Fallout: New Vegas first review

I dismissed this as soon as I read that part about the story. Most of the article is crying about graphics.
Cormac said:
Oh no ,this is getting bad,--- http://n4g.com/news/627850/attack-of-the-fanboy-first-fallout-new-vegas-review

It's currently at a "Views temperature" (You'll understand if you use N4G) of 630 degrees! That means LOADS of people are reading this review and, most presumably, taking it seriously....

Reading over the review a few times it becomes blatantly obvious the reviewer hasn't touched the game:Everything he says is so vague, with a few word changes, it could be a review for any sequel. Note how he NEVER refers to ANYTHING specific in the game. He doesn't mention anything previews had already said. He is just some shit-stirrer trying to cause some controversy. : evil:

It's bastards like this guy who take sales away from developers, especially the fact it's the first so-called "review" :evil:

Most of the comments on that website dismiss his review as BS. I only saw two or three that took it seriously.
Also Gameinformers Andrew Raines twitter makes hope for a high score. Even Jim Sterling is enthusastic about it but I won't touch Destructoid or his "review" of it ever.
The question is: Why hasn't Zeni-Beth made a move to have it pulled? They get YouTube videos (and others) pulled quickly enough.
Beth hasn't been taking down any streams either. It is strange. Maybe they view it as free publicity.
My favorite thing about the review is how he didn't even bother rephrasing the line about the "special reward" for beating HC mode. Well, that and every other stupid thing about it. :facepalm:
Makagulfazel said:
I think I can trust your opinion just a little bit more. I'm not worried about me liking the game - I know I'll be buying every Obsidian game that comes out. I don't want another Troika. It's other people that I'm worried about.
Is Biosafreak reviewing the game at the minute or something?
Cormac said:
Is Biosafreak reviewing the game at the minute or something?

Briosafreak is reviewing the game but can't saying anything for another day or so due to a non disclosure agreement is what i gathered. i look forward to it as well, but i have a feeling by the time he can talk about it, i'll already be playing the game.
I'm pretty sure that's what he intended to imply by saying that he was playing it for review purposes and that he'd respond to this review after the embargo ends, yes.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
No way this game will live up to Fallout 3. Average game engine + crappy dev = mid 7 and 8 reviews. Game is going to be loaded with glitchs and bugs.


I could change one number in that quote and it would still make sense.
junkevil said:
Cormac said:
Is Biosafreak reviewing the game at the minute or something?

Briosafreak is reviewing the game but can't saying anything for another day or so due to a non disclosure agreement is what i gathered. i look forward to it as well, but i have a feeling by the time he can talk about it, i'll already be playing the game.

One thing for sure, it will take me a couple of months until I can produce a review of this game. It's a bit overwhelming indeed... First impressions though will come after the embargo ends, 10:00am EST, Tuesday, October 19th.

A friendly note, a few gaming journos are playing the game for 9 days now, and yet I would take reviews in the coming days with a grain of salt or two, it's just too much info to process in such short notice. This review we're talking about is a good example of jumping the gun.
Maybe you could use some cunning code words to get past the ixnay on the amegay know what I mean...ay. :wink:
I'm trying not to get my hopes up for this game, Fallout 3 crushed them after I realized it wasn't all it was said to be.
I also wonder which version the reviewers will be playing (what does Bethsoft provide them with?) PC, PS3 or 360? Maybe they should play on PC with everything set to Ultra High, "The Way It's Meant To Be Played".
xavierk said:
I'm trying not to get my hopes up for this game, Fallout 3 crushed them after I realized it wasn't all it was said to be.
I also wonder which version the reviewers will be playing (what does Bethsoft provide them with?) PC, PS3 or 360? Maybe they should play on PC with everything set to Ultra High, "The Way It's Meant To Be Played".

The three versions, depending of the reviewer.
Please excuse my ignorance, but what does that "embargo" mean?
Does that only concern "official reviewers" or does also this forum?
I mean, if I already played the X-Box360 version I am not permited to write any my own opinions about it at NMA?(Dont want to get banned)

If anyone asks - yes, I'm going to buy this game. I'm just a lilttle bit impatient.