Fallout of Nevada

Sorry for the necroing withought too much to add,but there is a tiny small hope of a translation of this great mod.

Some of our russian friends have started a github project to translate this thing which is located here: https://github.com/fallout-nevada/main
There are already uploaded some of the smalest text files translated there.

I've seen people on this forum,and others like reddit and rpgcodex and nuclear-city attempting to translate this beast,moslty on their own. Maybe that can be a small hub ,a community project where people that can,will add their little bit.
If someone can not wait for the proper translation. Here is a google translate version done by me, it ain't the best but usable...

Few errors have been corrected


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It is for the 1.0 version. The translation contains the dialog narration and game files, the art for interface is from fallout 2. Worldmap city names are not translated on the sidebar but under the green circles they have english names. Also the premede chars have their names in cyrillic.
I'd be happy to help with the translation effort. I'm a professional technical writer, which involves a lot of editing work. I can't read Russian, but I can turn crappy English into good English.

I can try my hand at cleaning up the Google translate version, but the problem is that Google translate can change the entire meaning of the sentence, and I wouldn't be able to tell. It would help a lot more if, say, a Russian speaker translated the text into whatever English they could, and I could clean it up.

The only problem is that this still wouldn't preserve the "tone" of the text, but it's better than nothing.
I am really looking forward to play this... Has anyone played with that google translation?
It's difficult to understand what the fucks going on with the Google translation. Playable, but not enjoyable...
I am really looking forward to play this... Has anyone played with that google translation?

I've played and even completed the mod with the Google translate patch. You can suss out the meaning of most text, but anyone who talks with "personality" is nearly incomprehensible. The quest design and gameplay improvements are worth the download alone, in my opinion, but if you're not up to squinting your way through every conversation, maybe you should wait for the real thing.

Eagerly anticipating the official English release!
I tried to use lingohub to set up a collaboration platform for this, but they don't support custom file types such as plain text msg... disappointing.
I'm currently playing the game (Russian is my native language), I found out about this mod just recently so I started my play through 4 days ago, AND OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!! I can't believe someone took so much time and effort to create this it is full professionally build true classic Fallout game, I'm even like it better than F2 and I'm a huge classic Fallout fan maybe I'm even can be called fanboy of the first games and I never could imagine that something like this could be ever made, Ive spend easily more than 50 hours into it and I doubt I'm even half finished, my character grown by two in game years and I'm only level 13( it is masterfully balanced in every aspect like combat, economy and leveling system) the quests are amazing and deeply thought and the dialogue is mind blowing, I really feel sorry for you guys that can not play this game cause no Fallout fan should ever miss it it's literally a must play, but I have an explanation why it may be impossible to ever translate this masterpiece, see what can be said in one language can not be said in the same way or the same words in English it not only that though, the mentality is very different and it would take a genius to translate it and put the dialogues in to the game, so just imagine it would be like rewriting the whole game dialogue or even modifying the quests for English speaking players, and all this just so it can come even close tho Russian version in terms of quality, I will try to find a place where I can help to translate this for you even though I know nothing about modding, but for this game I'm willing to learn just so you guys can experience this truly Fallout franchise worthy title( I still can't believe that it was made by some hardcore fans)
I tried to use lingohub to set up a collaboration platform for this, but they don't support custom file types such as plain text msg... disappointing.
Think that would be the best solution. Is it a lot of work to extract the text from the msg files?
Guess putting the text back in msg files might be more tricky/time consuming even..
They are text files. But most translation services I found don't support plain text. (which is kind of crazy, but there it is)
I would translate items (weapons, scenery, etc) and critters names (descriptions) first, dialogue can come later.
I can help with translating Russian dialogues into crappy English, adapting certain idioms and aspects of original content to English alternatives (if they exist obviously). The only issue I have right now - I don't have a working PC at the time, so I can only work from my phone. Is there a possibility I could just work with text and not the MSG files directly?