Fallout: New Vegas previews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The first previews of New Vegas are hitting the web, with IGN kicking things off.<blockquote>New Vegas is still an open world role-playing game and the combination of real-time shooting and VATS (a targeting system that pauses the game and allows for a more classically RPG style of combat) has not changed. Newly added is the ability to find and equip weapon mods and specialty ammo, further tweaking and improving an arsenal that already contains twice as many weapons as Fallout 3. If that Grenade Machine Gun isn't good enough, you can always add an extra mod on it to make its rate of fire even faster. Scopes, extra clips, special ammo and more can be found for most weapons, and every change you make to the gun is reflected in its look in the game.

Some additions have been made to the flow of combat as well, making New Vegas a much more flexible and fluid looking experience. During real-time combat, new camera options have been added and the mechanics have been tweaked. You can now aim down the sights like most standard first-person shooters, and the game options can be tweaked to add in the cinematic, slow-mo kill cam previously only available through VATS. If you do bring up VATS, you'll find new options for melee targeting including special moves. No matter your battle preferences, prepare for a similar gore fest to Fallout 3. During the demo I watched as the player took an uppercut swing with a 9 Iron golf club to the face of an enemy. His head flew off in a stream of blood.</blockquote>Kotaku.<blockquote>Specifically, for the serious Fallout fan, New Vegas introduces a Hardcore option from the get-go, allowing them to bypass early tutorials and live a more difficult post-nuclear life. Players opting to go hardcore will have to stave off hunger and dehydration, and will be required to visit doctors for more serious injuries. Hardcore also more harshly limits the amount of ammo one can carry, applying weight to bullets. Stimpacks won't heal instantly, but will heal over time.</blockquote>Escapist Magazine.<blockquote>What sets New Vegas apart from Fallout 3, aside from numerous gameplay tweaks we'll get to shortly, is its tone and setting. Fallout 3 was set in the Washington D.C. area, a part of the United States with a decidedly iconic and perhaps overly dreary tone. As a result, Fallout 3's tone was iconic and kind of dreary - a tone that fit the setting and the look of a devastated U.S. capital quite well.

New Vegas, however, is a different animal. After all, how can the destruction (and rebirth) of Las Vegas be anything but absurd? Las Vegas is the city of sin, where money is made and lost in staggering volume and where people from all over the world come to let loose. It's also located in probably the strangest part of the country, at once part of the stoic desert culture of the Southwest and the kitschy, campy culture of the Great American Interstate society, which is home to monuments like Carhenge and The World's Tallest Thermometer.</blockquote>
It sounds like it's more in the vein of fallout 2 than fallout 1 or 3, which is good IMO because I think Fallout 2 is the best game in the series.
rcorporon said:
The more of this game I see, the less and less I care to play it.
Why not? There's some good details in these previews. They put in iron sights (which Bethesda waited until the last second to work on and ended up not being able to finish), brought back the Doctor Bag, and are refining the suckish combat of FO3 into something that might actually be decent.

Although I hate how these editors aren't that concerned about RPG elements and would rather wank about guns.

Anyway, I read that the Gun Runners are back. Sweet. Only thing holding them back was around 7 Deathclaws.
Well the hardcore option doesn't sound bad. I mean it'd make it more survivalist sure. Still be easy as piss? Probably. I just miss my old Fallout mang....Fallout......MoooooOOOoooon Riverrr.
I wonder if we could send an NMAer to E3? Ya know, get a real previewer in there instead of IGN, Kotaku, or Escapist which are glorified ads.
Yeah, some "constructive" criticism for a game that isn't even finished yet is much better.
NiRv4n4 said:
Yeah, some "constructive" criticism for a game that isn't even finished yet is much better.
Why criticize something when it's set in stone when you can criticize it and maybe get it changed while it's being worked on?
The things that the haters want would take too long for Obsidian to change. They have a deadline. Everything they have shown is great to me. Sucks to be the haters.
OakTable said:
Although I hate how these editors aren't that concerned about RPG elements and would rather wank about guns.

Anyway, I read that the Gun Runners are back. Sweet. Only thing holding them back was around 7 Deathclaws.

Unless they improve the ballistics twentyfold at least, iron sights still don't mean much =P
OakTable said:
Although I hate how these editors aren't that concerned about RPG elements and would rather wank about guns.

yeah, you think they give more attension to the RPG elements, but no to them fallout is a shooter
Fallout 3 was set in the Washington D.C. area, a part of the United States with a decidedly iconic and perhaps overly dreary tone. As a result, Fallout 3's tone was iconic and kind of dreary - a tone that fit the setting and the look of a devastated U.S. capital quite well.

Yes, but was the tone dreary?
Aphyosis said:
Unless they improve the ballistics twentyfold at least, iron sights still don't mean much =P
I've never really understood why people have such a hard-on for iron sights, even less so when they whined that Fallout 3 didn't have it. Does it effect the gameplay in any way? No, but many games make it make you more accurate.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Fallout 3 is an RPG for people who don't like RPG's.
Fallout 3 is an RPG for people who don't like RPGs but love shooters. At one point they were plaguing CS but then the XBox and Halo was released, migrating a good portion of them and integrating like minds. I remember laughing in pain at hearing some young teens talking about how awesome the Railroad Gun was while I was waiting for my girlfriend at a hockey game. It was one of those, "I hate my hobby being associated with those people," moments.

Also, the arena charged way too damn much for a brewski.
In other news:
Escapist Magazine said:
Guns, Guns, Guns

Here's a short list of just the weapons Obsidian showed off in the one-hour demo. There are more in the full game. Way more. Twice as many as in Fallout 3:

9-Iron (Fore!)
Grenade Machine Gun (It is what it sounds like.)
Dynamite (In stick form.)
Trail Carbine (A lever-action, rifle.)
Varmint Gun (A small caliber, semi-auto rifle.)
.357 Cowboy Rifle (A Winchester-style lever action gun.)
Plasma Caster (A Fallout 1 & 2 favorite returns.)
9mm Pistol
Grenade Launcher (Death from afar.)
Single-Shot Shotgun (A powerful new scatter gun.)
Caravan Gun (An over-under short barrel, double scatter gun.)
Dynamite in stick form and single/double barreled shotguns are a great addition. It doesn't make much sense to be able to find higher tech weapons like plasma grenades, military rifles and lazers in a supposedly war-scarred wasteland, while at the same time more common weapons and explosives like dynamite and 12gauge shotguns are extinct.

Now i'm just waiting for the return of the Molotov Coctail.:twisted:

..."You can buy mods at a lot of different places," says Sawyer, "like one of the most prominent groups you'll find in the wasteland are the Gun Runners.

I know it's just nostalgia but, Gun Runners? the original Gun Runners? awesome.
Here's to hoping their gun salesman is a midget again. :drunk:
UncannyGarlic said:
I've never really understood why people have such a hard-on for iron sights, even less so when they whined that Fallout 3 didn't have it. Does it effect the gameplay in any way? No, but many games make it make you more accurate.

Oh, they're not a big thing for me. I don't care either way. I just want decent ballistics and the guns to behave like guns.
The plasma caster is back? Awesome.

rcorporon said:
The more of this game I see, the less and less I care to play it.

Christ, stop angsting or at least start slashing your wrists.
and the game options can be tweaked to add in the cinematic, slow-mo kill cam previously only available through VATS.

I bet everyone in NMA will turn this on. :lol:

an arsenal that already contains twice as many weapons as Fallout 3.

Mmmmmmmmmmh... :| On one hand I think it's stupid (FO3 already had enough weapons), on the other if they manage to differentiate them enough and give the best weapons only to a minority of enemies it could give a bit of extra depth since you can't bring them all around like in FO3. Especially in hardcore mode where weight will be even more of an issue.
Aphyosis said:
UncannyGarlic said:
I've never really understood why people have such a hard-on for iron sights, even less so when they whined that Fallout 3 didn't have it. Does it effect the gameplay in any way? No, but many games make it make you more accurate.

Oh, they're not a big thing for me. I don't care either way. I just want decent ballistics and the guns to behave like guns.
I doubt such things can be really expected in Fallout Vegas. But maybe they will surprise us.

Interesting how so many game devs which model and code weapons for their game never ever tried shooting some and have so few experience with it (ask Sua he will sure tell stories about it ...)

The only time I heard about it was with Vietcong. Some of the devs have been using Aks and M16s I think. And yeah, it didnt feelt that bad in the game at all. It even had colision detection for the weapon in first person which is awesome !