Fallout New Vegas RPG

Oh well. I plan to have something of a character defining scene with Jacob once the main fight is over. Specifically he's gonna find a fiend that's still alive and engages in some good ol' American enhanced interrogation. Kind of an example about what he does to those who are standing between him and something he wants.
Will you need any actual information on what is happening? Cause if you do, PM me the questions and I'll let you know what these Fiends would know/give up.
I think it would be neat to have Brad be a part of that interrogation. It'd be a character defining moment for him as well. Brad can deal with killing if it's quick, but things such as torture just make him uneasy. It'd be like a good cop/bad cop situation.

Also, when did Raven become a moderator? Did it happen while I was camping? I just noticed it.
That would be some interesting interaction between the two characters. Up until this point I like to think I've portrayed Jacob as a fairly reasonable guy. Though it might be more interesting if Brad walks in on it after Jacob's had a bit of time to work the fiend over, so we can get a reaction from him. :P

And by "worked over" I mean broken some bones. Maybe some plasma burns. Jacob's gonna go nuts on this fiend to get information.
I can see it taking place in my head. And it seems like a hilarious idea.
On the subject of individual "endings", I think some Blood Ties canon is in order (Which major faction won at Hoover Dam, etc.)? But this is something to consider when the RP is over, it can wait.

Catching up on flaws, the superiority complex can be attributed (if not already done so) on the upbringing in Brotherhood society and the sudden influx of emotions Nevest feels as he is interacting with new and different wastelanders who know very little about his former group's ideals or know enough that they oppose them, with both generally resulting in further alienation of Nevest past his social awkwardness. Whereas Veronica wishes to influence Brotherhood practices and therefore lessen their number of political enemies, Nevest finds that their direct approach has kept them alive this long and with a rather noble goal (keep dangerous technology out of everyone else's hands) this belief is reinforced.
Greetings from Bulgaria, sorry for late post, but it turns out the hotel's connection isn't as good as advertised. I will see if I can fit in a post on the RPG. I'm also liking the idea of establishing a canon of sorts but our characters shouldn't get too involved in original FNV cannon in my opinion, but yeah it's a good idea.
My ending probably won't involve any of the factions, so I don't care about the canon

On the idea of flaws, David feels guilty over the atrocities he commited while in the Enclave, and masks this up with a cheerful exterior, and tries not to think about what he did. Arrogance is another of his flaws, and the fact hes rather self righteous.
Well flaws....I would say Tom's slight arrogance, but it's hard to say any more flaws, yes he has a rather flavoured past but there isn't much to effect the negatives and positives of him, he's quiet average on that sort of level. To add more flaws I should elaborate more on his four months in the Legion, that should add some sort of flaw. Actually, i'll do that when I get back from Bulgaria, on Blood Trails, i'll most likely end up skipping his time in the arena to get to the good stuff.
I had something in Blood Trails, then I quickly deleted it when I noticed the many errors I had yet to fix, that and the desire to add more. It's starting to reach fanfiction levels. It's at about five pages so far in word, still going strong. There are time when I wonder if I should just stop and post what I've got. But I guess I was bitten by the writing bug.

If I hit ten pages I think I'll just call it good as "Chapter 1"

Edit: I hit ten pages. My first entry in Jacob's backstory will be up sometime tomorrow. I just want to sleep on what I've got and come back fresh in the morning to do some editing.
Am I going to be firing soon, as a sniper, I think my character should have some sort of overlook. To simplify stuff, will my character be saying anymore things about the fiends through the pip boy. Sorry for slightly weird post i'm on the phone...damn technological blights.
Sorry I've been dead guys. Moving house AGAIN has had me all tied up, plus I have uni 4 out of 7 days and the courses give me about 6 days worth of work. So I've been a little swamped. But I've got Evan written up, I'll upload him soon along with a sketch of the base so you all know what it looks like and we can roll :) I miss my boring life. Made rping easier.
I figured as much. I've also started my university semester, so things will be a bit slower on my end. Thankfully posts only take at most ten minutes to make since I'm not the GM. :P
Thankfully I don't start until September 6th. Usually I get depressed whenever school starts back up, but my birthday is on the 11th, and my friends are getting me a 3DS. So I might be occupied for a few days...
I return to school, in my final year on the September 6th as well. I'm a prefect now, so I have some authority, which is kinda' cool. Your ancestor fought in the civil war...some of my family in the 18th century had plantations in Virginia, when the american war of independence started, my american side of the family joined the revolution, damn traitors (joking), anyway to the point, they own a large plot of land in Virginia as of now.
Um.....that's....nice Krepe? Lol, seemed a little disjointed from school, but nice.

And I woulda posted already, but this'll need to be long and full of description, so I need time to write it out. Hopefully I'll get my required readings and writings done tonight after the lecture and I'll be able to write the next bit then.
Lookin' forward to it. You've piqued my interest indeed Raven. What could these fiends be hiding, I must know. Plus the sooner we beat up the fiends the sooner I can get to the torture bit. Gonna try to make that a memorable moment for the entire freakin' story I assure you.
@Raven: Yeah I know it was a bit off-topic, but I was just replying to Reno about his ancestor fought in the Civil War. I guess shouldn't of have went into detail.