Fallout: New Vegas Gamestar DE preview

I can't point to any mini-game that I've ever encountered that I thought was well-implemented and added to the gameplay.

The only possible exception that I can think of may be Anachronox.
I thought that the lockpick minigame in FO3 was OK. Didn't like the hacking one, though.
There's way more bad minigames than good ones out there. It's telling that BioShock 2 "improved" BioShock's hacking minigame essentially by removing it and replacing it with something shorter and simpler. And that's how minigames should be if we really need to have them, short, simple, unintrusive.
I don't mind the lockpicking minigame as well, but only because it wasn't that annoying. But if I could, I would throw it out.

The hacking minigame was a pain in the arse. You try two times, then close the computer and open it again, to try again and again... this is more a waste of time than anything else.

Gamble minigames in New Vegas are okay to me, as these are more or less "real" games in the game. And not a pseudo mechanic to check the players skill instead of the characters, for opening locks or getting informations about something.
Thing I didn't get with the lockpick minigame was how was I unlocking those big electronic doors which didn't have a conventional lock?
I also generally like the idea of having minigames, *if* they are related to stuff like gambling. I liked Dice Poker in the Witcher for example, though the AI was rather strange.
And we know that Luck will play a big part in the gambling.

I didn't mind the lockpicking minigame much. As far as minigames go, I thought it felt pretty good to use and was fairly non-obtrusive. The hacking one was just annoying. It would feel a bit more exciting if time wasn't paused when doing them though.
Judging by the options in those pics, it doesn't look like they are minigames. They seem more like full fledged simulations of what you would do in real life, ie. choosing to withdraw, place another bet, request another card, collect your earnings, etc.

And I don't like the merging of skills, even if it's not as bad as merging throwing and explosives. And i find the loss of communications with da west to be TOO convenient storywise. But I do have faith in these Obsidian peoples, so we'll just have to wait and see how the whole package holds.
UncannyGarlic said:
Looks like Obsidian has minigame-itus. They better not bring back the gambling skill if they are going to actually let you play the game, that would be annoying and stupid. Honestly I prefer the way Fallout did it where it was abstracted as it makes it less of a distraction, completely skill based, and slightly faster.

What is wrong with playing an actual casino game? Or are you just looking for something to moan about?
Judging by the options in those pics, it doesn't look like they are minigames. They seem more like full fledged simulations of what you would do in real life, ie. choosing to withdraw, place another bet, request another card, collect your earnings, etc.

Well, that is what's called a minigame a smaller game within a larger one.
I have no problem with minigames like this, and will probably have a lot of fun with them. I hate minigames like the hacking in FO3 though, because they feel so out of place and, like a lot of others say, check player skill more than character skill.

I know a lot of people hated Pazaak in KOTOR1/2, but I enjoyed the shit out of it. good way to earn extra money and something fun to do when you want a short break from the usual gameplay. I can imagine spending several hours on gambling in F:NV.

and as for the merging of skills - in this case I think it's awesome. countless times I've been annoyed by the fact that my character, who is an expert in small arms, can't handle a larger weapon for the life of him whenever some heavier firepower is needed. it wasn't as much of a problem in FO3, but in the previous games where specialization mattered more it was kinda frustrating.
Lexx said:
I don't mind the lockpicking minigame as well, but only because it wasn't that annoying. But if I could, I would throw it out.

The hacking minigame was a pain in the arse. You try two times, then close the computer and open it again, to try again and again... this is more a waste of time than anything else.

Gamble minigames in New Vegas are okay to me, as these are more or less "real" games in the game. And not a pseudo mechanic to check the players skill instead of the characters, for opening locks or getting informations about something.
Yes thats actualy the only way I like it. Playing for example real poker would be cool. With your luck stats having some impact on the game. Also watching a roulete ball moving and other similar things.

But I am curious how much of "minigame" they want to make. I mean what kind of game do you want to make with a gambling machine ? You just pull the lever, and well it should show you the result.
I really don't view gambling as a mini-game as it's separate from the general gameplay, doesn't interrupt the flow of events, and is almost always optional.

Gambling games are perfectly fine, provided you're not required to do them in the middle of combat or something.

The darts/bowling/pool in GTA4 was also fine in that it didn't interfere with anything else and was optional. The games themselves were stupidly tedious, but that's another issue.
The Roman theme is, one would assume, a play with the Caesars Palace hotel in Las Vegas.
I don't mind big and small guns being put together. I do like the once screen showing what appears to be the Leather Jacket.
I find it ironic that we Glittering Gems of Hatred have had a pretty mild reaction to the merging of Big Weapons into Small and Explosives while the thread on the BethSoft forums had a bit of a flamewar in it. I am ok with it. It makes Explosives actually useful, and besides they already gave us a brand new skill.

A bit off-topic, but anyone know when that Community Q&A for New Vegas is going to get answered?
It's partly because we had this flamewar already in 2003 or so, when Josh merged the skills for Van Buren.
I have to say that merging Small and Big Arms together is a good move, IMO, as long as there are strength requirements for weapons and/or the larger guns are too heavy for a character with low strength to carry around.

Also, merging Throw and Explosives is another good move. Both Explosives and Throw were always limited skills and it'll be a much better investment with both together, especially with rocket launchers (and maybe flamethrowers?) also being governed by it. There should be strength limitations for those sorts of weapons also though (no 2 strength characters hoisting and firing rocket launchers effectively). Although, it would seem that eliminates non-explosive throwing weapons, which is a bit of a minus... unless those are simply governed by melee maybe? I often liked supplementing my melee characters with Throw to give them some range (throwing knives, spears, etc.) and extra firepower (with grenades) when needed.