It Wandered In From the Wastes

it's like those that came into the series with 3 don't realize fallout is meant to be a satire.
Or that Fallout is suppose to have a retro-futurism theme and aesthetic. It is like the guys at Four Decent Friends said: "Nu-Fallout fans don't like what made Fallout Fallout." Which is true. Just look at the Fallout 4 Nexus. They want Fallout to be more generic then it already is. They basically just want a post-apocalyptic Call of Duty with an inventory and some romances on the side. This mod is the epitome of's like those that came into the series with 3 don't realize fallout is meant to be a satire.
Now lets look at the Frontier:
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Again, no nuance or wit in this dialogue. Now the Frontier devs will say, "Oh, this was suppose to be Wild Wasteland!" Yet there is nothing funny about it unlike the base game Wild Wasteland. It feels like the Andale cannibals from Fallout 3. Given that the Frontier devs are Fallout 3 fanboys I wouldn't be surprised if Andale was an inspiration with the Enclave in the Frontier. The difference between a joke and grandstanding is the delivery and boy oh boy do Bethesda and the Frontier writers have horrible delivery.
Or were they ever in a fist fight, ever criticized, been through any type of struggle or had their world view challenged because they blocked or banned anyone who questioned them. These are people who were nothing but coddled their whole life and told that they were special. They thought that they can get away with just about anything and that the majority (or at least people in whatever circle they are part of) would have their back but reality just didn't conform.What do you expect, these people have the mindset of small children, they have little if no grasp of history, have never actually travelled the world, their entire existence revolves circle jerking each other...I wouldn't waste my energy on it.
So basically like Disney's Star Wars. Cater to weirdos, overly sensitive snowflakes and sick fetishists. In short, the majority of people who make up Twitter. Look at the "art" these sub humans create. It is all trash. Devoid of any creativity or originality. This mod is the epitome of that.this is the audience Bethesda is catering t now.
recently saw a guy talk about the series and he out right said he can't look at fallout 2 in a positive light as it " has to many slurs in it."
Look at the "art" these sub humans create. It is all trash. Devoid of any creativity or originality. This mod is the epitome of that.
The whole thing you said reminded me of these particular series, instead of Twitter this is for Deviant Art. Right now we need Jim the most, shit, if the cancer thing is real, then world will be less fun.
Bit of warning though all of these videos from deviant's series contains cognito hazards, watch at your own responsibility and risk, guys I ain't joking.
I can’t even think of a single slur used in Fallout 2, or Fallout 1 for that matter. Definitely no racial slurs, unless we’re counting “round eye”. No one says anything like faggot or tranny, even though those words were relatively accepted at the time of its release. And despite the fact that you can literally play as a retard, no one ever calls you anything worse than “moron”.recently saw a guy talk about the series and he out right said he can't look at fallout 2 in a positive light as it " has to many slurs in it."
Sissified faggots and retards, because usual ones have some skin and balls.i think it's all the faggots and retards.
The Frontier can best be summed up by this quote from William Shakespeare: "It is a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Boy oh boy does the Frontier fit this quote to a tee. The writers for this mod are degenerate idiots. With not one ounce of creativity in their bones. You see, the reasons why mods like Someguy, Th3Overseer and BaronVonChateau mods are so popular is because those modders were mostly inspired by books that they read. In Autumn Leaves you can see a great love that Baron has for books. I get the feeling that nobody that wrote for the Frontier has ever read a book in their life. They are probably like the people in Fahrenheit 451 in that they don't like books because books are offensive, makes them question their world view and makes them feel bad. Instead they get their inspiration from the current crap that is in pop culture and copy it verbatim. There is no thought, no heart and no soul when one does this. It feels vapid, empty and devoid of any intelligence just like today's crop of entertainment in pop culture.
Just wait till you start genuinely caring for people here. You’ll feel like an absolute douche for taking law classes because you’re never around as much.but, no, I am spending my time here.
Sissified faggots and retards, because usual ones have some skin and balls.
Shit, I remembered that I should've finished Rendezvous With Rama by now, but, no, I am spending my time here.
Just wait till you start genuinely caring for people here. You’ll feel like an absolute douche for taking law classes because you’re never around as much.
but that youtuber was offended because it has them at all.
Thank you for the heads up.