Fallout: New Vegas first review

Lexx said:
So, how many hours left until the game will be active in the us of a?

Too many.

Then again, I ordered off of Gamestop, so it won't get to my house until around 4PM.

Grarr, should've got in-store pickup and gotten it after morning classes.
WorstUsernameEver said:
I don't see the possibility of them having played it so far-fetched though. It's whether they played it with a review copy or not.
The Xbox 360 version has been on torrents for a couple of days already, so it is possible they played that version.

Either way, while overall I think FO3 is a good game, it is by no means the masterpiece the reviewer in the link in the OP and most of the gaming world claim it to be. The dialogue is horribad, morality was very black and white, and the plot was very impersonal to the player.

FO3 is a typical CRPG, but even the extremely buggy, riddled with performance issues NWN2 beats the crap out of FO3 in so many ways it's not even funny. Fawkes may be somewhat memorable, but the rest of the characters in FO3 not so much. On the other hand, Ammon Jerro is a God who will forever influence my character customization decisions in any RPG or MMO I play.

I think it is safe to say that this review can be thrown out and ignored.
Lexx said:
So, how many hours left until the game will be active in the us of a?
Steam is going to unlock the game at 12AM Pacific, meaning 3AM EST for us. It's lame, but I figured out a way to get some gaming before work tomorrow.

Once I get home, I am going to cook some food for the week, eat dinner, and promptly pass out at around 7 to 8PM after popping two Ambien. I will hopefully wake up at around 3 to 4AM and play New Vegas until I have to go to work. I hope I don't fuck up my entire Tuesday by waking so early, but we'll see what happens.
Mapex said:
Lexx said:
So, how many hours left until the game will be active in the us of a?
Steam is going to unlock the game at 12AM Pacific, meaning 3AM EST for us. It's lame, but I figured out a way to get some gaming before work tomorrow.

Once I get home, I am going to cook some food for the week, eat dinner, and promptly pass out at around 7 to 8PM after popping two Ambien. I will hopefully wake up at around 3 to 4AM and play New Vegas until I have to go to work. I hope I don't fuck up my entire Tuesday by waking so early, but we'll see what happens.

You can pretend that F NV won't be realeased until 20. So that way your day won't be fucked.
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
Doesn't surprise me Obsidian/Black Isle can't properly handle a story. Hopefully we'll get the Fallout 3 writers back for the next installment. :|

Better yet, we can bring back TES dialogue. amirite? That shit was phenomenal.
I also have a review copy. I'm not sure whether the guy who wrote that review is a moron or a liar because, well.....ok, its true that reviews are embargoed until 10am tomorrow. People are obviously tweeting about it....so:

I don't think Bethesda would mind if I said that it is pretty awesome and people who liked Fallout 1 and Fallout 3 will both probably be happy.

I'm curious to know what you guys want to know about it, as that will help me write my review.
Bizart said:
I also have a review copy. I'm not sure whether the guy who wrote that review is a moron or a liar because, well.....ok, its true that reviews are embargoed until 10am tomorrow. People are obviously tweeting about it....so:

I don't think Bethesda would mind if I said that it is pretty awesome and people who liked Fallout 1 and Fallout 3 will both probably be happy.

I'm curious to know what you guys want to know about it, as that will help me write my review.
:clap:Well I'm glad to hear that!I would like to know about the main story ,side quest,hardcore,companions,real time combat,over all difficulty of the game,leveling up(too fast,just right)balance, crafting,music,and graphics .