Fallout porn, for real

If the Fallout porn gets uploaded to a free website and provided it's interesting, not just a regular porno with blue jumpsuits, then I imagine I'll be the one to put it back on rails, though it's not like fetish discussion is to far off from the actual topic of this thread.
Yeah well every time I mention my kinks heresy memes ensue. Why?
In favor of R.Graves, most people looked like furries and crosdressed in some way (mmm, show me those leotards) so it would be hard to blame him xD
In favor of R.Graves, most people looked like furries and crosdressed in some way (mmm, show me those leotards) so it would be hard to blame him xD
What? Pretty sure an anthropomorphic animal would look hideous and off putting irl. Also where is it that "most people crossdress in some way"?
What? Pretty sure an anthropomorphic animal would look hideous and off putting irl. Also where is it that "most people crossdress in some way"?
Cos hairy people... never mind, that was dumb. But some of the old cosmethical and fashion trends in the Dark Ages were androginous as F, have you been in a medieval art exposition any time lately?
Cos hairy people... never mind, that was dumb. But some of the old cosmethical and fashion trends in the Dark Ages were androginous as F, have you been in a medieval art exposition any time lately?
No. But I speak of relatively hairless effeminate looking men in women's clothes when I say "crossdressing".
So has anyone seen this porno yet or what?
May have found it, haven't watched it yet though.
May have found it, haven't watched it yet though.
I think that is a cut version only showing the porn movie parts with Ziggy Star. I found a couple of those for different actresses on a torrent site before when I googled for the full movie. :-(
I think that is a cut version only showing the porn movie parts with Ziggy Star. I found a couple of those for different actresses on a torrent site before when I googled for the full movie. :-(
Were there any ghouls? Live action ghoul porn would just be the greatest.
Were there any ghouls? Live action ghoul porn would just be the greatest.
I don't know, I didn't download them. I was only looking around if I could find the full movie because Izak asked if anyone had found it or something like that.
I will only download it if I find the full movie.
I don't know where I am or how I got here, but: way back when that person trolled Putin with the Wang-copter--would that have technically qualified as a drone, or did he escape the window of time where the Wang-copter could have been considered to be a drone? I'm just asking since I happen to be a very active local animal rights activist, so this is of professional importance.