Fallout: New Vegas developers quotes

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The Vault has a couple of interesting quotes round up. When's the patch coming.<blockquote>To update, the patch/game update for PlayStation 3 could be going up as early as Midnight GMT tonight for Europe. When we have more details on North America, we'll let you know.

PC update could be up on Steam as early as tomorrow.

For players on Xbox 360, we should have more details soon. Right now, it's looking like next week. If we get updated details, we'll let you know.</blockquote>I'm not seeing the reason for the PC update to be that slow, it should technically be much faster for PC than for consoles, but I guess it got delayed for a simultaneous release.

Some good stuff from JE Sawyer. On Van Buren.<blockquote>If you had the opportunity to actually make Van Buren, disregarding the public purely how you'd like to play it , would you opt for the original top down gameplay, something along the lines of New Vegas or another to best suit the game you wanted to make?

Van Buren was conceived as a top-down 3D game and that's how I would personally like to play it.</blockquote>Return to Sender.<blockquote>Who had the brilliant idea of making 'Return to Sender' a quest with oh-so-many endings and incredibly brilliant writing an incredibly tedious and incredibly long FETCH QUEST? And what was his/her reasoning?

I did. The ranger stations are located around interesting areas, so the primary gameplay enjoyment was intended to be derived from the exploration required to reach them. If you've already discovered all ranger stations and done everything around them (not likely), that's a problem. But then again, if you've already discovered the stations, you can fast travel to them. </blockquote>C&C.<blockquote>What is more important in an RPG: real choices with real consequences, or engaging, fun gameplay?

Engaging, fun game play should be the bare minimum expected in any game. If you're making an RPG, it should have that AND the ability to define/express a character's personality in a way that significantly changes the development of the story.</blockquote>
Homosexuality.<blockquote>whos the homo that insisted on being so heavy handed with the gay dialogue and references in the game?

Alarm at the presence of homosexual dialogue topics is pretty interesting considering the majority of them only appear if you voluntarily take a perk that identifies your character as homosexual. </blockquote>
Confirmed Bachelor.<blockquote>Confirmed Bachelor is considered a homosexual perk? Neither the name, the art nor the description gave any indication of that.

Confirmed Bachelor is a euphemism for a gay man. The icon art shows Vault Boy giving a massage to a naked Vault Boy with a heart floating over his head. I'm amazed that people look at that and sincerely come away thinking, "Hey, looks like a couple of bros just having a good time and giving a friendly massage." </blockquote>
Confirmed Bachelor is a euphemism for a gay man. The icon art shows Vault Boy giving a massage to a naked Vault Boy with a heart floating over his head. I'm amazed that people look at that and sincerely come away thinking, "Hey, looks like a couple of bros just having a good time and giving a friendly massage."
:rofl: :clap: That's a-mazing, it really is. Good stuff.
You said that it would be hard to balance Explosives with Lockpick if you could blow up locks with Exlposives. Wouldn't explosives breaking stealth and having a high chance of destroying the contents of containers be enough for Lockpick to stay viable?

This assumes you care about being detected. If this is the case, you probably wouldn't have specialized in a weapon group that, by its very nature, is extremely noisy. Also, "chance" for a stand-alone randomized check effectively leads to save-scumming and isn't a viable solution in my opinion.

Not very convincing to me. Especially given that Explosives is not really that viable as a primary combat skill anyhow.
Do you think it's plausible that, even if his people are tribals, Caesar would have been able to keep them oblivious of the fact that he's just copying ancient Rome and not divinely inspired?

Plenty of leaders have convinced thousands, if not millions, of people over history that they are, if not living gods, divinely chosen or appointed. There's nothing special about the people of the future.

I was hoping that he'd answer that this bit (which is mentioned explicitly only in the design document bits quoted in the collector's edition of the official guide) is not canon in the finished game. Sadly, looks like he does still consider it canon. I'm not buying it myself, though.
I think Obsidian should have gone though some more play testing to fully convey the meaning behind the "Confirmed Bachelor" perk.

I mean, you can't tell your audiance that they're wrong. If something doesn't make sense to a majority of the audiance then the designer did something wrong.
K.C. Cool said:
I think Obsidian should have gone though some more play testing to fully convey the meaning behind the "Confirmed Bachelor" perk.

I mean, you can't tell your audiance that they're wrong. If something doesn't make sense to a majority of the audiance then the designer did something wrong.

The naming might be confusing for ESLers but it's a common phrase. And honestly, if the manly, manly backrub doesn't clue you in, I really can't blame Obsidian.
You really can't.

It does the exact same thing as the Lady Killer perk, right down to having a nearly identical description and if you're able to deduce that Lady Killer means you're a lady's man, then it shouldn't be too hard to make the connection that Confirmed Bachelor makes you a man's man.
well to be honest the first moment I ve seen It didnt hit me that those bachelor perk represents a homosexual. But it is not like I am used with the term "confirmed Bachelor". Maybe If I would hvae known about it it would have been more clear. I thought about it more to be like with Fallout 3 which tried to be political correct (violance is politicaly correct today, sex not).

But now that someone explained it it does make somehow sense.
I'm not someone for whom E is a SL, but I've never heard the phrase "confirmed bachelor" in my life. I guess that it depends on the circles you run in, eh BN? :wink:

The backrub did clue me in, though.
confirmed bachelor... maybe it means that someone is never seen with a companion (of opposite sex) friend because he or she doesn't like like to share ones sexuality with the world, leaving people to think he or she a confirmed bachelor

Anyway sounds like euphemism from socially correct, though still struggling to accept, late American sixties? Witch fits with the whole retro thing...
K.C. Cool said:
I mean, you can't tell your audiance that they're wrong.

What a horribly destructive attitude. If everybody started to use the lowest common denominator to determine their artistic decisions we'd eventually revert to a society of toddlers...which is just about the only age group I'd give a free pass on not knowing what that fucking perk is. :roll:
You can tell your audience they're wrong and then they'll learn something. Even if it's pretty obvious.

I mean it's Fallout, your meant to think slightly dirty.
TwinkieGorilla said:
K.C. Cool said:
I mean, you can't tell your audiance that they're wrong.

What a horribly destructive attitude. If everybody started to use the lowest common denominator to determine their artistic decisions we'd eventually revert to a society of toddlers...which is just about the only age group I'd give a free pass on not knowing what that fucking perk is. :roll:

gaming at large needs more consumers like you. A stance such as yours should be more prevalant in the articles we read. Honestly reading news./interviews of NV time and again seems like im reading troll posts... if that makes any sense.
Brother None said:
K.C. Cool said:
I think Obsidian should have gone though some more play testing to fully convey the meaning behind the "Confirmed Bachelor" perk.

I mean, you can't tell your audiance that they're wrong. If something doesn't make sense to a majority of the audiance then the designer did something wrong.

The naming might be confusing for ESLers but it's a common phrase. And honestly, if the manly, manly backrub doesn't clue you in, I really can't blame Obsidian.

Not a common phrase around here, never heard it. Might get banned if I recited the common phrases I've heard. Yikes! When I read the perk name I instantly thought of someone unable to commit to a monogamous relationship, sleeping with many partners, but yeah, the perk art pretty much gave away the gender of said partners.
frosty_theaussie said:
Not a common phrase around here, never heard it.

I said ESLers. In my book, that includes citizens of the US and Australia. Your native language isn't really English ;)

I've bumped into it a lot but I'm a USA 50s aficionado. Regardless, it's not much of an issue, if you look past the perk name (and don't think about it) and at the perk image it really should be obvious enough. Unless you're in the habit of massaging naked men.
It's not explicit, no, but as stated that name/description and that image combine to make it fairly obvious IMO. I personally pondered trying to take it and Lady's Man, and I would have if it had been FO3 where you got a perk every level. Anybody know if it's possible to have both?