Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

Vic Ious said:
Oerjeke said:
Wonder if the SM voices will be the same as in F3 :/
It still is the same cookie monster voice. :(

Are you sure? Sounded a lot like cookie monster to me.
It sounded like F3 ghoul for me, but I think they`ll change it.
I do hate when some random narrator talks over top of these videos. And I do wish they would have removed the Fat Boy, however, if I'm really lucky maybe there is only one with extremely limited ammo locked away somewhere which is hard to get considering what it is.... but...
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
It's annoying to me when time is wasted on weapons that are very similar. It is understandable in an FPS where range, velocity, and rate of fire make a large difference, but not really in a game like this. Fallout Tactics was incredibly guilty of this, tons of assault rifles but you never really had a hard choice on which to use.

OMG you're right, the game needs online multiplayer deathmatch! You know, to justify the time spent on weapons? Um. Never mind. Just forget I said that.
I hope it is a bug, that we don't see any weapon / item descriptions.

Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
I means it weighs 75 pounds in real life. As in, a lot more than 15 in game hand grenades (assuming they weigh a pound)

Wait, wait, something you just said. "In real life". They really...

OMG you're right. There have been belt-fed fully automatic grenade launchers around since I was a kid and I never knew about it? THIS IS AWESOME!

Something like this belongs in every game ever! (Although I wholly agree that 15 pounds is totally farsical and makes a mockery of the strength requirement and immersion.)
Lexx said:
I hope it is a bug, that we don't see any weapon / item descriptions.


Actually there was an item description for the machine gun fast-fire kit. It said "Increases rate of fire", beneath the picture.

However, it looked like the weapons do not have item descriptions. Instead, beneath the picture there were more weapon stats than in normal Fallout 3.

I'd been hoping they might make it so that the item description popped up when you pressed a certain button (in the same way that you press a button to repair, another button to mod a weapon, another button to drop, etc).

Bringing up the item description by pressing a button would have been fine, given you had to "examine" the item in Fallout 1 and 2 to see the item description.

tekhedd said:
Something like this belongs in every game ever! (Although I wholly agree that 15 pounds is totally farsical and makes a mockery of the strength requirement and immersion.)

Bear in mind that it's just the weight of the weapon, not the grenades. In hardcore mode remember to add 50 or 100 for the grenades themselves.

Also, Bethesda has said before that their weigh values do not represent pounds. They represent an arbitrary unit of weight, it is measured in WG, "weight gain". That's why a piece of food can weigh the same as an abritary piece of junk.

15 doesn't seem unreasonable for the weight of the gun on its own, given that in Fallout 3 the flamethrower weighs 15 and the minigun weighs 20. (And in Fallout 1 and 2 the flamer weighed 18 pounds and the minigun weighed 28.)

There's also the fact that it is a COMPUTER GAME, and if the thing itself weighed 50, and you needed to carry around an additional 100 weight for the grenades (hardcore mode, remember) no-one would bother to use the thing. That was one of the problems with Big Guns in Fallout 1 and 2, the minigun weighed 28, and since it spewed out 40 bullets in one burst you needed to carry around a thousand bullets for the thing.
Isn't unlikely to have descriptions for weapon mods. But looks like everything else (well, at least weapons.. that's what we can see in the video) doesn't have a description, again.

Hooray for console interfaces.
Looked like the GMG was firing through the super mutant or something.

Also looks like they changed the fov as you can see more of the minigun than usual.
I think it looks awesome. I think you can really tell that some of the developers worked on the original games. It just breathes the same kind of atmosphere as the originals. As a dedicated fan of Fallout and Fallout 2 I am now really tempted to purchase this real successor to the series.


Oh man...
Ausir said:
Yup, it's an old build. In the new build, the super mutants are green.
Sweetastic. I like that the old muties are returning, and you can hopefully talk to more than just two (I'm looking at you, Fallout 1 and 3).

You think IGN is going to have some more stuff on FNV tomorrow or at least this week? They did say stay tuned.
The GMG is absolutely stunning, definitely on par with the Fallout Tactics lore. Hell, that badboy may even outshine ALL of Fo2+3's heavy arsenal. This 'solar laser' also looks like it'll dish out some damage, just beautiful.. NV is an instant-buy for me.
Lol, I read about this on Obsidian's website, went to check it out. The result was: lolwut?R#?$?#$#?%R?@$??

That was seriously about 10 seconds, the advertisement was longer...
Astiaks said:
God...the graphics look terrible!
What are you, a graphics whore? Fuck, everybody but FPS communities (console or PC) hate graphics whores. Don't be a graphics whore, Jimmy.
OakTable said:
Astiaks said:
God...the graphics look terrible!
What are you, a graphics whore? Fuck, everybody but FPS communities (console or PC) hate graphics whores. Don't be a graphics whore, Jimmy.

Or we will hurt you.

*Grips Board with nail in it*