Fallout New Vegas RPG

Ok, I chected out Gonzalez's report and it is pretty cool. We have our spot. He says there are some deathclaw, so I think if/when any of us see them, we just go the long way around. Maybe fight some ghouls to get there. Though most of the ghouls will already be dead, we can take out the rest.
Yeah, though unfortunately now I won't be able to find out for myself for another couple of weeks. My 360 red ringed today while the boyfriend was playing it. I'd be freaking out if it weren't for the fact that 2 nights ago he showed me the receipt for the new model 360 that he’s buying me, but it is still going to suck not being able to scout locations for what I need. So I guess I’ll need to browse maps and stuff once we get passed this first bit. Forgive any inaccuracies I may have until I can play the game again.
Guys, you should let the game admin decide when we come across enemies. We are not supposed to find the feral ghouls until we are almost there, we are still away from the base. Next thing we should find if we go in straight line is deathclaws and then we decide if we fight them on not, probably we will try to avoid them if we can.

If you want to propose encounters, post them here, but should leave the story twists to Rave, unless she says differently. Anyway, it's up to her.

As for me I'll try to post later today.
Is there going to be any tension between David and Carib+Mark if they find out he's enclave?

I feel it would be interesting to add.
Yeah, the ghouls are…well, way too early. But I guess it will give (or force) more encounters. Lt is right though boys, leave it to me. I got my plan. And what you find in the game and what is in my head may or may not match up, but this is a story, not the game.
Originally I meant that I could hear them over the far ridge, so that meant we could've had the choice to avoid the ghouls. Plus if tension happens between Carib+Mark against David, i'll back you up David, most likely because of the adventures our group had in the Capital Wasteland.
Well you could find out. But with Carib you may see more neutrality. But you never know. I suppose that comes to trust.
I don't think that Mark would care so much if he finds out that Dave is Enclave, I think he would rather not to find out. However if he does find out he will have problems trusting him, and probably keep an eye on him for the rest of the story. While the fight of the NCR against the Enclave was something he was too young to remember, his ancestors were kidnapped by them.
RavenJeanGraves said:
Oh, I see what he meant now. The Enclave thing. My bad.

Good thing thats sorted. Plus once the team set up camp my character is going to bombard you with inquisition as he saw the dead ghouls from before and wants to know if we were the only people to know about the base, why Yasmin really wants to go there, the burn on her neck, and her origins, I suggest for those questions you supply my character with something believable, he can tell when people are bluffing/lying quiet easily, but it's your character you can do what you want.
If his nose gets too far into her business, she’ll realign it for him. With her fist. I’m sure that’ll be believable enough for him.
Ok, this is not really a turn in the story, but a situation created by how Mark is what he is going trough. Yasmin made a poor choice firing near Dave and thus also a now paranoid NCR veteran with his nerves shattered after a recent traumatic situation.

Now we have a situation to defuse.

The situation is inspired on real life events, back in my time with the army we had something similar happening in our garrison area. One sentry accidentally fired his weapon and another sentry who saw this thought the garrison was under attack, and started firing at where the other sentry was. Luckily no one was hurt, but it goes to how you how thing like this can happen more often than not in real life even.
My dad told me something along the lines of that happened when his regiment were stationed in Iraq, he said no one got hurt, but the sentry who fired off got a bollocking apprently.
I'm kind of confused about the time. Is it noon? Evening? Night?