Fallout- Old Glory OOC

Deathclaw Chameleon said:
This thread's probbly dead as fa as I see. I'd still be willing to continue if everyone else did.

I've been here the past few months waiting to see if anybody will post. Good to know some of the RPers are still here.

Evil Banana, your character has the ok. If this RP gets moving again, the group should be arriving at a town, which will be the setting of a funeral of a friend of one of my PCs, Edward. Start by having your character in bar, and then you can join. The Eagle is going to be paying a visit.
well you can just say being the gm that you just kindof split up for something or other and thats the bauty of roleplaying anything is possible..you split on them in the middle of the night for some personal affair but you left them a note so that if they ever come back they can easily rejoin the rp
Evil Banana said:
well you can just say being the gm that you just kindof split up for something or other and thats the bauty of roleplaying anything is possible..you split on them in the middle of the night for some personal affair but you left them a note so that if they ever come back they can easily rejoin the rp

Ok, I'll have them split at the town, as the job they signed up for will be done. That way, we can go back and get them if the RPers come back. We'll know where they are, which is kind of important to the story, considering two of them have worked with the main character (The Eagle) in the past, of which one, Tom, has known him since the Capital Wasteland.
ok cool..our characters can meet up somwhere in the desert..you guys face a deathclaw or something and my char helps your chars kill it .P..or you try to kill him at first or somethng
Evil Banana said:
ok cool..our characters can meet up somwhere in the desert..you guys face a deathclaw or something and my char helps your chars kill it .P..or you try to kill him at first or somethng

I'll find a way to fit you into the group. Just post an introduction, with your character walking down the road. I'll take it from there.
Evil Banana said:
im sorry if the introduction isent what you asked i changed it a bit to suit his character profile

Its fine. The gunshots should alert the group. Let me post first.
Evil Banana said:
awww cmon guys dont just post and poof on me without saying a word...Q.Q

Sorry, its my younger brothers birthday, and I wanted to use the time I had before we went out to do some gaming. I've posted now.