Fallout Tactics with hamachi


First time out of the vault
EDIT: this is the catch-all hamachi thread. Advertise or ask for people to play Tactics with via Hamachi in this thread.

Hello, I´m new here and I just wanted to present you an attractive alternative to gsa. You can find it on www.hamachi.cc It´s a program to emulate a LAN over internet. With this way you just got to go into your FoT, wait for a server or just create one yourself.
I made a room for FoT playing.
So download the tool and join this:

room name: Fallout Tactics Gamer ONLY
password: fot


Fot Server Germany
pw: fot

Well, that´s all for the first, so I´ll hope you try this method.
OMG! I am so downloading this right now! I just can't wait to play FOT again! Online!

Well, from what I know of the software, this might be the only way to get it working again right online, as GSA aka Gone to Shit Application, has really gone to Shit Hell. IIRC, Hamachi also lets you set up simulated ports and addys as well so you can bypass hard-coded master/host servers for some games.
Is the Multiplayer component in Tactics better than the singleplayer? The singleplayer bored me so much I stopped playing after the first mission.
mortiz said:
Is the Multiplayer component in Tactics better than the singleplayer? The singleplayer bored me so much I stopped playing after the first mission.

Alas, my dear friend: the multiplayer component is even worse.
Ghost_loy said:
How The F*ck do i use this thing??

if you're talking about Hamachi, you need to make connection first otherwise you won't be able to join a game. You must also have the right server.

If you're talking about something else the only thing i got to say is: I totally agree with Kan-Kerai here
Hamachi is very simple to use and very smooth.

Myself and 3 of my friends often play FOT games online, if any of you wish for a tutorial on how to set it up then I'll be glad to create one.
T-Bolt said:
Initative would be nice, certainly posting a tutorial without being asked would of been preferable in the first place.

Ok Mr. Sassy-pants.

I'll go piece one together.
Ok here we go.

Firstly go and install Hamachi then run it and close it so you get the "Hamachi" connection in your Network Connections.

Go to your network connections.

Right click Local Area Connection and click properties. Scroll down to anything with "IPX" in the title, select, tick and click properties. (Don't worry if you don't see this, just go to the bottom of this post and there's another guide down there.)

Set as below:
Internal network number: 00000000 (Don't worry about the number of zeros because it will limit you anyway so just max it out).
Frame type: Auto Detect

Now go to your Hamachin connection, right click, properties. Scroll down to anything with "IPX" and select, tick, properties. (Once again if it isn't there scroll to the bottom of this post.)

This one is going to be a little different.
Set as below:
Internal network number: 00000000 (Once again just max out the zeros).
Frame type: Ethernet 802.2
Network number (this is VERY important): 00000001 (Just max it out with zeros then backspace and add a 1 to the end)

If you don't have anything with "IPX" in the title simply click "Install..." in either connection's properties. Select "Protocol" and then "Add..." then find an item with "IPX" in the title (Normally NWLink IPX yadda yadda yad...).

And there you go, make sure you and your fellow players and logged onto Hamachi on the same server hosted by one of the players then open up FOT and create a game. Others should be able to see and join the game.
If some1 knows some people that plays whit hamachi pls write names or msn emails i want to play too just need people to play whit :mrgreen:
or join my hamachi
network Fallout rules
pass out
fallout tactics hamachi network

Hi im looking for a hamachi network that has many fallout tactics players on it. Please post the server name and password if you know of one. Thanks!
Oh wow, i guess i shoulda just googled it.

I was kinda hoping that the OP was insane and a hamachi wasn't a real thing.