Fallout: New Vegas Interview Galore


But best title ever!
GameReactor TV has a surprisingly good video interview with Project Director Josh Sawyer:

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UdmqW11hkQY?fs=1&amp;hl=it_IT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
GameFreaks also has an interview with Senior Producer Larry Liberty. Here's a couple of snippets:<blockquote>GF: Is there any connection between the plot and characters of Fallout 3 and this game?

LL: There is minimal connectivity between Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. It certainly takes place in the same world, and progresses the storyline, taking place four years after the events of Fallout 3. But, given the vast geographic distance between DC and New Vegas, it made more sense to have a closer bond to the factions that were introduced in Fallout 1 and 2. There are a couple of story elements that are common to Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but they aren’t obvious and will take a little playing time to discover.


GF: Have there been any graphical improvements made since Fallout 3?

LL: We had to add support for emissive LODs, so you can see neon lights from a distance, and see the “light pollution” that surrounds the greater Vegas region. We also made improvements to the memory management system, which was needed to support our generally larger towns, casinos, and combat areas. As far as lighting and core rendering functionality, it is essentially the same as Fallout 3, but the additions that we’ve made should help make the game feel different and richer.</blockquote>GameSauce published some excerpts of a Josh Sawyer's interview in article-style here. Here's a little weird bit:<blockquote>Also a couple of organizations that were developed for the Van Buren projects will finally see the day of light in New Vegas, including The New California Republic and and Caesar’s Legion. “We’re glad we’re able to flesh that out,” Sawyer admits. “Ultimately, my hope is that people who played the original Van Buren game will be able to get a little bit extra out of it.”</blockquote>To conclude, PC Gamer UK November issue appears to have a preview entirely focused on Hardcore Mode. If you happen to buy it let us know about it.

Thanks to our friends at the Bethesda and Obsidian boards and GameBanshee for noticing this stuff faster than I do.
As nobody except people from the BIS team from back in the days has played Van Buren, I'll guess as good as nobody will get anything extra out of it, eh? :>
generalissimofurioso said:
It's probably just a mistake on the part of the interviewer.

Which is precisely why I record every conversation I ever had.

Well, he also mentions the New California Republic as a faction that has never seen the day of light before New Vegas. :lol:
Was he hit on the head, and sticken with amnesia of the last few years, or is he just that daft as to forget a main faction from one of the best games ever?
Wow the brotherhood is hiding. This should be ineteresting. Also I noticed a enemy called ranger ghost. Maybe a ghoul who was a ranger? I'm looking forward to this even more now.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Well, he also mentions the New California Republic as a faction that has never seen the day of light before New Vegas. :lol:

NCR was in F2 of course, but some more background and its lust for power/resources was supposed to be fleshed out more explicitly in Van Buren. So I'd say it's wrong and right at the same time. Or maybe just not precise enough.
Think those were weapons mods.

Anyway, the next Prima Strategy Guide thing is probably going to be up today.
The article has been updated: now it's just people who "know about" Van Buren who will get all the joy.

“Ultimately, my hope is that people who played the original games and know about Van Buren will be able to get a little bit extra out of it.”
I'm 98% sure that guy ripped on a bowl before he conducted this interview.
Heh, him seemed pretty knowledgeable about the Fallout franchise. I think the V-neck topped it off for me.
They've been making that mistake for months. They mention Fallout 2 all the time but somehow forget the whole Tribal thing and temple of trials.
sea said:
Good interviews, but I still wish that people would stop asking the obvious questions and start asking harder ones instead. I'm getting a little bored of seeing the same bits and pieces of exposition over and over. I want to really know how they solved some of the challenging problems facing the game's development, what steps they've made to reconcile the issues caused by combining RPG mechanics with a shooter, how they have managed to preserve the tone of the series without resorting to cameo appearances by old characters and factions, etc.

Those questions will not be asked of course: it could be bad for the hype. :shrug:
They've been making that mistake for months. They mention Fallout 2 all the time but somehow forget the whole Tribal thing and temple of trials.

But you were the direct decendent of a vault dweller, and you lived in an isolated community, and you set off on your quest wearing a vault suit, and your quest is to seek out a piece of lost vault technology, and you are closely identified with Vault 13.

So yeah, you weren't technically a vault dweller in Fallout 2, but I think we can get the meaning, it's an easy way of saying it.
In New Vegas you aren't from some isolated place and exploring the world for the first time... you are a courier, an experienced traveller of the wasteland, with wastelander equipment and wastelander clothing. Not someone stepping out in into the big wide world for the first time.
x'il said:
sea said:
Good interviews, but I still wish that people would stop asking the obvious questions and start asking harder ones instead. I'm getting a little bored of seeing the same bits and pieces of exposition over and over. I want to really know how they solved some of the challenging problems facing the game's development, what steps they've made to reconcile the issues caused by combining RPG mechanics with a shooter, how they have managed to preserve the tone of the series without resorting to cameo appearances by old characters and factions, etc.

Those questions will not be asked of course: it could be bad for the hype. :shrug:

Thats the "new" generation of RPG players for yeah guys. Shiny graphics and explosions ...