Fallout: New Vegas Gamestar DE preview

I'm pretty sure poker chips from each of the 7 casinos will be the bobblehead equivalent.
s. Many speculated as much when the chips were mentioned. It fits, it'll probably work that way, it's possibly even dumber than the bobble heads were.
Tagaziel said:
- Vault 21 is an underground vault and lies under New Vegas.

There are vaults that aren't?

- The NCR has lost contact to the west and is demoralized and underequipped due to the war with Caesar's Legion.

This reminds me too much of "the BoS has lost contact to the west and is demoralized and underequipped due to the war with supermutants" in FO3. >__<
Yep, there seems to be many adaptations from VB... Which in my opinion seems to be good thing if right people are doing it.

Offtopic: those ending photos of VB? Anyone?
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Tagaziel said:
- Vault 21 is an underground vault and lies under New Vegas.

There are vaults that aren't?

Vaults, which are build into a mountain and vaults which are build in the earth under your feets. So Vault 21 is not the big fat ass thing we saw in the teaser trailer, because the preview states that there is a small shack, with a big "Vault 21" sign. This is the casino... but it's not the shack, its _under_ the shack.
I'm cool with Small Guns and Big Guns now being Firearms.

I'm sure they'll turn the Gatling Laser back into an energy weapon. In F3 they made it a Big Gun simply cause there were not enough big guns, and the gatling laser was undeniably... big. But now that the skills are Firearms and Energy Weapons, it is about the mechanics of the type of weapon, not its size.

The funny thing is that screenshots have showm there being more Big Guns variety (various types of machine gun, like in Fallout 2 and Tactics, rather than just miniguns), so if they had kept Big Guns skill it would not have been useless. But it's still not a bad choice.

Would be interesting if they brought back strength requirements. THAT should be the deciding factor about whether you are good with a heavy machine gun or flamethrower. Kinda silly having a Strength 4 character mowing people down with a minigun without power armour.

I wasn't keen on Van Buren's idea of having Energy Weapons in the same category as Small Guns and Big Guns. They wanted to do that to solve the problem of energy weapons and big guns not having enough variety and not enough opportunities to use the skill. But it is hard to imagine someone's knowledge of laser beams and plasma physics increasing proportionally at exactly the same rate as their knowledge of assault rifles and ballistics.

You could argue that the weapon skill is simply used for aiming the weapon - you can point a laser pistol as easily as you can point a regular pistol. But I recall the classic description for energy weapons skill was "The care and feeding of energy based weapons," so clearly there's more to it than simply point towards enemy and pull trigger. Need to able to callibrate settings or something.

Hopefully, they've done a good job of increasing the variety of energy weapons, and making lasers less piss-weak, thus making energy skill a worthwhile investment. They've brought back the classic P94 plasma rifle, as a "plasma caster" (makes sense, the thing looked like a hip-fire big gun, not a rifle, though Tactics made it look more rifle-like). That bodes well. Here's hoping for Wattz 2000 style laser sniper rifles.

Woah, Double-Barreled shotgun :)

Ok so the only thing's I am slightly concerned about is . . .

Small Guns & Big Gun's combined, I believe strength govern's how well you do with big gun's in the game and does not apply to small guns. Therefore, its your stats that decide how well you are with a big gun or small gun I would think anyway as we do not know anything about stats other then strength I believe. Small guns & Big guns being combined makes more sense just period, if your good in real life with a pistol & a rifle but do not have the strength to man handle & be efficent with a big gun (mini gun etc) it won't be useful to you.

With that said for people who want to be evenly balanced with small guns & big gun's they are able to do that & have room for two other skills. Far as stealthy character's using big gun's, you could do that in Fallout 3 that is nothing new. In Fallout 3 you could practicly max out all skills and raise stats to a good amount, so small guns & big gun's being combined is nothing that will make the game worse then Fallout 3 in that respect.

Yea so other then that . . .

- Caesar's Legion dominates New Vegas.

I do believe reading Mr. House & his robots and factions controled New Vegas but I guess its changed to Caesar's Legion in control.

Im being sarcastic of course, that obviously means they have the most control over the game (Fallout New Vegas) id think anyway or ive gotten confused somewhere.

I hope that one of casinos will have big nasty domesticated Super Mutant boxer, you can fight for some nice prize.
Looks like Obsidian has minigame-itus. They better not bring back the gambling skill if they are going to actually let you play the game, that would be annoying and stupid. Honestly I prefer the way Fallout did it where it was abstracted as it makes it less of a distraction, completely skill based, and slightly faster.

As for the guns skills, having three of them was probably a mistake in the first two Fallouts but in Fallout 3 where it was trivially easy to max out all of your skills, it didn't even matter. I'm guessing that New Vegas will likely also allow you to completely max out your character if they included bobblehead equivalents. Why didn't they just bring back skill books? They allowed players to be alright at certain skills even if they weren't tagged, but not experts at them.
UncannyGarlic said:
Looks like Obsidian has minigame-itus. They better not bring back the gambling skill if they are going to actually let you play the game, that would be annoying and stupid. Honestly I prefer the way Fallout did it where it was abstracted as it makes it less of a distraction, completely skill based, and slightly faster.

Same with having a lockpick skill to be able to play lockpick minigames. Or having a science skill to be able to play annoying hacking minigames. It so makes no sense to me... if my character has the skills to unlock something, I want him to do it...

I hate minigames.

Why didn't they just bring back skill books?

Skill books are back in the game-- but they higher your skills only for a short time.
Remember though that with damage threshold miniguns are going to be DPS machines unable to pierce through heavy armor, and rocket launchers aren't Big Guns anymore so there's still a division of power there.
So do I, but gambling in New Vegas would suck if you just walked up to Black Jack table and clicked "Play Black Jack" 5 seconds later "You won" the end.
Lexx said:
I hate minigames.
As a general rule, so do I, but there are a few exceptions (in JRPGs). My rule with minigames is make them entirely optional and, if rewards are items that scale on performance, make the best reward good but not the best in the game. If it's purely money then make sure that the game is fun. Never make minigames the be-all end-all of a skill (like gambling...).

Lexx said:
Skill books are back in the game-- but they higher your skills only for a short time.
...Wow, that makes a lot of sense. Not sure why they didn't just use tools that have a limited number of uses (they break).
I don't mind an occasional minigame, especially if they represent an actual game, like poker or blackjack.

BTW, I think a gambling skill could still have its uses even within a minigame, e.g. telling you when an opponent is bluffing.