Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

You guys do know you're talking about a hypothetical mutant version of a wasp here. So why should it not have strong venom. heck If they wanted they could make it that youre head explodes from a sting even ...

Not my intention to feed the troll, so I'll take what you said at face value as your legitimate opinion.

NiRv4n4 said:
What are you talking about? Fallout 3 had loads of perks that were more than just skill perks.

Taking them from the list ( http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_perks ) and scanning them reveals how blatantly wrong this is.

I'll spoiler the list as it's quite long, but

[spoiler:c753d227c4]Black Widow/Lady Killer
Daddy's Boy/Daddy's Girl - Boosts stats
Gun Nut - Boosts stats
Little Leaguer - Boosts stats
Thief - Boosts stats
Intense Training - Boosts stats
Child at Heart
Comprehension - Free skill points
Educated - Free skill points
Scoundrel - Boosts stats
Iron Fist - Boosts damage
Bloody Mess - More damage perk essentially
Lead Belly - Boosts radiation resistance essentially
Toughness - Boosts stats
Fortune Finder
Gunslinger - Boosts accuracy
Demolition Expert - Boosts stats
Commando - Boosts stats
Rad Resistance - Boosts stats
Size Matters - Boosts a stat
Strong Back - Boosts carry weight
Impartial Mediation - Boosts stats
Animal Friend
Finesse - Boosts critical stat
Mister Sandman
Mysterious Stranger
Nerd Rage! - Boosts stats
Night Person - Boosts stats
Here and Now - Levels you up, providing free skill points
Pyromaniac - Boosts damage
Life Giver - Boosts stats
Robotics Expert
Sniper - Boosts accuracy
Silent Running - Boosts sneak, primarily just a boost to that skill
Fast Metabolism
Contract Killer
Cyborg - Boosts stats
Light Step
Master Trader - Essentially just a boost for your barter skill
Adamantium Skeleton - Boosts stats
Tag! - Essentially free skill points
Better Criticals - Boosts damage
Action Boy/Action Girl - Boosts AP
Chem Resistant
Computer Whiz
Concentrated Fire - Boosts accuracy
Paralyzing Palm
Solar Powered - Boosts stats
Ninja - Boosts Damage
Grim Reaper's Sprint

if you open it, you can see that the majority of perks directly correlated to your stats, derived statistics, and the damage you do. Some of them have redeeming value because of their limitations and flavor, but there is a LOT of room for improvement.

NiRv4n4 said:
There was that one for getting rid of robots

I had no idea that perk even existed until looking it up, and it seems it's Mister Sandman for robots. Neat, if it worked most of the time.

NiRv4n4 said:
some involving radiation

Most of which are situation stat boosts. :|

NiRv4n4 said:
I don't see where you are getting that they are not creative.

I never said they weren't creative, I said most of their perks were bland. Most of them, for the record though, aren't that creative either.
cogar66 said:
As a console player and fan of the originals I am offended by your cold response to our plight :p
You're a strike away from being banned, I wouldn't tease people like that if I were you.

Regarding Perks, Obsidian didn't do a bad work with them on AP.
Dario ff said:
cogar66 said:
As a console player and fan of the originals I am offended by your cold response to our plight :p
You're a strike away from being banned, I wouldn't tease people like that if I were you.

It was a joke, I didn't think it appeared to be serious. :(
cogar66 said:
You're a strike away from being banned, I wouldn't tease people like that if I were you.

Oh sorry, my bad. I didn't spot the little tongue there, it looked like some kind of missed punctuation.
Yes, I know about the wasps, I've been stung a couple of times when I was a child. It was painful, but not even close to dangerous in any way.

I've just checked out tarantulas - it seems their bite is as dangerous as wasps' stings. Weird, I thought they are much more dangerous.

I've checked hawks, too. A drop of their poison can kill eight men, two dogs, and a cat.

Anyway, cazador are unique creatures, and are expected to have much stronger poison than the one of a giant tarantula or wasp, based on the description. If the strength of their poison is not much stronger from what's expected from a giant wasp, or a giant tarantula, then nevermind.

TaapLuup said:
they are fixing almost all the problems I had with part 3

First-person real-time combat? VATS? Thousands of interactable useless objects? Karma loss on stealing? Item condition? Fatman?
.Pixote. said:
sampson70 said:
i want a perk every level up! :clap: thank u

What was wrong with getting a perk every 3 or 4 levels…that way those perks were more valued? I think the original game got it right, and Fallout 3 screwed it up badly...but the gamers of this world have such hungry appetites that they would probably accept a new perk for every kill… :roll:
every kill perk no thanks...maybe I'm spoiled from playing fo3 first .to me it made leveling up that more exciting.
Yea! A Level up! Time to pick a perk that raises one or 2 of my skills up by five points! I AM REALLY GAMING NAO!

I would take less but better perks.
IMissLark said:
Taking them from the list ( http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_perks ) and scanning them reveals how blatantly wrong this is.

I'll spoiler the list as it's quite long, but

[spoiler:095342edf1]Black Widow/Lady Killer
Daddy's Boy/Daddy's Girl - Boosts stats
Gun Nut - Boosts stats
Little Leaguer - Boosts stats
Thief - Boosts stats
Intense Training - Boosts stats
Child at Heart
Comprehension - Free skill points
Educated - Free skill points
Scoundrel - Boosts stats
Iron Fist - Boosts damage
Bloody Mess - More damage perk essentially
Lead Belly - Boosts radiation resistance essentially
Toughness - Boosts stats
Fortune Finder
Gunslinger - Boosts accuracy
Demolition Expert - Boosts stats
Commando - Boosts stats
Rad Resistance - Boosts stats
Size Matters - Boosts a stat
Strong Back - Boosts carry weight
Impartial Mediation - Boosts stats
Animal Friend
Finesse - Boosts critical stat
Mister Sandman
Mysterious Stranger
Nerd Rage! - Boosts stats
Night Person - Boosts stats
Here and Now - Levels you up, providing free skill points
Pyromaniac - Boosts damage
Life Giver - Boosts stats
Robotics Expert
Sniper - Boosts accuracy
Silent Running - Boosts sneak, primarily just a boost to that skill
Fast Metabolism
Contract Killer
Cyborg - Boosts stats
Light Step
Master Trader - Essentially just a boost for your barter skill
Adamantium Skeleton - Boosts stats
Tag! - Essentially free skill points
Better Criticals - Boosts damage
Action Boy/Action Girl - Boosts AP
Chem Resistant
Computer Whiz
Concentrated Fire - Boosts accuracy
Paralyzing Palm
Solar Powered - Boosts stats
Ninja - Boosts Damage
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Not much different from Fallout 1&2. The list from Fallout 2:
[spoiler:095342edf1]Action Boy -ap bonus
Adrenaline Rush -stat bonus
Better Criticals -crit bonus
Bonus HtH Attacks -ap bonus
Bonus HtH Damage -damage bonus
Bonus Move -ap bonus
Bonus Ranged Damage -damage bonus
Bonus Rate of Fire -ap bonus
Cautious Nature -stat bonus
Comprehension -skill bonus
Cult of Personality
Demolition Expert -damage bonus
Dodger ac bonus
Earlier Sequence -derived stat bonus
Educated -skill bonus
Faster Healing -derived stat bonus
Fortune Finder
Gain (Statistic) -stat bonus
Gambler -skill bonus
Ghost -skill bonus
Harmless -skill bonus
Healer -skill bonus
Heave Ho! -stat bonus
Here and Now
HtH Evade -derived stat bonus
Kama Sutra Master
Karma Beacon
Lifegiver -derived stat bonus
Light Step
Living Anatomy -skill and damage bonus
Magnetic Personality -derived stat bonus
Master Thief -skill bonus
Master Trader -skill bonus
Medic -skill bonus
More Criticals -crit bonus
Mr. Fixit -skill bonus
Mysterious Stranger
Negotiator -skill bonus
Night Vision
Pack Rat -derived stat bonus
Pickpocket -skill bonus
Presence -skill bonus
Pyromaniac -damage bonus
Quick Pockets -ap bonus
Quick Recovery -ap bonus
Rad Resistance -res bonus
Ranger -skill bonus
Salesman -skill bonus
Sharpshooter -stat bonus
Silent Death -damage bonus
Silent Running
Slayer -crit bonus
Smooth Talker -stat bonus
Snakeater -res bonus
Sniper -crit bonus
Speaker -skill bonus
Strong Back -derived stat bonus
Survivalist -skill bonus
Swift Learner
Tag! -skill bonus
Thief -skill bonus
Toughness -res bonus
Weapon Handling -stat bonus[/spoiler:095342edf1]