Fallout NV Ultimate Edition released in North America

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Fallout: New Vegas looks to have an odd staggered release: it's out in North America now, and will be released in Europe in stages on February 10th and February 24th.<blockquote>Get more bang for your bottle cap with Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition — available now available in North America on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC..

Ultimate Edition presents the definitive edition of Fallout: New Vegas — featuring the main game and all six pieces of game add-on content: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Courier’s Stash, and Gun Runners’ Arsenal.

New Vegas Ultimate Edition will be available in Germany, Australia, and Nordic territories this coming Friday (February 10th), and will be released in the UK, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands on February 24th.

And to further celebrates the game’s release, by popular demand, we’re releasing the sheet music for “Begin Again” — the Dead Money song from Just Bell, Mikey Dowling, and Chris Avellone.

Dead Money “Begin Again”_Sheet Music</blockquote>
Top secret addendum: Slavic untermaenschen can forget about NV: Ultimate or the rest of the DLCs because 1C couldn't find its own arse even if a flagpole was sticking out of it.
I didn't understand half of what you said, and have no idea what the hell this 'untermaenschen' means.

All I got is that slavics (just eastern europe, or all of it?) will somehow get a bad release of F:NV
Makenshi said:
I didn't understand half of what you said, and have no idea what the hell this 'untermaenschen' means.

All I got is that slavics (just eastern europe, or all of it?) will somehow get a bad release of F:NV
I believe he said that the Slavic sub-humans won't be getting the Ultimate Edition, or the DLCs due to 1C as he demonstrated with an analogy about flagpoles.
NOW I can buy New Vegas. Finally.

Of course I own the Ultimate Edition of F3 and haven't touched it yet...

The Vault Dweller
So I'm still curious if the german version will be uncut now, and if so, if I can finally play the 'normal' version in english now.
No, I've asked Jason Bergman about it. They can't change the already bought game version. Granted, it was only about the game being uncut and not language, but I am pretty sure this also means that you won't be able to change your language version.

What I am more interested in right now: If you do own FNV already, can you also buy the Ultimate Edition and activate it in your Steam account? My inner self says no, it won't work, because you have the game registered already to your acc, but I never tried such a thing. So.. anyone knows anything regarding this?
The Vault Dweller said:
Of course I own the Ultimate Edition of F3 and haven't touched it yet...
You should play the game at least once. If you like it, great! If you don't like it, at least you'll understand what people are talking about when you read discussions.

Lexx said:
What I am more interested in right now: If you do own FNV already, can you also buy the Ultimate Edition and activate it in your Steam account?
Yes. The Ultimate Edition is listed as a separate item on Steam. The original game and the Ultimate Edition would effectively be activated as two separate games.
Tagaziel said:
Top secret addendum: Slavic untermaenschen can forget about NV: Ultimate or the rest of the DLCs because 1C couldn't find its own arse even if a flagpole was sticking out of it.

No box version or no version at all, even from Steam?
Lexx said:
No, I've asked Jason Bergman about it. They can't change the already bought game version. Granted, it was only about the game being uncut and not language, but I am pretty sure this also means that you won't be able to change your language version.
I call bullshit on that one. I fail to see any reason why I shouldn't be able to get the english version when I re-install the game by download.
Clarification: FNV by 1C still doesn't have LR or GRA or CS. It'll be a cold day in hell if 1C releases Ultimate.

And it's possible to have two NVs. I have. The legit version wiped out my 1C version (I have it registered, but can't play it).
Heard if you start a game from scratch with the latest patch installed you won't be experiencing any crashes(ps3 version). Hope this is true, because I really want to play the DLC's. The vanilla version used to crash every 30 minutes after the second patch.
Hassknecht said:
Lexx said:
No, I've asked Jason Bergman about it. They can't change the already bought game version. Granted, it was only about the game being uncut and not language, but I am pretty sure this also means that you won't be able to change your language version.
I call bullshit on that one. I fail to see any reason why I shouldn't be able to get the english version when I re-install the game by download.

Well, if you bought the old german version and this one only works with german...