Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

There is the M4 Carbine


and Colt Commando


They have usualy curved magazines, but the early versions of the M16 family have been issued to the troops with 20 round magazines which look pretty similar to the image from the game


maximaz said:
Sawyer posts:

...the 10mm pistol is one of the most iconic Fallout weapons. The 10mm Auto caliber was developed in the 80s and Chris Taylor chose it specifically because it was a new/unusual round at the time. Additionally, miniguns are most definitely a post-50s invention. While an M4 carbine certainly has a very contemporary look/materials, it has underpinnings in the AR-15 (M16) and AR-10 families going all the way back to the late 50s. Once the U.S. military finds a good firearm, it tends to keep it around for a long time. It's actually kind of weird to look at the AR-10 and realize that it was developed over 50 years ago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AR-10
Would have been interesting though to eventualy see a bit difference in the design. I dont know, kinda a weapon similar to the M16 in look but still different.

Dunno the real weapon I am missing in the game is the M-14 :cry: !
Aphyosis said:
qJohnnyp said:
Slammy said:
M4s? Doesnt fit with the timeline
if you take it that what doesn't contradict canon becomes canon.
Thats a M16, not a M4.
Ugh... I already explained that in the 1950's, the USA was very much in the mindset that anything weaker than .30-06 was a waste of time. yes, they were investigating intermediates, but all got shut down, and we got stuck with 7.62x51 as the NATO cartridge solely because the USA only wanted to consider a modernized .30-06.

later, they totally changed their attitude and we got stuck with an anemic 5.56x45mm, but anyway, the M4 is very much NOT Fallout at all. the 50's retro-future light weapons are energy weapons, not a Mattel rifle.

Crni Vuk said:
Dunno the real weapon I am missing in the game is the M-14 :cry: !
god, no.

the Fallout universe should not have ANY real life weapons at all, unless MAYBE if they add some oldskool flavor and are rare (Mauser C96 style). the Desert Eagle was a mistake.
Crni Vuk said:
what speaks against the M-14 though O.o
while entering service in the late 50's, it speaks of an era up to the Vietnam war, and is still very common today.

the whole point is to have an alternate future, and you don't get that by using icons that are still seeing very wide use today...
Maybe its just a fun gun to use in a fun game.I personaly enjoy change now and then.I see no reason why i cant enjoy a game regardless of what type of assault rifle i use.
SuAside said:
Crni Vuk said:
what speaks against the M-14 though O.o
while entering service in the late 50's, it speaks of an era up to the Vietnam war, and is still very common today.

the whole point is to have an alternate future, and you don't get that by using icons that are still seeing very wide use today...

Screw alternate future. I like my Fallout to be Mad Max + Blade Runner + THEM! =

And honestly, I think they should phase out the Mad Max and have more Blade Runner.
I strongly dislike the idea of putting M-16 into Fallout. Just compare it with AK-112 that is very clunky and still has a wooden furniture.
The basic rifle animation had wooden furniture, even for the robots.

If a more modern looking rifle would be in Fallout, it would probably be more similar to Combat Shotgun - a black bullpup gun with sleek, menacing shapes. (Maybe a whole set of equipment from just before the energy weapons? Combat Armour, Combat Shotgun, Combat Rifle?)
As an Australian who has never even touched a real-life gun, I'm always surprised at how seriously people can take their guns in games.

I agree that the M4 feels out of place, but apart from that I couldn't be bothered arguing.

Anyway, I'm optimistic about F:NV. I enjoyed Fallout 3, but the writing was so poor and the design philosophy was so juvenile (a giant robot shooting lasers out of it's eyes would be COOOOOOL! Let's do it!) that anytime I'm not actually playing it I find it hard to think of any praise for the game.

I've got high hopes for Obsidian's take on the world after a decade of absence. Already they're showing us that the game is in the right hands... I mean, for one thing they aren't stupid enough to resurrect an organisation that was wiped out in a previous game (eg. Bethesda and the Enclave).

My main hope is that they change the character/skill system so that you can't become a wasteland übermensch. One of the best things about Fallout 1 & 2 is that you could die at any moment if the enemy got a critical hit - I want that sort of risk again every time I enter a firefight.

(Long-time lurker. Hoping to become a useful member of the community in the lead-up to the release of F:NV)
I vote yes!

I understand that in the '50s the weapons of the future were often depicted as ray guns and such, but these weapons couldn't have materialized out of thin air. I'm sure there would've been various lineages of older, antiquated weapons (both real and fictional) lying around that represented the link between the more conventional weapons of the '50s (M-14s, AR-15 and its variants, etc.) all the way up until ray guns were adopted in the "world of tomorrow". To me that interim era stretching from where Fallout's time line diverges from reality until "world of tomorrow" weapons come into play is where the 10mm SMG, Pancor Jackhammer, etc. came from and thus why I don't find AR carbines and the like to be so out of place.
I think the AR-15 is a perfect fit.

Come on it was billed as the Gun of FUTURE! Fantastic Plastic, As Light as a Feather, and never needing to be cleaned, this gun will truly show those Commies what for when they make the move for Berlin and the rest of Democracy loving Western Europe.
i vote fucking hell NO!

TailSwallower said:
As an Australian who has never even touched a real-life gun, I'm always surprised at how seriously people can take their guns in games.

I agree that the M4 feels out of place, but apart from that I couldn't be bothered arguing.
the more you stray from the original, the less likely it is to be just as authentic.

i can easily enjoy games with stupid weapons, but in FO's case, my standards are damn high. eventhough i love a FAL/L1A1 irl, i was very disappointed to see it appear in FO2.

FO1's weapons were unique & diverse. you could easily forgive the Desert Eagle. but since then, we've been on a slippery slope that have brought us CETME/G3s and nuka-pults... :roll:

TheGM said:
I think the AR-15 is a perfect fit.

Come on it was billed as the Gun of FUTURE! Fantastic Plastic, As Light as a Feather, and never needing to be cleaned, this gun will truly show those Commies what for when they make the move for Berlin and the rest of Democracy loving Western Europe.
it's a future where microchips do not exist, vacuum tubes are used, yet they have excellent knowledge of nuclear power...

the AR15 was promoted as the rifle of the future much later, and not in the 1950's, which are relevant for Fallout.
if anything, back then the gun of the future was a Garand, with a magazine and a bigass scope. effectively we'd see M14-like rifles.

but that was DECADES and DECADES before the war. you'd expect them to move on. the 5mm AK-112 make perfect sense to use next to miniguns (except for the name, which is retarded).
Fallout was never ballistics reality – it was ballistic fantasy, with some fairly realistic weapons tossed in the mix. The Pulse rifle is a beautiful thing, and guess what - it’s not real, but who gives a fuck. The gun nuts need to stop and think – does adding tons of new realistic weapons actually enhance the game play any. I would prefer that most of the game was sticks and stones, so when you finally come across a gun, it is a moment of true excitement - (unlike the Fallout 3 Teddy Bear Gun). The more you have - the less you appreciate, and that’s especially true to Fallout and its weapons selection.
.Pixote. said:
Fallout was never ballistics reality – it was ballistic fantasy, with some fairly realistic weapons tossed in the mix. The Pulse rifle is a beautiful thing, and guess what - it’s not real, but who gives a fuck. The gun nuts need to stop and think – does adding tons of new realistic weapons actually enhance the game play any. I would prefer that most of the game was sticks and stones, so when you finally come across a gun, it is a moment of true excitement - (unlike the Fallout 3 Teddy Bear Gun). The more you have - the less you appreciate, and that’s especially true to Fallout and its weapons selection.
You also need to stop and think - does adding tons of unrealistic weapons improve the game in any way?

Also, it's not about scientific reality, it's about the reality of '50s mentality with regard to weapons.