this i totally agree with! overkill right?Guiltyofbeingtrite said:What the hell is the point of keeping the Fat Man if they have a GMG (Grenade Machine Gun)?
Everyone wants to be like the Zero Punctuation guy.Vic Ious said:
if u listen really carefully he's voice sounds really different.Oerjeke said:The minigun seems actulally pretty powerful this time. Not the coolest gameplay video but then again, it's only gunplay. It's a pity that none of the sound is hearable due to the loud narration. Wonder if the SM voices will be the same as in F3 :/
It still is the same cookie monster voice.Oerjeke said:Wonder if the SM voices will be the same as in F3 :/
Reconite said:I want to see more of this "new dialogue system" that is talked so much about. I know we've read about what they're making it, I just want to see it in action.
I don't think guns like the GMG and Minigun HAVE ironsights and that's all they showed.Reconite said:Not much to comment on, just crappy gunplay like Fallout 3, and when the guy said "iron sights" the player didn't even use iron sights, which I was expecting to happen. I want to see more of this "new dialogue system" that is talked so much about. I know we've read about what they're making it, I just want to see it in action.
cunningandvalor said:I totally agree. In my mind, it would've been balanced because you could use the remote beacon in the field but then enemies would have had to actually walk close to it to be in its range, and you couldn't be near it or else you'd get fried too, and blah blah blah. Instead it looks like you fire it like you do any other weapon and it has several "rounds" before its "ammunition" is depleted. So, so dumb.
Yeah, it sure looks horrible from the 50 seconds full of really fast images being edited together. I'm waiting for a video without a fast-talking, loudmouthed douchebag that's longer than a minute to decide whether or not the game looks bad.MrBumble said:Looks horrible...
Hoped I'd get a Fallout 1, 2, vibe from the Nevada setting...didn't happen.
Not exactly a surprise though.
MrBumble said:Looks horrible...
Hoped I'd get a Fallout 1, 2, vibe from the Nevada setting...didn't happen.
Not exactly a surprise though.
generalissimofurioso said:The perspective of the shots makes it look like the player is controlling the beam from a fixed position, like a crane game only with beams and death instead of frustration and stuffed animals.
OakTable said:I'm assuming this is an old build or a build optimized for demonstrating the game. The supermutants are not like the ones we saw recently and the GMG has a ridiculously low STR requirement. The low-res mutie skins might help performance and they probably lowered STR requirements so the previewers can play with the guns.
OakTable said:I'm assuming this is an old build or a build optimized for demonstrating the game. The supermutants are not like the ones we saw recently and the GMG has a ridiculously low STR requirement. The low-res mutie skins might help performance and they probably lowered STR requirements so the previewers can play with the guns.
Turns out the GMG being 3 Strength to use thing was just a bug; Sawyer confirmed it on the Bethesda Forums. Also, I'm still not sure if it's an old build or a new one.whirlingdervish said:It would be smarter to give the previewers a premade character that has some levels under its belt than it would be to make a different build of the game for the same purpose.
If they can't get their dated graphics engine to pull decent frames per second, without dumbing down their ugly models, I will not be surprised. I'll just laugh when the reviewers praise the "next-gen" graphics to the sky.