Fallout: New Vegas Trailer in HD, screenshots

Hopefully with Bethesda owning iD now we'll end up with more realistic shadows in future games. I'm thinking we won't see a graphic update until The Elder Scrolls V though :P Seems like the Elder Scrolls games are to Bethesda's game engines as Star Wars movies are to movie theater updates.

What would be fantastic is if they used the Unreal Engine for a future game. I've been playing Borderlands and not only does the game not lag at all but it also has very detailed textures, dynamic shadows, and pretty decently sized worldspaces. It's no Crysis engine, but that's fine with me. I'd actually like to PLAY the game :|

Onto the video - I just noticed something about the Nightkin fight. Apparently they carry Dead Ringers from Team Fortress 2 O_O I'm thinking it's a good thing that guy had a sword rather than a laser gatling. I'd rather my suddenly not-dead enemies to NOT surprise me with high technobabble death.
Well, it would certainly make sense for Bethesda to switch to idTech for their next generation of games. Hopefully they will.
If they do, I hope they do not channel Doom 3's land of epic black death.

Great game, but those rooms of complete darkness made me hate, not get scared.