Fallout: New Vegas to be released October 19/22

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Several sites like TheSixthAxes and Eurogamer list to release dates for Fallout: New Vegas. October 19 for the US and October 22 for Europe. No specifications for the rest of the world.

Thanks Mark Honeyborne and Sergeant Owl.
Good news, at least we finally have a release date to look forward to now. Unless they delay it, that is.
The anonymous was me, wasn't logged in. I mentioned eurogamer.net, even posted the link to the news.
Kind of interesting that they'll release it in October, quite a bit ahead of the holiday rush.

Seeing as the general population will probably see it as Fallout 3 v2.0, it's practically guaranteed a good sales reception, and the big names in gaming media are usually reluctant to criticise anything Bethesda touch, I would have thought it'd be a sure-fire Christmas hit.

As for the game itself, the Gamebryo engine got old during an Oblivion playthrough. It truly feels like Bethesda are fellating a dead horse on this one. I hope the writing is good, otherwise I'm gunna be pissed.
I'm surprised they don't want to hurry up and get it released before Starcraft 2. But then again, SC2 will most likely be delayed. :P

I know they're completely different genres and all, but I'm sure a lot of people would pick Starcraft 2 over New Vegas.
You want to avoid the general release window of such a major title, sure, but they really don't share audiences. SC II is a PC RTS. New Vegas' major sales audience is console shooter fans.
Considering the target platform of Fallout NV is the Xbox360, I don't think Starcraft II coming out would have any noticeable effect on how well the game does.
I wonder what would happen to game sales of other stuff if Duke Nukem Forever was released on the 3 platforms at the same time.
Just a dream scenario. Practically like SC2 release after so much years, but the difference is it doesn't affect much the XBox crowd and PS3.

Now, DNF on the other hand, one terribly hyped game for over what, 12 years? That might break several charts and records! (And extreme "sharing" via you know what)
The game is far away from release, when October does come the game will look even more dated as we will have played other games like Mafia II that comes out in august. Of course I say other games but what other games? Nothing worth mentioning that I know of comes out before New Vegas does.

Like Old Republic isn't coming out for a year or more, it's going to see another E3 before its even released . . . I believe it will be it's 4th E3.
I agree, they should release it later, because of Starcraft 2. I don't think there is a "shooter audience", "RPG audience", "strategy audience", etc. - some people play multiple genres. Like I would play Starcraft 2, but I'm not hyped of it, more like curious. Of course, I prefer even Fallout 3 over Starcraft 2.
Reconite said:
Good news, at least we finally have a release date to look forward to now. Unless they delay it, that is.
Does Obsidian ever delay anything? I thought they just went for the latest build whenever the released day came...
I got confirmation from Gstaff that the Australian release date should be the same as the European date i.e the 22nd.