Fallout: New Vegas previews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
No, not from the Vegas showing yet (that'd be damn quick). Hooked Gamers has had a preview up for a while now that reads like a summation piece based on other previews, so not a "real" preview but more a discussion piece based on previews. But I might be wrong. Give it a read regardless.

KansasCity.com has made the Game Informer magazine preview available to us.<blockquote>The two big alterations Hardcore mode employs are a realistic approach to healing and the addition of a hydration meter. This subtle change has a huge effect on how combat plays out.

If you don’t take the time to drink water or eat specific foods on your quest, your character will become dehydrated. Much like “Fallout 3’s” radiation poisoning, the effects of dehydration are tolerable at first, but increase in severity the longer you suffer.

Even before stepping foot outside of the game’s first area, I found myself thinking that “New Vegas” will be a much different game from its predecessor. One look at the world outside of Mitchell’s house confirms this. New Vegas is not a war-torn, post-apocalyptic wasteland. This world suffers more from deterioration. The color palette is warmer. Most of the scenic views offer an inviting golden glow. It’s almost peaceful.</blockquote>
shihonage said:
Most of the scenic views offer an inviting golden glow

Is that an artistic decision or just "bloom" effect? That's the question.

Probably more with color correction. Fallout 3 greened the fuck out of everything, Vegas will be sunny and desert-y
Khan FurSainty said:
“New Vegas” will be a much different game from its predecessor.

It better be! Or even a bigger sh*t will hit the fan and spread around like a chocolate rain.

Curse you, heretic! How dare you compare holy chocolate to shit? :evil:
It'll be interesting to see how the fanbase will react to this game... I'm expecting a similar phenomenon to what happened with NWN2, only multiplied because it's NMA coverage.
Heh. As long as this'll be to Fallout 3 what MotB was to NWN2. Here's hoping.
well even if the area was not struck by many nuclear weapons I still hope we will see some ruined places afterall. LIke the one or other military instalation, city/village ruins and such.

I dont know how its for you others, but I always liked the ruined look of Fallout in its previous games.
I wonder if they took into account when designing the landscape things from the show 'Life After People'. Hundreds of years without the control that man had on that are before the war, could easily change that place pretty good without bombs.