Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

Bottom line is this franchise is worse than people make it out to be. Before or After Bethesda came into the picture. Move the fuck on. You're 30 years old and you're still crying about this franchise like it was your ex wife.
Bottom line is this franchise is worse than people make it out to be. Before or After Bethesda came into the picture. Move the fuck on. You're 30 years old and you're still crying about this franchise like it was your ex wife.
You're trying too hard, tone it down, buddy. And you're the one here doing the most crying because you just tripleposted a bunch of bullshit.
You are like one of the only people on this site that actually sees fallout for what it is, a mediocre version of a boy and his dog riding the coattails of mad max without the stuff that actually makes those 2 things good.
Fallout 1 was good. Fallout 2 was just bad. Fallout 3 was bad but at least it did something new. New Vegas rode the coattails of 2 which in result makes it even worse than 2. we don't even talk about 4 or 76.
Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't have written the first game like it was going to be the only game in the entire fucking franchise.
Thanks bro. I just think people get attached to things way too much especially shitty video games which were meant for entertainment not worshiping.
You're trying too hard, tone it down, buddy. And you're the one here doing the most crying because you just tripleposted a bunch of bullshit.
I'm not the one who wakes up in a cold sweat every night thinking about bethesda ruining my precious mad max ripoff
What's even the purpose of this fan site if people are not allowed to be fans?
Being a fan is one thing but being depressed to the point where you want to kill yourself or drive off any positive posts is another. Fanboys are the worst. Being a fan of something is a totally different thing than being some obsessed weirdo fanboy that lost touch with reality a long time ago due to nostalgia.
I'm not the one who wakes up in a cold sweat every night thinking about bethesda ruining my precious mad max ripoff
I'm not the one whining like a little bitch that some people still hold out hope for the franchise.

Who's the more pathetic here? It's you. People that whine about fans still having hope for the franchise or lamenting the state of the franchise have to be the most pathetic people that exist. Instead you move the fuck on since it's none of your business if you are gonna add anything of value to the conversation.
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I wonder if the people who used that fans of Centurions message board on usenet had to deal with occasional jagoff who'd appear from the blue to bitch about Centurions and the people who watched it as well?

imagine being upset by that intro.
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The hilarity of this is that people bitching like dumb shits that some people still hang on to hope for some franchise are probably doing the same exact thing for some other franchise. On top of being unlikable idiots whining that some people still hope that a new entry that is worth anything will come out, they are also hypocrites because they are most likely whining that some other franchise is going down the shitter.

Point here is don't give anyone shit for clinging to anything, mind your own fucking business and care about you instead.
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I just wish the fucking franchise would finally die and be only remembered by those who care enough to remember it.

Mutilating an IP this badly should be tantamount to defiling a corpse.
I just wish the fucking franchise would finally die
Implying it's not dead already.

My posts were more about defending people like @The Dutch Ghost that are truly sad about the state of the franchise and it's fine to feel like that if you truly believe it. Then there are people like Bughead who think they are so fucking special, like they reached some higher state of mind, when in reality they are just spewing old, tired stuff some people have been saying for years that add absolutely nothing to the conversation.
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Implying it's not dead already.

My posts were more about defending people like @The Dutch Ghost that are truly sad about the state of the franchise and it's fine to feel like that if you truly believe it. Then there are people like Bughead who think they are so fucking special.
The franchise is reanimated, a rotting shambling corpse with pieces falling off of it. X_X It ain't quite dead, not yet at least.
Thanks bro. I just think people get attached to things way too much especially shitty video games which were meant for entertainment not worshiping.
Also missed this. Hilarious coming from someone that gets ultra defensive when someone criticizes the upcoming Fallout TV series just because it has your favorite actor in it.

Don't be an hypocrite.

The franchise is reanimated, a rotting shambling corpse with pieces falling off of it. X_X It ain't quite dead, not yet at least.
It's dead, that's basically being dead.
It's dead, that's basically being dead.
Dead franchises don't get new shows, and have turbo-consoomer-autist fans insisting the releases that killed the franchise, are the good ones.
Jaws is a dead franchise, Fallout isn't...Yet.
I thought the likes of Pizza Hut and other food outlets could be run as franchises ! Calling games and TV series franchises is extreme faggotry and bad use of English, what what.

I hope that is unambiguous irony.
I thought the likes of Pizza Hut and other food outlets could be run as franchises ! Calling games and TV series franchises is extreme faggotry and bad use of English, what what.

I hope that is unambiguous irony.
I suppose 'game series/sequels/spinoffs' would be more accurate? I guess they aren't restaurants.