Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews

actually, it's funny. they're all pretty good review scores and most of the slagging comes from shit that is Bethesda's fault. If Obsidian simply spent their time improving on all the idiotic Bethesda Fallout 3 shit (crappy FPS mechanics, crappy 3rd person, outdated animations/graphics) they wouldn't have made a decent story.

and then there are the idiots whose first Fallout game was Fallout 3 and think that characters like fucking Moira are what Fallout is all about.

can i please be given the power to tear the hearts out of every one of these morons with my teeth?
AtomicSabotage said:
Well it looks like review scores are averaging into the mid to high 80% range.

That's excellent! :D

Except that that is a pretty low score.

Well, not for a sequelspansion like New Vegas I guess. But if you're not scoring in the "MetaCritic 90s" you're anything but great. Any game can score in the 80s.
One thing to remember is that the reviews are for the x360 system. There were apparently many problems with fallout 3 on the 360 as well, but I personally never had such problems on the PC. I think it is acceptable to add 10% to the scores that they are giving here, assuming that the game will run a whole lot better on a beefy computer.

I also think that one can add a significant boost to any score given to the game by a reviewer that feels that Gary is a particularly deep or meaningful character in any respect. To me, Gary is the equivalent of a generic floating text npc from the original- he was certainly not memorable.
Zypher1 said:
One thing to remember is that the reviews are for the x360 system.

No they're not. They're on whatever platform the reviewer prefers. A lot of those will be Xbox 360, maybe by coincidence all of them, but not per definition.

Zypher1 said:
I think it is acceptable to add 10% to the scores that they are giving here.

Not really.

Xbox 360 is the lead console. If they can't even get it to work on that...

But yeah, the game freezes up on the Xbox. Frequently.
Brother None said:
Except that that is a pretty low score.

Well, not for a sequelspansion like New Vegas I guess. But if you're not scoring in the "MetaCritic 90s" you're anything but great. Any game can score in the 80s.

A score of 86+ is pretty rare. There's less than 75 games between PS3/XBOX 360 that have scored higher than that. And when you consider the huge amount of games for both platforms up to this point, an 86+ is a perfectly acceptable score.
AtomicSabotage said:
A score of 86+ is pretty rare. There's less than 75 games between PS3/XBOX 360 that have scored higher than that. And when you consider the huge amount of games for both platforms up to this point, an 86+ is a perfectly acceptable score.

Perfectly acceptable, yes. Very good, no. Don't forget that early reviews always score higher than later reviews, so the score usually goes down in the weeks following release. And let's not forget people here were arguing the Bethesda+Fallout names equaled similar scores to Bethesda products, but it doesn't work that way. Bethesda titles automatically get a low-mid 90s score. This title might end up aiming at mid-80s.
I can't help but think that there's some anti-Obsidian bias with these reviews. Note also how pre-release there were so many mistakes with even major sites saying that FNV was developed by Beth, but now there are criticisms, they bring up Alpha Protocol et al.

If this was a Rockstar game or a new Call of Duty etc etc, with the same amount of flaws - completely different story.
willooi said:
I can't help but think that there's some anti-Obsidian bias with these reviews.

Obsidian releasing buggy games is not bias, it's fact. The bias is in ignoring similar faults in Bethesda releases. Not so much anti-Obsidian as pro-Bethesda.
Brother None said:
they note the game makes the Xbox 360 lock up, a complaint I have heard frequently from people with review copies.

Any news on the stability of the pc version?
PainlessDocM said:
Brother None said:
they note the game makes the Xbox 360 lock up, a complaint I have heard frequently from people with review copies.
Any news on the stability of the pc version?

Oddly enough no one I talked to was getting it on PC.

But looks like our host Atomic Gamer has something to say on this.<blockquote>The PC version of New Vegas is, from a technical standpoint, the best one you can get and it even costs $10 less, but it's got its fair share of problems as well. It's got built-in mod support, higher-resolution textures and better visuals (on a well-enough equipped PC - the system requirements haven't changed much since Fallout 3) and precise mouse-and-keyboard controls that free you up from leaning on the auto-aim found in VATS. It's also got most of the issues and crash bugs that the console versions do, but at least on the PC you have a quicksave key to make saving your progress at any time pretty much instant.</blockquote>
As expected, the reviews are filled with "hurr durr Bethesda's game is better" while pointing out every flaw that they seemed to miss in Fallout 3. It's all nonsense.
Thanks for that info BN

A bit disappointing that the crashes also occur on the pc version hopefully future patches will make the game stable.

Fallout 3 crashes all the time on me anyway. +Better dialogue, +reputation system, +(amount of specifically)content; pretty damn excited.
I am curious to see the metacritic user score after a week or so. The 360 version might be hurting a bit.
Brother None said:
No they're not. They're on whatever platform the reviewer prefers. A lot of those will be Xbox 360, maybe by coincidence all of them, but not per definition.

Sorry, you're right. I went about making my point the wrong way. I meant specifically that the reviewers who were complaining about the crashes on the 360 were the subject of my post.

Brother None said:
Xbox 360 is the lead console. If they can't even get it to work on that...

I see your point. However, I'm trying to illustrate that if a PC gamer is looking to a review that lowers the games score due to instability on the xbox 360 to see if he wishes to purchase it, he might want to consider that these issues might not take place on the PC.

Reading through the reviews currently listed on the main page, I don't see any that refer to technical issues on the PC. For this reason I don't think that PC gamers can rely on the scores given by these reviewers. I would, however be interested to see a review by a fellow PC gamer and some information on whether there are similar problems on that platform.

These are early reviews, and as earlier stated, there are some negatives to making release date review.

EDIT: Thanks for the quote from the PC review, Brother None.