Fallout: New Vegas interviews

The chariot was not actually ever in the design documents and was not going to appear in Van Buren - it was just made up by the concept artist.
Ausir said:
The chariot was not actually ever in the design documents and was not going to appear in Van Buren - it was just made up by the concept artist.
And I don`t deny it. Still it`s VB`s concept art.
I like Caesar's Legion. They're a welcome change from the overdone leather jackets and metal armours we've had for the past what? Four games?
I see nothing wrong in skirts. I even wear them by myself. :smug:
Mistrz said:
Roman stylization was already created for VB. Check out Vault wiki, there is even a post-apo chariot in concept art. So no it wasn`t just organization and nomenclature but roman empire of the wastes from very begining.

Don't quote posts that long in full if that's all you're going to add.

Tagaziel said:
I like Caesar's Legion. They're a welcome change from the overdone leather jackets and metal armours we've had for the past what? Four games?

Awesome. I hope the next game has guys in skin-tight purple catsuits, or furry costumes. It's a welcome change from the overdone leather jackets and metal armours.

Oh wait this isn't how logic works.
Heh, someone once posted this at a thread in the modding forum (also in regard to some unfitting, silly visuals):

So the statement that fallout fans are the most difficult to please is false - people will accept everything, no matter how shitty it is.

Didn't fully believe it until this thread. :( :shrug:
x'il said:
Heh, someone once posted this at a thread in the modding forum (also in regard to some unfitting, silly visuals):

So the statement that fallout fans are the most difficult to please is false - people will accept everything, no matter how shitty it is.

Didn't fully believe it until this thread. :( :shrug:
Are you the ultimate authority on whether this is shit or not?
OakTable said:
Are you the ultimate authority on whether this is shit or not?

Never said that. Just quoting someone else and agreeing with it (to a point, i must clarify though, to avoid falling into broad generalizations, that i don't think all fallout fans will accept everything).
Brother None said:
Mistrz said:
And, as I was explaining in another thread, Roman empire was bigest, longest lasting empire in history. I`m not surprised someone used it as basis for his own organization. Especially in post apocalyptic world - basically reduced to stone age.

Oh yes. Simplified: a slaver organization taking inspiration from an empire like the Roman empire? Great.

Men in skirts? Silly.

It's as simple as that, really.

Ravager said:
If their clothes don't bother you, why CL's does?

Actually, Mad Max 2's clothing style is alright in an 80s fashion statement. It works because of the context. It wouldn't work now.

Come on, Scottish highlanders have been wearing kilts for hundreds of years. Besides the romans were tunics and the cloth that hangs down is part of whole pieces of the garment and not a skirt. If you want its more like a man dress than a skirt. The tunic is one of history's most enduring types of dress. As a matter of fact, considering the relative crudity of the manufacturing base in the Fallout world more simple garments like tunics made out of one piece of cloth and easily manufactured would make a lot more sense than to wear something two hundred years old that is probably falling apart.

And the Roman troops did wear pants, but only in colder climates, they wore only the tunics when they were in southern regions of the empire. They did also wear greaves which protected their legs but not widely until the mid to late empire.

Also as far as Roman Style tactics are concerned Shaka used tactics very similar to the Roman's which basically created a Zulu empire and later those same tactics were used effectively to defeat the British who were armed with guns and artillery.

So if "Caesar" wanted to build an army and wasn't sure how to do it, why not emulate an empire whose tactics are easy to use, emulate, train for; and most importantly can be successful against his opponents.

That being said; I agree that the legion isn't exactly the best choice for the setting...but I can live with it.
Lexx said:
I see nothing wrong in skirts. I even wear them by myself. :smug:
I'd rather wear this than this. :wink:

By the way, where does the "they speak Latin" news come from? Do they actually communicate in Latin or just use some phrases like commands or greetings?
CoconutShell said:
Lexx said:
I see nothing wrong in skirts. I even wear them by myself. :smug:
I'd rather wear this than this. :wink:

By the way, where does the "they speak Latin" news come from? Do they actually communicate in Latin or just use some phrases like commands or greetings?
They have an officer rank called a Decanus, pronounce Caesar more like Kay-zar, and some have Latin names like Vulpes Inculta.
Moester said:
Come on, Scottish highlanders have been wearing kilts for hundreds of years.

Oh awesome. As if the guy with the thick Irish accent wasn't stupid enough, you just gave Bethesda the idea to have kilted warriors in Fallout 4.

Looking forward to it.
OakTable said:
pronounce Caesar more like Kay-zar



Brother None said:
you just gave Bethesda the idea to have kilted warriors in Fallout 4.

You know what would be great in Fallout 4?

Long lost twins, magic powers and a small green alien named Ozmodiar that only the player can see.
As much as the idea of CL may be ridiculous, one must remember, there have been other groups that have mimicked ancient civilizations, Khans anyone? The concept art of the Khans show that they indeed were meant to sport armor similiar to mongol warriors.

And they probably would have sported such armor if they had time to make more unique sprites for them.
This here is one fan that hasn't made up his mind yet.

I'm waiting to see how it's explained in the game. Although I don't see nothing wrong with skirts and tunics in warmer climates.

Also, there better be an option to troll Caesar for wearing a skirt.
Faceless_Stranger said:
As much as the idea of CL may be ridiculous, one must remember, there have been other groups that have mimicked ancient civilizations, Khans anyone? The concept art of the Khans show that they indeed were meant to sport armor similiar to mongol warriors.

But in the end, they didn't, and that's what matters.

Fallout 1 could've easily had a mutated talking racoons town too, it didn't.