Fallout: New Vegas Gamestar DE preview

Maybe throwing weapons could get more efficiency from explosives and melee weapons skills at the same time?
Given the reintroduction of Damage Threshold, Guns skill weapons will probably generally have higher DPS but lower DAM, while Explosives will have lower DPS but higher DAM. Energy weapons might be on average stronger than either of them, but will be harder to get and to repair.
I would assume that the item for the stat increases would be the platinum chip. That would explain why it is in the special edition box.
Note that there are 7 chips from 7 casinos, just like there are 7 SPECIAL stats in the collector's edition.
Ausir said:
Given the reintroduction of Damage Threshold, Guns skill weapons will probably generally have higher DPS but lower DAM, while Explosives will have lower DPS but higher DAM. Energy weapons might be on average stronger than either of them, but will be harder to get and to repair.

That sounds quite awesome, and I must really say that I believe these changes can only be beneficial for the game in the long run...

... and as for people who find it too "difficult" to work with these "limitations"... well, I'm sure the modders will "fix" the "problems" for them.
Yes, I must say this, along with the recent info that strength requirements are back in a way and that skill points won't be handed out like free candy, is pretty fucking awesome.

Oh and Fallout 3's mods are horrible. Unlike Oblivion (Ironically), Fallout 3 gets LESS quest mods, more house, guns, and armor mods, and more porn mods. Not to mention the horrible shotacon mod I saw on 4chan...
OakTable said:
Oh and Fallout 3's mods are horrible. Unlike Oblivion (Ironically), Fallout 3 gets LESS quest mods, more house, guns, and armor mods, and more porn mods. Not to mention the horrible shotacon mod I saw on 4chan...

What? Roaming the wastes as a nude japanese schoolgirl with a raging boner does wonders for the immershun! :lol:

Bobbleheads -> Chips seems pretty obvious... too obvious?

Casino minigames? A surefire hit with the console tards, at least the Fable II promo shit was. It can't be as intrusive as lockpicking/hacking though, unless there will be quests involving spending all your caps on blackjack.
Bengt said:
Casino minigames? A surefire hit with the console tards, at least the Fable II promo shit was. It can't be as intrusive as lockpicking/hacking though, unless there will be quests involving spending all your caps on blackjack.

They're fully fledged casino games simulations.
If they're anything like how Blackjack and Poker are played in Red Dead Redemption I'm absolutely fine with Gambling making a comeback like this.