Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

Ausir said:
MKSaibot said:
Yea and IGN has been going down hill with presentation's & game video's I think too. Ive been checking out gamespot more then IGN latley, there video review's on games are a lot better as well.

IGN and Gamespot? It's like Scylla and Charybdis.

Gamespot has nice image galleries, at least for the less ancient games.
Ausir said:
We're not the target of this IGN video. The IGN readers are.
Unfortunately, it's not a good video for IGN readers. The best way to sell NV is to show that it's got new content. The NV wasteland isn't that much different from the capital wasteland. They shouldn't have let IGN release this footage.

This is a tough (but not impossible) sell. It's like selling Vice City. They need to show new content and establish a different theme.
Dionysus said:
It's like selling Vice City.
Despite the retarded control system and other standard GTA crap....Vice City was by far the best game in the franchise.
It's entirely possible that NV will be like Vice City....horrible animations, even worse controls, utterly outdated engine.....brilliant gameplay in a stylish, well though out setting.

Fallout 3 was a spawn of evil but there is a good chance that obsi will pull Fallout franchise out of Bethesda's demonic fucking ass and make NV, at the very least, an enjoyable game.
Unfortunately, it's not a good video for IGN readers. The best way to sell NV is to show that it's got new content. The NV wasteland isn't that much different from the capital wasteland. They shouldn't have let IGN release this footage.

Actually, judging from comments, many IGN readers would love to see more of the same they loved in Fallout 3.
Dionysus said:
Ausir said:
We're not the target of this IGN video. The IGN readers are.
Unfortunately, it's not a good video for IGN readers. The best way to sell NV is to show that it's got new content. The NV wasteland isn't that much different from the capital wasteland. They shouldn't have let IGN release this footage.

This is a tough (but not impossible) sell. It's like selling Vice City. They need to show new content and establish a different theme.
i disagree ,so if fo2 looked just like fo1 you wouldn't buy it ? i doubt it!
Tagaziel said:
MrBumble said:
Looks horrible...

Hoped I'd get a Fallout 1, 2, vibe from the Nevada setting...didn't happen.

Not exactly a surprise though.

And you can tell that from a 50 second montage...

Jesus. Stop being a tool.

So you're saying that you could make a 50-second montage of Tarkovsky's Stalker show pretty much the same movie like a 50-second preview of Max Payne, right?

Maybe you're the person who needs to experience the whole work, read a few reviews and then get an opinion from their friends to actually have an opinion of their own, that's okay. Others, biased as it may be, can draw conclusions even from a 50-second montage. Granted those conclusions aren't always right, but the more experience you get, the better you can dissect the montage.

Even a careful analysis of the user interface, the pacing of character animation and combat gameplay, bits and pieces of dialogue can give a lot of insight into the final work, what the developers want you to see and how they want you to percieve it.

Having that said, cool shit is abundant. We can see the game is made to gather the attention of kids and casual gamers who like cool but stupid shit. The voice acting looks just as bad as it did in F3, but I have a hunch the writing will be better.
archont said:
So you're saying that you could make a 50-second montage of Tarkovsky's Stalker show pretty much the same movie like a 50-second preview of Max Payne, right?

Maybe you're the person who needs to experience the whole work, read a few reviews and then get an opinion from their friends to actually have an opinion of their own, that's okay. Others, biased as it may be, can draw conclusions even from a 50-second montage. Granted those conclusions aren't always right, but the more experience you get, the better you can dissect the montage.

Even a careful analysis of the user interface, the pacing of character animation and combat gameplay, bits and pieces of dialogue can give a lot of insight into the final work, what the developers want you to see and how they want you to percieve it.

Having that said, cool shit is abundant. We can see the game is made to gather the attention of kids and casual gamers who like cool but stupid shit. The voice acting looks just as bad as it did in F3, but I have a hunch the writing will be better.

You do realize the video is from an old, outdated version with placeholder mutants and dialogue, right?
We don't know if the bits of dialogue are placeholder. :>

I am tensed to see more. Someone knows when the real deal comes? If they release a preview, it shouldn't take so long until the 'real' thing, shouldn't it?
Lexx said:
We don't know if the bits of dialogue are placeholder. :>

I am tensed to see more. Someone knows when the real deal comes? If they release a preview, it shouldn't take so long until the 'real' thing, shouldn't it?

They'll probably release the 'real' thing at E3.
Only a week till E3. What day is Bethesda going to present their games? I can't wait to see more of New Vegas.
OakTable said:
Only a week till E3. What day is Bethesda going to present their games? I can't wait to see more of New Vegas.

They're probably doing the same thing they did in 2008, at the Microsoft conference. At least I hope they do.
Tagaziel said:
archont said:
So you're saying that you could make a 50-second montage of Tarkovsky's Stalker show pretty much the same movie like a 50-second preview of Max Payne, right?

Maybe you're the person who needs to experience the whole work, read a few reviews and then get an opinion from their friends to actually have an opinion of their own, that's okay. Others, biased as it may be, can draw conclusions even from a 50-second montage. Granted those conclusions aren't always right, but the more experience you get, the better you can dissect the montage.

Even a careful analysis of the user interface, the pacing of character animation and combat gameplay, bits and pieces of dialogue can give a lot of insight into the final work, what the developers want you to see and how they want you to percieve it.

Having that said, cool shit is abundant. We can see the game is made to gather the attention of kids and casual gamers who like cool but stupid shit. The voice acting looks just as bad as it did in F3, but I have a hunch the writing will be better.

You do realize the video is from an old, outdated version with placeholder mutants and dialogue, right?

Not to mention the preview itself was put together by IGN.
Bimmy said:
And also no pc controls optimization right?

we need to use a 360 controller again or try to reconfigure the horrible default keys... :|

I actually bought a 360 controller for my PC back when I got F3. Fail! I couldn't get the stupid thing to even be recognized, but on the bright side, my keyboard continued to work. (Apparently this is one of the fun side effects of using the 360 controller with its undocumented extra-high power drain...)

Anyway, that's how frustrated I was with the keyboard controls--I bought a 360 controller that I did not want or need. For about the same money, I could have just got the 360 version, but why would I do that? I mean, it's Fallout, it's a PC game. Right? Right? Why is everybody staring?
We're a little behind on news. They've announced that the end is definitive (no continuing after the last mission) and there was a German magazine preview that came out. Vault wiki's had them up for a few days now. You news guys are slow.
Again with the "definitive" ending?

Did they not learn with Fallout 3?

People like being able to meander aimlessly after the climax!

Of course, if they sell us the pack to remove the ending, I will be freaking pissed.