Fallout: New Vegas first review

xavierk said:
I'm trying not to get my hopes up for this game, Fallout 3 crushed them after I realized it wasn't all it was said to be.
I also wonder which version the reviewers will be playing (what does Bethsoft provide them with?) PC, PS3 or 360? Maybe they should play on PC with everything set to Ultra High, "The Way It's Meant To Be Played".

Whichever you request, though for some reason my boss got an Xbox copy when he asked for a PC copy.
vaster said:
Please excuse my ignorance, but what does that "embargo" mean?
Does that only concern "official reviewers" or does also this forum?
I mean, if I already played the X-Box360 version I am not permited to write any my own opinions about it at NMA?(Dont want to get banned)

If anyone asks - yes, I'm going to buy this game. I'm just a lilttle bit impatient.

Only applies to game reviewers that were given review copies of the game by the company. Bethesda/Obsidian gives a magazine or website a copy of the game early, on condition that the reviewer doesn't put the review up until release day. If a reviewer disobeys this and does a review early, then the company won't give them games in advance ever again.
As others have pointed out, this 'review' is nothing of the sort - the writer doesn't give any indication that he/she actually played the game, refers to FO3 as the first game, and generally sounds fairly indignant towards the 'series' - which, again, consists only of 2 games in their mind.

To be honest, this 'first review' nonsense is only there to drive up website traffic, and currently the site must be experiencing the most views it's ever had. This again goes back to what I've said previously about mainstream reviews and sensationalist reporting - only a few more days and we can experience it for ourselves and report our feedback on here.

Anyway, glad to see all the defense the game is receiving from this community!
What a retarded review. First off, not only was FO3 his first game, but he thought it had a great story... wow.

Secondly, he didn't break embargo, because that'd imply Obsidian actually sent him the game. According to his ridiculous story, a retailer gave him a copy of the game ahead of time. Assuming the reviewer website had mad haxor skills and bypassed Steam's activation, he's had basically a full day to play the game. The more likely possibility is that he downloaded from torrent a leaked version of the game. The still more likely version is that he hasn't played the game at all, because it divulges NOTHING about the game beyond what we already know.

And you'd think if he was the first to "break" embargo, that he'd go all-out, posting all-new screens. What, he had the skills to hax Steam but doesn't have a screencap utility? "Printscreen" button broke? So stupid.
yukatan said:
What a retarded review. First off, not only was FO3 his first game, but he thought it had a great story... wow.

Secondly, he didn't break embargo, because that'd imply Obsidian actually sent him the game. According to his ridiculous story, a retailer gave him a copy of the game ahead of time. Assuming the reviewer website had mad haxor skills and bypassed Steam's activation, he's had basically a full day to play the game. The more likely possibility is that he downloaded from torrent a leaked version of the game. The still more likely version is that he hasn't played the game at all, because it divulges NOTHING about the game beyond what we already know.

And you'd think if he was the first to "break" embargo, that he'd go all-out, posting all-new screens. What, he had the skills to hax Steam but doesn't have a screencap utility? "Printscreen" button broke? So stupid.

I think it's more than likely he has the game on the 360 as it doesn't require Steam and there's an already confirmed 360 leak. Plus the stores giving it early. Just sayin'.
Expresate said:
I think it's more than likely he has the game on the 360 as it doesn't require Steam and there's an already confirmed 360 leak. Plus the stores giving it early. Just sayin'.

Ah, the Xbox 360 didn't even enter my mind, that'd make more sense. Being a PC snob, I think I block out the notion that Fallout even exists on consoles (barring BOS)

Still, it's not that hard to take HD video on a 360. Get an HD PVR, line-in to HD PVR, line-out to TV and laptop, and presto you have 720p video to take screens. If he were a "game journalist" worth a lick he'd know that.
I am amazed and dismayed by some of the comments on that shitty website giving praise to Bethsoft and bashing Obsidian. Even having the balls to call them mediocre developers when probably more than 75% of all game developers fit that bill better. The gaming industry is flooding with mediocrity and Obsidian is not among them. Sure they got screwed by publishers or primarily picked up sequels to popular games (though NWN2 was better than 1, both features and storywise, including expansions). Maybe it's just me, but I don't really think that highly of Bioware actually, well, their newer stuff and Jade Empire blows. The first KOTOR and NWN were fun (especially the Nordock mod, which they didn't make).

Though it is pretty clear those same haters on that board can't be older than 17 or intellectually older than 10.
this guy definitely didnt play the game. there are many crucial things unmentioned, and no new facts added to released info. the only opinion is about the story and if anyone likes story of Fallout 3 then he should not be talking about good or bad story at all.

PainlessDocM said:
"In addition to the graphics feeling a bit dated, Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did. Maybe it was the fact that Fallout 3 was my first title in the series to have ever played so I didn't really know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. "
Amazing story (and voice acting) indeed...
no. not this shit again. i was so happy that noone saw me playin the game when this appeared.
All this first review thing and comments got me thinking and I hope people (I have already given up on journos) realize that FNV likeness to FO3 is Beth's fault and not Obsidian's. It was Beth who said "no no, same game experience, same engine for this iteration". Specially for their future rep 'cause they are profiling to be

- "those guys who released that alpha protacol [sic] crap and those sequels with no graphix upgrades!"
- "whoa, like, there actually were sequels with dated graphix?"
- "I know, bro! I know... [breaks off crying] "

If anything they should give them an a caring pat in the back for improving as much as they did out of that engine, specially considering how Beth didn't improve shit from oblivion to fo3 with a longer dev time (twice an long I think).
As someone who has had recent exposure to the game, my main issues revolve around texture clashing and the continuation of engine and animation bugs from Fallout 3. And yeah, the writing isn't really that strong. The voice actors in the game monotone everything and it really makes me wish there was an option to turn off voices and just do the old text box thing. It hurts immersion immensely.
Just add a little more VATS praising and it would seem like something Todd Howards' #1 Fan would write.
5 pages of discussion about a suspect review by a bunch of somethings who liked the story in F3? Guys, you're giving that site unearned attention!
I really dislike the saturated/cold look of the game as i did hate it in fallout 3. Theres something that really rubs me the wrong way in that engine as far as graphics go. Otherwise 3/5 if i read that "meh" scale right ?
Doesn't surprise me Obsidian/Black Isle can't properly handle a story. Hopefully we'll get the Fallout 3 writers back for the next installment. :|
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
Doesn't surprise me Obsidian/Black Isle can't properly handle a story. Hopefully we'll get the Fallout 3 writers back for the next installment. :|
Boy, the jokes you tell are always the best one. They REALY make me chuckle. :mrgreen: :clap:

"righhht. Youre fighting the good fight with your VOICE!"
So, how many hours left until the game will be active in the us of a?