Fallout: New Vegas interview and more fixes


But best title ever!
The guys at DeltaAttack have cooked up a short interview with Tech Producer Jason Fader. Here's a snippet:<blockquote>What was your favorite aspect of working on Fallout: New Vegas?
I had an insane amount of fun doing the temp VO for about 20 characters. None of it made it into the actual game, but it was in our internal builds for a long while to the point where coworkers would ask me to perform certain voices for them.

Oh, another really cool thing about working on a Fallout game is… working on a Fallout game! I’ve played all of the Fallouts and loved them all. To be part of a game in the series is an honor.

What game projects have you worked on besides New Vegas?
I started out in the game industry as QA at Blizzard working on Diablo 2. After a few months, I started programming tools for projects like Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft. I eventually left Blizzard to form my own company, Iocaine Studios, where I was the lead designer on ThreadSpace: Hyperbol. After that I came to Obsidian and worked on the Aliens RPG. After that, I started working on New Vegas.</blockquote>Meanwhile Bethesda Blog brings us some news about forthcoming patches for the game:<blockquote>We wanted to give you guys a heads-up regarding the latest progress on Fallout: New Vegas updates.

We’ve come up with solutions for the Xbox 360 save issue folks are reporting, along with a number of other issues being reported. We’re currently running final testing and certification on a comprehensive patch for all three platforms (PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3), so we’ll have something available in the coming weeks. When we have more details, we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, an incremental update for PC should be going up by early next week that will fix the save corruption issues and problems with companions, as well as improve performance for NVIDIA users and resolve some issues reported with Havok.</blockquote>
Temporary voice over is done early in development. NPCs get a first voice, so you can better check out how a dialogue is working out. Later, the real VO will be done, with the real speaker.
Temporary Voice Over, the one put for NPCs before proper actors could record their lines.
Lexx said:
Temporary voice over is done early in development. NPCs get a first voice, so you can better check out how a dialogue is working out. Later, the real VO will be done, with the real speaker.

And I have reason to suspect that they forgot some temp VO's lines in the game.
Hmm, not to sound too picky, but if the game had temp VO, you would think they would realize they should put a little variation in some of the generic NPC lines that are spoken by different actors.

3 Different actors speaking the same lines verbatum kinda pulled me out of the experience.

"Primm wimped out and accepted NCR rule"

Theres like 40 actors saying the same thing. Whats worse, in my game, I made the powder ganger the sherriff. NCR is not ruling Primm!
mobucks said:
Theres like 40 actors saying the same thing. Whats worse, in my game, I made the powder ganger the sherriff. NCR is not ruling Primm!

You're not stupid so I won't tell you the obvious, that it's a bug. But I did it anyway! Witty, huh?

But seriously, I think that at least part of it goes down to timeframe and budget. Timeframe because you can only dedicate so much time to writing tons of generic lines for generic npcs you're going to ignore for the most part, budget because, the more lines you're going to write, the more you're going to pay those voice actors that are going to read them. Doesn't make it any less annoying though.
General Lee Oliver has the same problem in one sentence. And so have various other characters.

But... in the german version, there is the same problem. Various characters sometimes change their voice for a sentence.

The ED-E glitch from above is strange. Never noticed it while playing, so maybe it's some unpatched game.
Lexx said:
The ED-E glitch from above is strange. Never noticed it while playing, so maybe it's some unpatched game.

The game auto-patches and I still encountered it. Perhaps it's gone by now, but hey, it was there.
Someone should dig inside the game files and see how many things were left over. They might even find the follower that was cut and add him with a mod or something.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines had content that was cut from the game, but fans added in with a patch.

And there were voice files in Mass Effect 2 that were never used in the game. You can find them on YouTube.

Those are just 2 games that come in mind. Who knows how many other games have the same shit. Especially RPGs.
There is some post-game content (mostly scripts for some locations), a couple of unused models (most notably a reflex sight and bayonet for the service rifle) and a few other misc. odds and ends. Generally, there's a lot less cut content in NV than in Fo3. Kinda weird.
gumbarrel said:
Those are just 2 games that come in mind. Who knows how many other games have the same shit. Especially RPGs.


Fallout 2 (thanks beardude)