Fallout: New Vegas released in North America

Heh, you guys whine cause you have to wait a few hours ?
I bought the f'ing US Version because I always import my pc games to avoid the usual censorship crap....you know what ? Since I am in europe I can't install it till the 22.
I bought the god damn us version and still am locked till the european release which is just plain stupid since I didn't buy the european version, the version I bought is unlocked on the 19. which was yesterday.

Steam is a glowing pile of feces and will kill pc gaming....which atm is really just a mercy kill.

Oh well, hope you enjoyed playing after waiting those long LONG HOURS, poor american gamers (and before you start clamoring about racism, I LOVE America, i just hate it when you americans whine about these things...you get 99.99999% of all games earlier than all europeans, you get it uncensored (except the occasional titty), you get games cheaper (steam still uses fantasy exchange rates which make the same game a lot more expensive...and so do a lot of other companies, online and offline) and that all is still not enough ?

Don't forget to whine even louder though when europe gets a game 1 day earlier than you which happens about once a year if we are lucky.