Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #6 - The Characters

Yesterday I watched a pretty decent stream, the guy was exploring, doing quests, listening to the radio...
I watched from 23:00 until 1:00AM, then I had to go to sleep...
Good thing I didnt stay longer, it'll spoil the whole game
When I saw him playing, he was attempting to take on the entire Tops casino and the robotic guards while stealing the entire casino supply of beer. 5 bouncers proceeded to fill him full of lead while he desperately shot his grenade launcher.

Maybe it's the lack of multiplayer that makes a pirate so shitty at games?
Damn, so he is roleplaying a frat boy, annoying people for no apparent reason while stealing useless trinkets and booze.

rope kid said:
Laser pistols don't have iron sights due to their goofy shape. Sorry.

(A developer on SomethingAwful forums.)

I'd hoped they might have redesigned the laser weapons a bit or given them integrated laser sights or something. Sucks that all the Guns users will now have lovely realistic ironsights while energy users will still just have the camera zooming in a little.
your evil twin said:

rope kid said:
Laser pistols don't have iron sights due to their goofy shape. Sorry.

(A developer on SomethingAwful forums.)

I'd hoped they might have redesigned the laser weapons a bit or given them integrated laser sights or something. Sucks that all the Guns users will now have lovely realistic ironsights while energy users will still just have the camera zooming in a little.

That's only laser pistol and, maybe, plasma caster.
Here's hoping. The Fallout 3 plasma pistol and plasma rifle didn't have any iron sights either.

But at least I think the Plasma Defender does.
OakTable said:
When I saw him playing, he was attempting to take on the entire Tops casino and the robotic guards while stealing the entire casino supply of beer. 5 bouncers proceeded to fill him full of lead while he desperately shot his grenade launcher.

Maybe it's the lack of multiplayer that makes a pirate so shitty at games?

My brother decided to steal all the beer in Cyrodil when he played Oblivion, though he's not sure why.

The laser weapons used iron sights aiming with the Fallout 3 mod but it was damn hard to use because you ended up with a massive square taking up your screen.
God damn these early playthroughs. And I still have to wait 'till next Friday until I get my copy, while these douchbags play the same game like it was Saints Row.
your evil twin said:
This seemed like an OK playthrough. Rather than just randomly killing everyone, he decided to actually play evil and do evil quests. http://www.justin.tv/jerleminara/b/271951801 (Or at lleast, helping out Powder Gangers in first area, doing good stuff elsewhere... so I suppose he's sorta neutral)

A shame that at the first opportunity he sells his laser pistol without firing a shot. It would be nice if someone gave lasers a try, given that Obsidian has apparently made Energy Weapons a viable skill right from the start of the game. (You start with a laser pistol, and the infinite ammo Recharger Rifle is available in the first shop!)

Gaddes said:
lol wow. Nearly every playthrew I've watched has been awful. Most of the time the play just runs around trying murder everything he see's and then getting owned in the process. No even bothers to do a quest or try out different dialogs, it's just PEW PEW PEW.

I think part of the problem is that because they are streaming they know they have an audience, and they think that their audience won't want to sit and read dialogue and stuff, instead they'll just want to see action. The only way to continuously have action is to attack everything and everyone.

LAWL at the fridgerator :D

EDIT: yes, I am sorry about double posting
How can I make these Vids load faster?
I'm watching it 5 seconds then waiting for it to load, which takes about 5 minutes
I closed every program that might interfere with the internet speed but it's still running slow...
What should I do?
I like that Jerle guy's playthrough. He doesn't murder folks like all the other douchebags on there.

Liking what I am seeing intensely. I especially like the sounds. Houses creak and moan, wind blows, creatures make howls in the distance, and guns make satisfying bangs.

I also love geckos. Especially the "Head Crippled" animation they have.
I've not really followed his streams but another thing that seems promising is that, at least in the earlier parts of the game (I'm watching one of his earlier recordings), he has pretty few healing supplies.

Granted, it may be due to the fact that he doesn't seem to explore every nook like I tend to do myself, but I *hope* it means stuff like Stimpaks really are rarer this time around.
Yeah, I remember reading that House buys them for like 20,000 caps each or something like that.

They're looking like the basic way to earn the money for implants.
He's Charles Foster Kane! :P

A lot of this stuff sounds great but I really, really, dislike the inclusion of the Strip into an otherwise interesting setting clearly inspired by Van Buren and the recruiting quest mentioned is a good example why. The entire concept just seems so cheesy and unnecessary.