Fallout: New Vegas first review


But best title ever!
Apparently Fallout: New Vegas got its first review courtesy of Attack of the Fanboy, which apparently broke the embargo. Note that there's no proof that the guys have played the game or received a review copy inside the article, being fairly brief and containing only promotional screenshots. It's not the most positive of critiques but I'll let a snippet do the talking:<blockquote>The graphics in New Vegas don't seem to be much of an overhaul for a game that is now a couple years old, it would have been nice to see improvements made to better the franchise for the fans. Don't get me wrong, New Vegas looks amazing at times. New Vegas itself is actually pretty interesting, colorful, and distinguishes itself in a stark contrast to the rest of the game. But, everything else looks pretty much the same. It is almost as if the developers just used the assets from Fallout 3 made a few new areas to turn the capital wasteland into the Mojave wasteland and called it a game.

In addition to the graphics feeling a bit dated, Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did. Maybe it was the fact that Fallout 3 was my first title in the series to have ever played so I didn't really know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. This one not so much.</blockquote>Meanwhile, Talking about Games released its podcast about New Vegas with Pete Hines as a guest, and USA Today wrote a piece called Five things you didn't know about Fallout: New Vegas. At this point you are probably already aware of all the information contained there, but they're still useful as a refresher.
Alphadrop said:
Attack of Das Fanboy said:
Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did.


Yup, that was pretty much my reaction. Either Obsidian's writing has got really bad lately or the guy's tastes in video game stories is debatable. I'm leaning towards the second, but until I get my hands on the game I can't really say anything.
Hold on a sec... Does this mean the first FNV review got....5/10?
Then :o I'm quite mad....

Then again, is Attack of The Fanboy a proper review site, like IGN (as bad as that sounds...) . Will a site like, say Metacritic.com, add this to the list of reviews?

I just pray this isn't a taster of what's to come....
(if you can forget for a second all about Fallout 3)

I am trying really hard to.

In fact, it's all pretty much the same as Fallout 3. So what's not to love?


As someone who did enjoy the first game very much, it was nice to see some improvements made on the core elements of the game.

Yeah... Also, he said game twice.

It is almost as if the developers just used the assets from Fallout 3 made a few new areas to turn the capital wasteland into the Mojave wasteland and called it a game.

Maybe because that's exactly what they did.

In addition to the graphics feeling a bit dated, Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did.

It wasn't stupid enough? Or was it worse???

Maybe it was the fact that Fallout 3 was my first title in the series to have ever played so I didn't really know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised.

Fallout 3 pleasantly surprised

My brain just exploded.

This game feels like Oblivion with guns

"it's all pretty much the same as Fallout 3" Stop repeating yourself!

All in all, it sounds like the Fallout 2 of the new generation. It's sad that the curse wasn't broken.
I don't see how the story of Fallout 3 resonates with him. It's a tale of a teenager fighting off obvious bad guys with saintly good guys while his father, Liam Neeson, lectures him on the Book of Revelations.
Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did.
Maybe it was the fact that Fallout 3 was my first title in the series

Such a connoisseur.

In addition to the graphics feeling a bit dated,

I'll never understand this constant 'graphics are dated' meme than professhunal game journalists- er self-proclaimed 'fanboys' can't seem to get out of their heads. I mean can you really say that Fallout 3 or New Vegas' graphics seem outdated? I mean by any objective measure they are as close to realistic as you need to get to a video game.

As for the rest of the review itself, very poor. Reads like a preview with some 'commentary'. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it was. There isn't any actual spoiler information that could conceivably be from a review. I suppose the only way to be sure is to see if any of those screenshots haven't appeared on the interwebs yet.
New Vegas and Fallout 3's graphic (engine) for sure is outdated. Not that it matters much in the end...
God, scratch my last comment out, this review was clearly written by a complete imbecile: He thinks that the Fallout 3 story was GOOD? He also constantly whines about the game looking dated, which is flashing lights for a bad game reviewer, I think this guy is just trying to be controversial. You can tell it's a very rushed review too, he clearly just whizzed through the main quest and just wrote whatever he could for the sake of getting the first ever review out... Typical games journo :roll:
This is more likely a troll review. I mean "This game feels like Oblivion with guns". My brain hurts trying to analyze this sentence.
But it is Oblivion with guns. Like Fallout 3. Just that New Vegas might be more complex in crafting, dialogues and story.
Cormac said:
God, scratch my last comment out, this review was clearly written by a complete imbecile: He thinks that the Fallout 3 story was GOOD? He also constantly whines about the game looking dated, which is flashing lights for a bad game reviewer, I think this guy is just trying to be controversial. You can tell it's a very rushed review too, he clearly just whizzed through the main quest and just wrote whatever he could for the sake of getting the first ever review out... Typical games journo :roll:

:clap: :notworthy: :salute:
The only thing thats really on my mind is that it's a damn shame the European release date was'nt on the 23'd of Oktober.
Well, I'm going to see if I can get the reviewer to respond to my non-trollish arguements.

Also, Fallout HERO, you fool! You're depleting our precious supply of Smilyonium! Soon we will have to use smily-faces made out of letters, and that will be the end of us all!
WorstUsernameEver said:
I don't see the possibility of them having played it so far-fetched though. It's whether they played it with a review copy or not.
It's a very home-made looking web site, and I wonder why they would be given a review copy.... Looking around at the site, it's very unprofessional and they don't even have a writing staff, so to speak. I thought devs only gave review copies to actual notable reviewers, and that these sort of websites have to get retail copies?
It's a fishy one, this review, so I'm going to wait for some of the big-hitters to review it, at least we'll know they actually played the damn thing!


I bet this is your comment, OakTable!:::

"Also, Mr. Reviewer, there’s not much proof you actually played this. All the screenshots are from old previews of this game, and there’s only vague details about the game itself, and you complaining about the graphics even though graphics have a tiny and marginal effect on the gameplay.

You also refered to Fallout 3 as “the first game”. Don’t do that."
OakTable said:
Also, Fallout HERO, you fool! You're depleting our precious supply of Smilyonium! Soon we will have to use smily-faces made out of letters, and that will be the end of us all!

OMG I am sorry. I wasn't aware we had a limited stock of Smilyonium. This needs to be brought to everyone's attention! ... well I've learnt my lesson ... = (

1 smiley saved right there. = )