Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Sorry for the necroing withought too much to add,but there is a tiny small hope of a translation of this great mod.
Some of our russian friends have started a github project to translate this thing which is located here:
There are already uploaded some of the smalest text files translated there.
I've seen people on this forum,and others like reddit and rpgcodex and nuclear-city attempting to translate this beast,moslty on their own. Maybe that can be a small hub ,a community project where people that can,will add their little bit.
Some of our russian friends have started a github project to translate this thing which is located here:
There are already uploaded some of the smalest text files translated there.
I've seen people on this forum,and others like reddit and rpgcodex and nuclear-city attempting to translate this beast,moslty on their own. Maybe that can be a small hub ,a community project where people that can,will add their little bit.