Fallout: New Vegas Gamestar DE preview


Lexx has been kind enough to provide us with scans and a summary of the German Gamestar preview of Fallout: New Vegas:<blockquote>One of our users at FalloutNow! provided us with new New Vegas stuff.

In the comming up GameStar is a new 8 pages big New Vegas preview with some new images and a lot new information:



New information (many spoilers!):
- Vault 21 is an underground vault and lies under New Vegas.
- The NCR has lost contact to the west and is demoralized and underequipped due to the war with Caesar's Legion.
- Caesar's Legion dominates New Vegas.
- The NCR was fighting hard against the Brotherhood of Steel for Hoover Dam. The NCR has won this battle, barely.
- The NCR troops at McCarren Airport lost the contact to Hoover Dam as well.
- The main task of the courier has been to deliver a package to Primm. Then he got ambushed...
- The small and big weapons skills are merged into one weapon skill.
- Every weapon that made some asplozions before (like the rocket launcher or FatMan), are now in the skill category Explosives.
- Repcon, a former rocket factory, is supposedly inhabited by ghouls. As of late, explosions can be heard from there all the time.
- Craig Boon, one of the possible companions, will attack the player, if he sides with the Caesar's Legion.
- The orbital laser Archimedes 2 can only be used once a day.
- New monster: Cacadores, they look like bloatflies with shiny / colourful wings.
- Something like Bobbleheads will be in New Vegas as well and it will boost players stats. What it will be exactly isn't known yet.</blockquote>

Thanks Lexx!
Really? I think it is a good idea, as in Fallout 3 I wouldn't spend a bunch of points on big guns just so I could have fun with the Gatling lazer, which in my opinion was the only real fun big gun.
Splitting the explosion making weapons into the Explosives skill sounds strange from a "reality standpoint". But from a rebalancing perspective it could be good, boosting Explosives usefulness a bit.

Hopefully there will be some rebalancing done so that the new Firearms skill (small and big weapons combined) won't be overpowered.

I'm glad they're screwing around with the system.

EDIT: Disappointing news with the bobblehead-like collectibles. Oh well.
The Gatling Laser is an energy weapon in the Fallout games. As an energy weapons enthusiast I'm still bitter about that change in Fallout 3.

Consolidating skills further simply isn't a good idea. Doctor and First Aid I could vaugely live with. Making Traps and Throwing into explosives (and then removing non grenade throwing weapons) wasn't a good plan.

From whats been said here, some Big Guns are going into Small guns (making the normal most flexible combat skill even better) while others are being added to Explosives. These are both skills vital for more stealthy characters (small quiet guns are what those folks use, disarming things like mines is also important for that character.)

Fallouts best stealth characters are now hugely skilled with miniguns and rocket launchers. Seem sensible NiRv4n4?
sarfa said:
The Gatling Laser is an energy weapon in the Fallout games. As an energy weapons enthusiast I'm still bitter about that change in Fallout 3.

Consolidating skills further simply isn't a good idea. Doctor and First Aid I could vaugely live with. Making Traps and Throwing into explosives (and then removing non grenade throwing weapons) wasn't a good plan.

From whats been said here, some Big Guns are going into Small guns (making the normal most flexible combat skill even better) while others are being added to Explosives. These are both skills vital for more stealthy characters (small quiet guns are what those folks use, disarming things like mines is also important for that character.)

Fallouts best stealth characters are now hugely skilled with miniguns and rocket launchers. Seem sensible NiRv4n4?

Rocket launchers are now under explosives, and miniguns/flamethrowers make your character move slower and have longer reload times; both of which a stealth character needs the opposite of.
"- The small and big weapons skills are merged into one weapon "

At this rate they`ll remove all skills and make Fallout a generic PA shooter..sad.
Keep in mind, Sawyer wanted to change the skills in Van Buren as well. There, even all three weapon skills (small, big and energy) have been merged into "Firearms".
I welcome the merging to be honest. It pissed me off to not be able to use Big Guns in FO1/2 anyway, as most of the BG weapons were "later game".
Lexx said:
Keep in mind, Sawyer wanted to change the skills in Van Buren as well. There, even all three weapon skills (small, big and energy) have been merged into "Firearms".

He also wanted to split speech into diplomacy and decieve- but I doubt we'll see that in New Vegas. Sawyers skill changes seemed to be based on downplaying combat as a mechanic in favour of more interesting solutions (so having laser rifles and miniguns come off the same skill, where lying and persuading don't makes sense for that purpose). Thats not a design decision we're going to see in New Vegas- Bethesda would throw a fit.

For big guns resulting in slower movement- only when equiped. For movement speed, your weapon is unequiped in Fallout 3 when you need to move quickly anyway, as all weapons reduce speed. You draw the weapon when you're ready to fire. Unless they change this, stealth characters are going to find that minigun sneak attacks are highly effective. For reload speeds- by the time you're reloading the enemy know your there, so behind cover as always.
For reload speeds- by the time you're reloading the enemy know your there, so behind cover as always.

Reload speed in Fallout 3 is marginal. Open your pipboy and the game freezes. Deactivate the weapon in your hands and activate it again. Close pipboy and the gun is fully loaded again.
Underserved. German word: Unterversorgt. They lack needed stuff to win the war against Caesar's Legion. Also their moral is down.

In fact, the NCR in New Vegas is pretty much like the NCR in Van Buren.
Lexx said:
Underserved. German word: Unterversorgt. They lack needed stuff to win the war against Caesar's Legion. Also their moral is down.

In fact, the NCR in New Vegas is pretty much like the NCR in Van Buren.

Or rather post-Van Buren. Looks like the Prisoner did not negotiate a peace between NCR and the Brotherhood. :D
Hope, Governor Dodge didn't died "back then", because I somehow find him sympathic. :>
I liked the end screen for VB, BoS soldiers bursting into Dodge's office moments after he commited suicide, lying in a pool of his own blood on the desk.
That's exactly what I find very tragic. Poor Dodge, everything he worked on is destroyed. Heh.
So... boxing gloves that have the power to kill Super Mutants? :roll:

I don't mind the skill change, but one must remember this isn't the same type of Fallout game.