks to the image size, I will simply print me a post card and pretend it's original. :p
shihonage said:
I don't see someone using that combination on daily basis. Either you put yourself in enough danger that warrants both a mask and a real armor, or the mask simply makes you paranoid laughingstock of the wasteland.
I can imagine wanting a full mask for sand-storms or something like that.

I think the ripped pants are strange considering the body armor and mask, though.
"realistic" is such a silly word, when it comes to video games.
Lexx said:
"realistic" is such a silly word, when it comes to video games.

Agreed. Less of this the better.

I also want to know what "Fallouty" is. See it allot and I am sick of it.
Lexx said:
"realistic" is such a silly word, when it comes to video games.

In retrospect, I think 'fallouty' and not necessarily 'realistic' would have been a better way to put it.