Fallout: New Vegas bug updates, fixes and the like

Brother None said:
* Auto/quicksaving bug - I can honestly say that we never saw that bug or heard it reported prior to release. I played the game primarily (and extensively) on the Xbox 360 and PC (I also played on the PS3, but not as much) and never saw anything like that. We are looking into it right now because obviously it's (very) bad.

I'm assuming the review version of the game didn't have to be activated over steam(and therefore didn't fall prey to steam cloud's ire), hence why no one had this same problem before release. Can anyone confirm this?
There's a workaround(I abuse the quicksave button in case of a crash) but it'd be nice to not have to delete files every time I open the game.
Makagulfazel said:
Brother None said:
* Auto/quicksaving bug - I can honestly say that we never saw that bug or heard it reported prior to release. I played the game primarily (and extensively) on the Xbox 360 and PC (I also played on the PS3, but not as much) and never saw anything like that. We are looking into it right now because obviously it's (very) bad.

I'm assuming the review version of the game didn't have to be activated over steam(and therefore didn't fall prey to steam cloud's ire), hence why no one had this same problem before release. Can anyone confirm this?
There's a workaround(I abuse the quicksave button in case of a crash) but it'd be nice to not have to delete files every time I open the game.

Mine was activated. I thought I had a problem with the saves, but it was the autosaves leaving me in places I didn't remember. I'm playing just fine.
I dunno, maybe Steam didn't activate Steam Cloud until after the game became available to the public? You said the autosave would sometimes be in an odd location, which is probably the same problem people are having now. It only affects the quicksave and autosave files. I'm just surprised that if you had the symptoms, how come no one at Obsidian did? Also, have any (journalists')reviews mentioned the same save game issue? Weird, but manageable.
Like people have been saying - it's a lot easier to fix all of these problems as opposed to making the dialogue and story better after-the-fact. I am thrilled with this compromise.
Guessing it's because the versions they tested weren't hooked up to Steam, or at least not in the same way consumers are.
TwinkieGorilla said:
it would appear that the quicksave/autosave bug is fixed.

It would appear not, the bug still happened for me post-patch. Though I was clever enough to have a hard save just in case that would happen.

Less crashes though. Might be coincidence.
I have not seen any bugs so far aside from normal gamebyro bullshit so i suppose i am lucky. Maybe it has something to do with me playing on brand new xbox 360 slim.
I play some hours already and I didn't met a single bug, except that my ED-E is gone now, even though the game thinks he is still with me. Beside this, it runs super smooth on my machine with graphic settings set to ultra high-- mind you, I can't even play Fallout 3 that way, because it runs horrible there.

Only things I've noticed have been various glitches like npcs moving over tables. Nothing else.
The patch doesn't seem to be downloading for me (I have the Polish edition of the game), even though I'm using English as the game language. Anyone having the same problem?
strange, it magically started working for me and then i noticed a newspost for it. i still have steamcloud "off". not sure if that makes a difference.
Ausir said:
The saving issues are all Steam Cloud connected.

Listen, I may not know how many sprites make up Arroyo like you, but I'm not retarded. The issue happened to me 3 hours into my game on tuesday. With steam cloud on or off, the game did not allow auto or quicksave until last night, where I then noticed there was an update on Steam about said issue announcing it had been resolved...which for me, magically and without messing with any folders or turning cloud back on...it had. That's all I'm saying here.

Also, I'd like to mention that since the first 3 hard-crashes I experienced on Tuesday, the game has been completely stable for me other than stuttering frame rate when too many NPCs are around. Not sure where the blame for that should be, as I don't remember such a thing happening in Fallout 3. Hopefully this gets patched next.

Alsoplustoo, not sure if everybody's seen this: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?showtopic=1125221&st=0
As far as I've read, the savegames have not been gone. Someone in Bethsoft forum posted about it, that there are backup files of it in some folder. So you just have to find it, change the .bak ending and get your old saves back.

So in fact, nothing was really lost.
right. but what i'm saying is that for me, without doing all of that...it has been fixed, and declared fixed by both Steam and Bethesda.

Curious about bug in Come Fly With Us quest (may contain spoilers): [spoiler:61830c165d]tons of people at the Bethie board are complaining about corrupt saves post-launching of rockets. this is where i think i've left off last night and am at work right now so cannot verify for myself. this is a pretty huge bug it seems.[/spoiler:61830c165d]
I've made the quest, had no problems in any kind of way.
well you dont mess with the Wiki, I mean Ausir. Though I sometimes asked my self if his hobby has not started already to be some kind of obsession >_>
Ausir said:
The patch doesn't seem to be downloading for me (I have the Polish edition of the game), even though I'm using English as the game language. Anyone having the same problem?
The Polish version isn't compatible with the original one due to files modifications Cenega made.
I've put over 25 hours into the game (PC) so far, and I've been taking my time statting up and exploring a lot of stuff (just got to novac at 24 hour mark)

I'm using a higher end PC with a GTS250 vid card, and haven't seen any water bugs or nvidia related problems.

I have not had a single crash of any kind or any lockups.

So far, I've only had a couple of small clipping bugs where I got stuck in the side of a steep hill while jumping/falling.

I had one odd quest/NPC oddity, but I'm not sure it was a "bug":

I'm not sure how it's supposed to go down, but when I went to meet "victor" in the first hour or so of play, I found him laying on the hill 'dead' just below the goodsprings graveyard, next to an angry bark scorpion.

Around hour 5-6 or so, I was up in the hills east of the good springs source, plinking coyotes and geckos for the hell of it, and suddenly I look behind me and Victor is alive and well, trying to roll up the hill in the middle of the wasteland and attempting to engage me in the dialogue that I assume I missed before.

I assumed at the time that this was just weirdness related to him being some sort of unkillable quest character ala FO3, and that he'd run afoul of the aforementioned scorpion when I engaged it in combat from afar.

All told, I was expecting this game to rattle it's own bolts out while running, and I've been pleasantly surprised that it's been so stable.
I don't think I've found a truly "broken" quest yet.