WorstUsernameEver said:
I like Arwen's ideas, but her implementation often felt very clunky to me, and didn't really mesh well with the action gameplay, which, like it or not, is the core gameplay of New Vegas. Which, by the way, should absolutely fixed in a sequel, be it from Bethesda or Obsidian, clunky shooting is not a feature, and has nothing to do with stat-based gameplay anyway.
Really? Arwen's mod needs some micro management by the player, not arguing on that, but the mod has the merit of removing a lot of overpowering things, like being able to carry your entire house with you, the one click spells cure that plagued the game, the FPS thing of attacking first means victory without cost, among other things.
I've found the mod worthy, it makes NV a better game overall.
Lexxx said:
@the NV mod above: From reading the changelog, it doesn't seem to make the game closer to Fo1/2. Looks like just another "realism" tweak stuff (I don't get why everyone wants "realism" anyway).
Actually realism isn't the right word. What she did was tweaking the game and increasing the curve your character progress.
In the regular game the curve is very low, way before you reach New Vegas you already swiming in caps, chems, meds, armors, weapons and ammo. Heck, even before reaching Novac you already overpowered like hell.
She change it so you need to work for things and cumulate less in the beginning.
I remember you complaining that even with all the things mods do and how you build your character, if you attack your opponent first nothing this really matters.
Her mod change this, because she introduced infection and bleeding, so even if you attack your opponent first but he had time to retaliate and you ended too wounded, you will die from this wounds. Since she removed the spell magic cure you can't simply apply a stimpak and let's go.
It's not a easy mod to learn, but once you get used to it is hard to come back to the regular gameplay.