Fallout: New Vegas + DLC, Fallout 3: GOTY 75% off on Steam


But best title ever!
In case you're interested in getting the PC version of Fallout: New Vegas, the game is one of the flash sales going on at the moment (still about 9 hours to go at the time of this writing), with the vanilla title at € 4,99/$ 4,99 and the Ultimate Edition at € 9.99/$ 9,99. All the DLC for the title is also 75% off, so in case you're missing something to try J.E. Sawyer's mod, or always wanted to know *why* exactly Ulysses was rambling about America, that's one of your best chances to do so.

EDIT: Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition is also 75% off for this flash sale, although for some reason unknown to me that's not shown on the Steam homepage. It's € 4.99/$ 4.99, same as New Vegas vanilla.
Wondering about Courier Stash. Advertisement says "Spawn with an advantage", which sounds awful. Is it optional to use? Is it any good?
For 0,49€, that is...
Izual said:
Wondering about Courier Stash. Advertisement says "Spawn with an advantage", which sounds awful. Is it optional to use? Is it any good?
For 0,49€, that is...

They're the pre-order items, and yeah, they're assigned to you when you start. That said, there's plenty of fairly simple mods that integrate them in a fair way in the game world, including J.E. Sawyer's hardcore overhaul which actually requires Courier's Stash.

If you don't intend to use any mods that require it though, it's probably best to save the money.
I'm not planning a new run anytime soon, but when I'll do I'll use J.E. Sawyer's mod, so yeah I'll take it. I also took GRA, Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts, the two DLC that look the more enjoyable when you like open-world stuff.

ALso I hope J.E. Sawyer's mod has some good stuff for melee (I heard about "I never axed for this" perk). First part of the game with a melee character was absolutely great (way better than with any other weapon type), but second part was meh. Not enough weapons choice and being unable to be a tough bastard and kiling deathclaws with a melee weapons.
Izual said:
Wondering about Courier Stash. Advertisement says "Spawn with an advantage", which sounds awful. Is it optional to use? Is it any good?
For 0,49€, that is...

It is optional, you can active/deactive it like the other dlc's.
Izual said:
I'm not planning a new run anytime soon, but when I'll do I'll use J.E. Sawyer's mod, so yeah I'll take it. I also took GRA, Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts, the two DLC that look the more enjoyable when you like open-world stuff.

Then you will need ALL FNV DLCs, otherwise JSawyer mod won't run.
Aw man, seriously? I didn't know you needed all of them to run Sawyer's mod.
I'll look into it then. Blah.
Thanks for the info.
You don't actually *have* to buy Courier's stash: having all the pre-order bonus .esm and .bsa files will suffice. Kudos if you've been collecting them beforehand.
I guess I'll have to wait another year. I missed it. All the DLC is now £20 and NV Ultimate is £17... which makes no sense. If I purchase NV ultimate it will only be available as a gift because I already own NV regular.
It can still appear on the last day again. And even if not, it probably will get in a sale again in just a few months. Steam is kicking out sales all the time, if you can wait a bit, there is no point in paying full price anymore.
Dude101 said:
I guess I'll have to wait another year. I missed it. All the DLC is now £20 and NV Ultimate is £17... which makes no sense. If I purchase NV ultimate it will only be available as a gift because I already own NV regular.

Yeah. During the sale, all the DLC were 11.50 EUR, Ultimate 10 EUR. That's how these sales always work. People who buy the game vanilla will always end up paying more, even with sales.
Kind of OT but since we're talking about Sawyer's mod, has anyone here played a full game with it?

I was wondering how it works out with the level limit being taken down so much. Does the game scale with that new level cap, or do things just end up insanely hard towards the end-game?
As the game is pretty easy from mid-game up, no. The game does not become insanely hard with Sawyer's mod. It is harder, but still pretty possible.
If you're patient enough, a similar deal will most likely pop up next time. Also, Valve usually did some "most popular deals" thing the last day where they basically put up some of the older deals again the last few times, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's still a chance for you.
Alphadrop said:
They won't, they use a different #ID to the CaravanPack.esm file.

Then why does JSawyer work for me flawlessly without any error?

The engine doesn't check file ID's, only if the .esm/.esp contents and name match the ones required.
It'll load up fine with dummy esm's but in game is where it checks the IDs. It may crash if you interact with anything referencing those missing id's.

After a patch, the id of an ai package the legion assassins was using changed. So I had to update a mod I was using that edited them, otherwise it would crash if they spawned.

Though with some modding know-how, fnvedit, and some dummy esm's, you can either replace the preorder pack items with self made replicas or remove their references. What he did with the items is just place them somewhere in game rather than just give them to you at the start.