Fallout New Vegas Speed Run

I can see the enjoyment out of speedruns, but I don't get it when people use exploits to do the speedrun. Seems like it really kills a lot of the fun.
I recall there was a guy who played through all of New Vegas and its DLCs without healing. That's pretty neat. I guess it gets you into the news if anything.

Speed runs bother me though. It's the fact that they cheat to get there and that they reduce this work that someone's made into some dumb achievement. You don't read a book just to see how fast you can read it.
I can understand why people do speedruns. It's not so much that they want to toss out all the work the devs have done, it's a combination of "why not" and curiosity. As in "how fast could the game be completed in one sitting?"

The way I see it, speedruns are harmless unless one only bought the game with the only intention being to beat it really fast. Then that would be ignoring the games content outright. But if you've completed the campaign a few times, then why not?
I recall there was a guy who played through all of New Vegas and its DLCs without healing. That's pretty neat. I guess it gets you into the news if anything.

Speed runs bother me though. It's the fact that they cheat to get there and that they reduce this work that someone's made into some dumb achievement. You don't read a book just to see how fast you can read it.
He just beat Fallout 3 like that as well, which is frankly fucking amazing considering how heavily stacked against that sort of play that game is. If you want a real speed run that doesn't use glitches and actually has a reason for the speed being necessary (ie, he's on hardcore mode and isn't allowed to drink or eat, has to beat the game before dying of thirst), then check out his Don't Starve run:

(edit: He also plays it as permadeath, so it's not a case that he can just spam stimpacks either)

If I remember correctly New Vegas speedruns are kind of shitty, it's just running straight to Vegas and telling Yes-Man to ignore everyone.
He just beat Fallout 3 like that as well, which is frankly fucking amazing considering how heavily stacked against that sort of play that game is. If you want a real speed run that doesn't use glitches and actually has a reason for the speed being necessary (ie, he's on hardcore mode and isn't allowed to drink or eat, has to beat the game before dying of thirst), then check out his Don't Starve run:

(edit: He also plays it as permadeath, so it's not a case that he can just spam stimpacks either)

After so many hours in FNV it's fun to amp up the difficulty. Not long ago I did a gunslinger permadeath where I only wore a gamblers suit and used revolvers.
Speedrunning's fun. Exploits aren't something I normally do in a game as open as New Vegas, but I like to skip directly to Vegas by running like hell through Sloan.

New Vegas is a great game for doing all kinds of shit (I personally prefer no kill runs) and it really shows the game's flexibility.

He just beat Fallout 3 like that as well, which is frankly fucking amazing considering how heavily stacked against that sort of play that game is. If you want a real speed run that doesn't use glitches and actually has a reason for the speed being necessary (ie, he's on hardcore mode and isn't allowed to drink or eat, has to beat the game before dying of thirst), then check out his Don't Starve run:

(edit: He also plays it as permadeath, so it's not a case that he can just spam stimpacks either)

I was just watching this video today and now I really want to try it.
New Vegas is a great game for doing all kinds of shit (I personally prefer no kill runs) and it really shows the game's flexibility.
Yup, I mentioned that very thing at the start of my Fallout 3 retrospective. New Vegas is amazingly well thought out in how it lets you play damn near however the hell you like.
I guess it's just the way people play. I've played through the campaign over and over again, and while I know I could do no-kill runs or try to do a speed-run or permadeaths, honestly I just want to be enveloped in the story and develop my character.

I don't think I've ever done a no-death run, even when my character has been pacifistic.
Tried a no kill-run ( where my character was a hobbit , lots of fun ) but it made me notice that the first part of the game is meant to be more linear and doesn't give you that many choices . You can avoid combat if you try but in places like the bison steve you feel like the game doesn't want you to . Eventually i gave up .
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