I am playing the game with a simple challenge, having only one character for each mission. And it's quite fun, maybe I'll write a topic on that experiment in the Tactics subforum?
Anyway, I encountered a few bugs so far, I don't know if they're due to Redux mod or not :
- Whenever you drive, you can fire a weapon and drive at the same time. No need to hold the steering wheel in your hands to drive anymore.
- Random encounters are not fixed, and I'm very disappointed. Still the same old uber-frequent and uber-annoying encounters.
- Bug or feature? Books are incredibly useful. I have 120% in First Aid and I think I've just read two or three medic books.
(Edit) - Radiations. I wasn't radiated when I ducked into the old tunnel under Jefferson's factory, when I should have - it's full of green goo and six radaway doses sit in a bookshelf at the end.
So far I feel the game is easier with Redux mod than without, I don't know why. Enemies never hit me with ranged weapons, and I two-shot most of them. (I'm starting St Louis mission right now so I guess it won't be easy anymore with just 1 guy).
However I like the mod so far. Especially the roaches that I fear now