Heh, indeed. Beastlords are the animal dudes. Silly shit. I played Tactics the last time many years ago and never really bothered with it from story point of view...
Good point, sirCoconutShell said:If things like zombies, green ogres, an order of haughty knights in shiny armors and monks in robes, or outright fantasy (or "dinosaury" if you prefer) deathclaws could fit in Fallout 1, then I don't see why wasteland version of roman soldiers wouldn't.
Why to hell that chick on the left doesn't look like Cleopatra!?Lexx said:I saw the artwork with Caesar and he really looks like a cartoony version of the real Caesar, which makes me go 'wtf'...
Yeah, I really liked how Reavers were looking (well, maybe except that Samurai type of flag), and actually they were the only "new" thing I liked in Tactics.x'il said:I agree completely about the need for new, interesting factions, but visually there's a huge difference though, it being that the looks of Reavers and Calculator's robots are way more reminiscent of post-apocalyptia than these roman npc larpers...
I bet it was Obsidian.Arden said:Anyway, i wonder whose idea the roman clothing was. Beth or Obsidian what do you think?
Probably was, seeing as a lot of them worked on Van Buren beforehand. We can't just blame Bethesda for everything.Continuum said:I bet it was Obsidian.Arden said:Anyway, i wonder whose idea the roman clothing was. Beth or Obsidian what do you think?
Lexx said:But the Reavers have been the same shit. Hated 'em, damn idiotic animal controllers.
Mistrz said:But this is exactly what we are going to get if new things are bashed only because they do look a bit different.
Reconite said:Probably was, seeing as a lot of them worked on Van Buren beforehand. We can't just blame Bethesda for everything.Continuum said:I bet it was Obsidian.Arden said:Anyway, i wonder whose idea the roman clothing was. Beth or Obsidian what do you think?![]()
Arden said:You wait for Fallout4 guys, we will show you how proper romans are done.
Arden said:Reconite said:Probably was, seeing as a lot of them worked on Van Buren beforehand. We can't just blame Bethesda for everything.Continuum said:I bet it was Obsidian.Arden said:Anyway, i wonder whose idea the roman clothing was. Beth or Obsidian what do you think?![]()
I know CL is from vanburen. I don’t think it’s a stupid idea per se. I meant more the idea that they also wear roman clothing. Somehow I cant get rid of the image that on some design-session between beth and obsidian the guys explain about CL. Then a beth-dude, desperate to make some Contribution, saying: Romans? Cool, they can wear legionnaires-outfits made from junk, and wear red capes, and we could have a coliseum and stuff, you know?
And obsidian goes like: er… we thought more about them connected loosely to some aspects of the roman empire, like slavery, public execution/torture and some nomenclature. Not the whole thing you see?
Eager Beth: Why? Romans wore skirts man, dint you see the asterix movies? But good idea about torture and stuff, we could fill the wastes with crosses and shit! And a chariot-race man, some good ol ben hur. Those sessions really get my creativity going.
Patient Obs: We have to think about population issues here my dear friend. We have a few dozen NPCs walking the wastes. There cant be hundreds of crosses an thousands of fresh corpses hanging around, where do they come from? And no chariot races please, I fear they don’t fit.
Firm Beth: come on man, it’s a game, we don’t have to explain every tiny detail! Rotting, burning, nailed up corpses galore, that’s the stuff a good game is made of! And if they don’t wear skirts, how will people notice they are roman eh? No no, I want this shit in man! All of it and then some more!
Desperate Obs: but that’s not how the legion is supposed to be! Look, some of our dudes spent a lot of time to get it just right. You remember that salesman-guy from postman, building an army and starting to bring back order, but in a kind of twisted way? Or “the book of eli”? Guy wants some background to his rule, some… mandate from history or heaven to rally the people? He did not start burning witches at the stake or dressing up as jesus, did he?
Clueless Beth: what are you blabbering about dude? The salesman was the evil guy! The postman was the good one. The bookgrabber was evil, denzel was good. What is this stuff you are feeding me here? It doesn’t make sense! The romans were your idea, you brought them to the game and I say romans wear skirts! So put the damn skirts in or look for another job dude! That’s an order!
Hopeless Obs: Alright, alright but no chariot races ok? And go easy on the crosses please.
Smug Beth: no, chariots are roman, and lion pens and gladiators! I say, this roman stuff is great.
Calm Obs2: Bethy, the engine wont handle chariots and we are out of time for arena-stuff, please?
Grumbling Beth: Goddamn sissys! If this was developed by us we would have hannibals enclave coming over the rockys with a thousand elephants by now. You wait for Fallout4 guys, we will show you how proper romans are done.
Then again, perhaps i just dont want to accept that there are more people fucking things up like beth does.
Which doesnt make it less silly in my eyes. I dont mind some roman reference. But I think Obsidian at least here went over the top. Particuilarly regarding the visuals.Mistrz said:Roman stylization was already created for VB. Check out Vault wiki, there is even a post-apo chariot in concept art. So no it wasn`t just organization and nomenclature but roman empire of the wastes from very begining.