Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

Jet1337 said:
Is there a WMP link? I'm not watching that shit in fucking Quicktime.
Isn't the video Flash?

While the game play is questionable, I'm going to reserve most of my judgment until a longer video is released, one without an annoying voice over throughout the entire length. It looks like Fallout 3, as we all knew it would, but, to me anyway, it does seem to be a bit of improvement. Although, I haven't played Fallout 3 in quite a while.

On a side note, I was playing Fallout 2 today. It made me sad. Oh, what could have been...
Meh. They did what they could, I'll give them that. I'm sure even the developers realize Beth's stuff is outdated. It would take quite a lot to completely fix it.
"Fallout : New Vegas - It's just like Fallout 3, only totally new." (narrator in the first seconds of the vid)

"Coke New - It's just like regular Coke, only totally new."

'Cause, you know: why change a winning formula?

And space based solar weapons, w00t, it's Fallout all over, innit?


No good will come of this.
Tagaziel said:
MrBumble said:
Looks horrible...

Hoped I'd get a Fallout 1, 2, vibe from the Nevada setting...didn't happen.

Not exactly a surprise though.

And you can tell that from a 50 second montage...

Jesus. Stop being a tool.

Well, those 50 seconds look exactly like all the screenshots that have been released so far...I hoped that it'd look better in motion. It does not.
MrBumble said:
Tagaziel said:
MrBumble said:
Looks horrible...

Hoped I'd get a Fallout 1, 2, vibe from the Nevada setting...didn't happen.

Not exactly a surprise though.

And you can tell that from a 50 second montage...

Jesus. Stop being a tool.

Well, those 50 seconds look exactly like all the screenshots that have been released so far...I hoped that it'd look better in motion. It does not.

Not really. You're blind.
Maybe I am...because honnestly, what I see is Fallout 3 in a desert setting.

Sure, it does not look like a giant junkyard anymore and that's a good thing.

But it's not really a whole different beast either...

I mean, check out the Goodsprings right at the beginning of the video.

Does not mean that it won't play well and won't be an enjoyable rpg. Just that the design does not scream old school Fallout...
sampson70 said:
Oerjeke said:
The minigun seems actulally pretty powerful this time. Not the coolest gameplay video but then again, it's only gunplay. It's a pity that none of the sound is hearable due to the loud narration. Wonder if the SM voices will be the same as in F3 :/
if u listen really carefully he's voice sounds really different. :clap:

Nah it's the same voice that every SM had in Fallout 3
I've decided not to get cynical due to a poorly informative gunplay video :D
We'll just wait and see.
Well, what did you guys expected? The Fallout 3 look is gone now? It should have been clear from the beginning, that this will not happen, regardless of who is developing the game or where the setting is placed. And the screenshots proved that already long time before.

I can't really understand the whining about this now...

The only thing we can hope for is a more complex rpg mechanic and a better story with better characters and dialogues. That's all.
Lexx said:
Well, what did you guys expected? The Fallout 3 look is gone now? It should have been clear from the beginning, that this will not happen, regardless of who is developing the game or where the setting is placed. And the screenshots proved that already long time before.

I can't really understand the whining about this now...

The only thing we can hope for is a more complex rpg mechanic and a better story with better characters and dialogues. That's all.
What Lexx said. Dunno why all now have to bash it for the sake of bashing. Yeah yeah. Fallout 3 = FINO. We know it by now. Even I admit that its geting tedious.

No one can really complain. Everyone knew from the begining that Vegas will look almost exactly like Fallout 3 and probably gameplay will be also very similar. As said only thing one can hope for is better writting. And more roleplaying with dialogues.
13pm said:
that orbital laser thing looks even more ridiculous ingame than sounded in previews :(

And that nightkin with the two-handed sword looks like he came straight from some fantasy game.

Still, I liked some things.

That's just a really long really shiny pipe - if you watch the youtube version you can see it a lot better.
More of the same in look, not a surprise. It's going to be the story that will hopefully be a vast improvement.
By the way.

MrBumble said:
I mean, check out the Goodsprings right at the beginning of the video.

In the video, Goodsprings looks much bigger than every other generic Fallout 3 locations, which is a good thing, imo. No "three-house-towns" anymore? Let's hope.
Aaaaand two games to be played in god mode for a slightly above average story released in the same year by Obsidian...

Looks like they're going down sooner than later.
are mutants place holders from F3?
I mean normal F3 mutants were goin to be replaced with green new ones right?
If this is what we get i'm a bit disappointed...

And also no pc controls optimization right?

we need to use a 360 controller again or try to reconfigure the horrible default keys... :|