Fallout: New Vegas Trailer in HD, screenshots

Briosafreak said:
Again I'm watching the 360Mb WMV encoded hi-res version and it looks a lot better, don't know why people are complaining.

Then you have no idea what you're talking about. As evinced by the fact that you keep mentioning the 360 MB trailer somehow "looks better", which is conceptually impossible unless it's a different trailer. The textures and models are still the same, ain't they? It's not like the HD trailer isn't widely available, you don't really have a step on anyone here in judging the graphics, sorry.

Reconite said:
I don't care what you guys say, but graphics are the last thing I'm worried about right now.

I don't think we're saying be worried. Just saying, the game looks like shit, as expected, because so did Fallout 3. The only thing that concerns me about it is if the press will swallow it again.
Brother None said:
The only thing that concerns me about it is if the press will swallow it again.
Fair enough, but I somehow doubt it, unless Bethesda "gets involved" with the reviewers' opinions. I see kids all over already criticizing it for how "lazy and fucking stupid" Obsidian are for not focusing on graphics enough.

And when the scores for graphics don't go high enough, Obsidian will take the rap for it despite Bethesda having their name all over it and giving no credit to Obsidian beforehand.
Brother None said:
I don't think we're saying be worried. Just saying, the game looks like shit, as expected, because so did Fallout 3. The only thing that concerns me about it is if the press will swallow it again.

So you're just worried about the press ignoring the graphics completely? I don't see the problem of them doing that. If they just judge the game on its content, rather than it's look, that'll be fine. Unless of course you're worried about them showering the game with 99s regardless of any of the games flaws.
Expresate said:
but if da graphyics arnt good ten da gaem wil suk.
Actually, the game will probably suck anyway. Graphics would be just a redeeming quality...

Those screens do look phenomenally ugly for today's standards. If you're doing a game one a bland-looking setting, you NEED something to spice things up. Either shadows, shaders, textures, whatever you want, but if you're doing a game set in a pile of crap like Fallout, make it charismatic...

Like Fallout, for example! But I don't think there are many artists that can match the likes of Boyarsky. What a phenomenal phenomenal artist :)~~
well I think as long the content is "somewhat" ok (writing and gameplay close to F3) and a Bethesda sign is somewhere to be seen the pres definetly will not have a negative opinion about it. They will sure mention the age of the engine. But still call it a game you HAVE to buy. If just for the content. And thats its a Baaathesdaaaa title!!!
Expresate said:
So you're just worried about the press ignoring the graphics completely?

Make mention that it looks like shite, knock off some points if that's how your scaling works, mention that it's really no worse or better than Fallout 3 - which it seems to be - and move on.

What I fear is that they'll either ignore the issue like they did for Fallout 3 or make up for the lack of accuracy on reviewing Fallout 3 by pounding away at bugs and graphics this time.

I kind of expect remarks like "it was fine when Fallout 3 comes out but is really starting to show its age now". Which I guess is fair enough if a bit disingenuous. I don't think we need to accuse any of them of being bought, unless they make odd claims like it being completely fine except for animations. But saying that would make you such an obvious shill I don't think anyone would dare it.

Morbus said:
Shadows shadows shadows shaaaaaaaaaadooooooooowwwwws

We know, Morbus, we know.

Morbus said:
But I don't think there are many artists that can match the likes of Boyarsky. What a phenomenal phenomenal artist :)~~

Because it's not like Jason D. Anderson did a massive amount of the in-game art?

Morbus said:
Expresate said:
but if da graphyics arnt good ten da gaem wil suk.
Actually, the game will probably suck anyway.

Well, I'll wait until the game's release to decide whether or not I agree with you.

Brother None: Oh yeah, I can agree there.
Brother None said:
Uh, yeah? Fallout 3 did do environmental/world graphics pretty well, if not in quality then in scope. If New Vegas can replicate that it can get away with the shoddy textures and models.

Add in animations and it only gets worse.

Yeah I was confirming what you wrote :P
I think that while Fallout 3 has low quality textures and not so great models and really bad animations, the whole is better than sum (or whatever the expression is), when I was playing I wasn't focusing on the flaws and enjoyed the game a lot.

With that said, I do hope that next TES and Fallout 4 will use new engine, even if I am not sure idtech 5 is up to snuff (since it does not support global dynamic lightning).
I dunno, it doesn't look that bad to me. I mean, yeah, the animations are pretty crap...but all things considered it's about as good as I could hope. The game engine really isn't trailer-friendly, is it? The engine is designed to support telling stories while you run around with a sword, cast some spells, and maybe pick the upstairs lock when nobody's looking. It isn't designed to have you driving a rocket car across the landscape shooting plasma beams.

Don't get me wrong; shooting things with plasma beams is a legitimate, nay, essential part of the RPG experience! As long as you roll dice somewhere along the way.
Brother None said:
Because it's not like Jason D. Anderson did a massive amount of the in-game art?

And here was I thinking there were five lead artists... Boyarski is just my favorite and, in all honesty, the only one I recalled right away. I know there were more :P

Expresate said:
Morbus said:
Expresate said:
but if da graphyics arnt good ten da gaem wil suk.
Actually, the game will probably suck anyway.
Well, I'll wait until the game's release to decide whether or not I agree with you.
All respect where it's due, of course. It's your choice.

Your tastes too.
Some of it doesen't look too bad like the greenery vault (which reminds me of Grim Fandango for some reason) but those snake dog thingies just look really low poly.
Morbus said:
All respect where it's due, of course. It's your choice.

Your tastes too.

Thank you. Maybe I go to the wrong places, but I don't come across this kind of behavior very often on the internet.
I noticed a few more things when I watched that again. At the greenhouse Vault entrance, if you pause before the Courier shoots his Classic Plasma Pistol, you'll see a mantis. Looks like they're back. Also, in that one sceene where there's a bunch of enemies running at the PC who then detonates C4 to kill them, I noticed they were feral ghouls with new clothing along with what appeared to be non-feral ghouls.
Reconite said:
Brother None said:
The only thing that concerns me about it is if the press will swallow it again.
Fair enough, but I somehow doubt it, unless Bethesda "gets involved" with the reviewers' opinions. I see kids all over already criticizing it for how "lazy and fucking stupid" Obsidian are for not focusing on graphics enough.

And when the scores for graphics don't go high enough, Obsidian will take the rap for it despite Bethesda having their name all over it and giving no credit to Obsidian beforehand.

So long as Obsidian doesn't talk about agent provocateurs, 33rd degree masons and the federal reserve, they'll be ok.
To me it seems like the gaming industry is always preoccupated with pushing the graphical quality towards more slic & photographic realislm with each subsequent year of development and publishing.
Meanwhile the aspect of making something meaningfull is being overlooked.
In f3's case, its strange that both aspects of graphical quality and being meiningfull are underdeveloped.
But maybe, F:NV will present a richer world just because of added original fallout inventory: more diverse weapons, armor. And superstimpacks...
In f3, lack of these made it seem like an unfinished fallout sequel.
What I find funny is, that many people are bitching about developers not reusing their already created stuff to make new and better games a bit faster.

But if developers then reusing stuff, everyone is bitching, that they are reusing old stuff, instead of making new. :>

I personally don't care that much about the old engine and the shitty textures. What I care about is the bad performance and the lame animations. Also it would be nice to finally produce a better game...
I think the younger gamers bitch about that, Lexx. For them it's form over content.

It shouldn't matter if it's a good game.

It does look dated, though, but that's just because we're spoiled.
What I care about is the bad performance and the lame animations.

No worries man, if FO3 is anything to go by, you'll get a PLENTY of that, too :lol:

Man, I almost feel like getting the game when it comes out, judging by screens and interviews, but then I think again and remember that I'll get stuck in the ground every 10 min. and that it'll crash every hour of gameplay, and somehow my enthusiasm wanes.