Fallout: New Vegas magazine tread-mill continues

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
No significant new info out there as we're still cycling through the same preview rewritten over and over. Duck and Cover bullet points the UK XBox 360 World magazine preview.<blockquote>* The Hoover Dam is intact and produces electricity
* You can get a portable controller for the laser platform and use it throughout the game
* New Vegas will have different endings, "instead of the single, potentially anachronistic 'man/woman saves the Wasteland' finale."
* New weapon - The "All-American" - a rapid fire Sniper Rifle</blockquote>Scans of the Japanese Famitsu preview have surfaced, no new screenshots, couldn't tell you if there's new info. Check it out via PS University or Gamekyo.

And an anonymous someone dropped in a tip that American gaming mag Game Informer is currently running a non-cover story (gasp) of New Vegas summarizing the info we've seen a few dozen times so far and giving us the same shots we've seen before. If you feel like paying for what's freely available, be sure to pick up the latest issue of GI!
as you mention Japan.

I am curious, will Bethesda force Obsidian to remove all nucular references out of the game to not accidently hurt the japs ?
Latest Edge magazine has an article as well but once again nothing really new.

They do criticise the old engine, bad characterisation and scripting of previous Beth titles though. :wink:
They also focus on old school Fallout gamers who liked the games before Bethesda "invented Fallout" more than other magazines.
After watching a video from PAX where OEI had a presentation on choice (most specifically related to Alpha Protocol), well... I must say I really do hope they bring choice into New Vegas as enthusiastically as well.

I wonder when we'll see new stuff from the game. Stuff like art, developer diaries, whatever... Would be welcome.
Brother None said:
* You can get a portable controller for the laser platform and use it throughout the game
Who needs a Fatman or a Grenade Machine Gun when you got this? :roll:

...Hooray.......... :?
And that's bad.... how exactly? It's propably going to be a high-end reward for tech-minded characters. Not to mention that unlike the Fat Man, the laser cannon is actually rooted in the fiction set up by New Vegas.

Stop whining about every miniscule detail.
I can't imagine where you would like / want to use a portable space cannon. No clue how it will be realized in the game later, but my first expectation is that it might be similar to the space bomb attack from Fallout 3 in that one satellite station.

This brings up my next question: How many fucking space stations are up in the sky and still working after so many years? Seriously... B.O.M.B.001 was cool, but this becomes way too much now.
Yeah BOMB001 would have been nice as a one time super weapon threatening the world, but we don't need to have dozens of armed space satellites in orbit.

I though Helios 1/Archimedes 2's fire power would only be limited to its direct surroundings, not something that can fire at every location on the map.
Lexx said:
I can't imagine where you would like / want to use a portable space cannon. No clue how it will be realized in the game later, but my first expectation is that it might be similar to the space bomb attack from Fallout 3 in that one satellite station.

This brings up my next question: How many fucking space stations are up in the sky and still working after so many years? Seriously... B.O.M.B.001 was cool, but this becomes way too much now.

Apart from orbital decay I can't really think of a reason for there not to be stuff in orbit that's just waiting to be used.
Yeah, but after so many years, without people doing service jobs? Sounds doubtful.
Even outside the plausibility in the Fallout universe, isn't a one time appearance of a super weapon the player can use in Fallout enough?

It shouldn't become a standard in every Fallout game that there needs to be some super weapon the player gets to use to blow up settlements.

Edit: I hope we get some better resolution versions of that McCarran airfield airport soon.
I want to see the place better.
Tremer said:
maybe you can use the laser to write your name in the desert or to draw something

Now that would be nice. A useless space laser and the only thing you can do with it is painting and trying to convince others you can destroy them.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Edit: I hope we get some better resolution versions of that McCarran airfield airport soon.
I want to see the place better.

yeah, same here! it looks pretty damn big! well its an airport, but compared to most locations/settlements found in the capital wasteland it looks pretty huge.
Tagaziel said:
Lexx said:
I can't imagine where you would like / want to use a portable space cannon. No clue how it will be realized in the game later, but my first expectation is that it might be similar to the space bomb attack from Fallout 3 in that one satellite station.

This brings up my next question: How many fucking space stations are up in the sky and still working after so many years? Seriously... B.O.M.B.001 was cool, but this becomes way too much now.

Apart from orbital decay I can't really think of a reason for there not to be stuff in orbit that's just waiting to be used.

I am not sure about this but I think I have read somewhere that satelites and orbital stations would after some time simply fall to earth cause of gravity.
Lynette said:
Tremer said:
maybe you can use the laser to write your name in the desert or to draw something

Now that would be nice. A useless space laser and the only thing you can do with it is painting and trying to convince others you can destroy them.

Lynette, you are such a buzz killer :wink:

i think they will give the laser almost at the end of the game, and they will give you only 1 shoot
Tagaziel said:
And that's bad.... how exactly? It's propably going to be a high-end reward for tech-minded characters. Not to mention that unlike the Fat Man, the laser cannon is actually rooted in the fiction set up by New Vegas.

Stop whining about every miniscule detail.
I wouldn't call a massive laser cannon a minuscule detail.

Anyway, I hope that it will require some high Science stats and whatnot and not just be given to the player to use at any time. It should probably have a cooldown on the use.