Fallout Tycoon 2

The status is this:

Most of the game is still in the design phase, The city select and "ok box" text system is up and running. The actual game where you see the tiles had not been worked on. I am concerned that because of the limitations of flash that I will have to put a big-ass peice of code into EVERY single tile, which may run too slow.

If this happens, then I will have to scrap the flash version and go right for the C++.

Right now, I'm working on the pictures that each resource will have, to make it easier to differentiate between them. After that, I will work on the design docs, finishing up what city will want/export whar resources, and then I'll work on some more tile graphics. (The ruin roads, specifically)

After that, I'll try to get a working version of the actuall game up, which will be missing a lot of graphics, but will give people the feel of the gameplay. A pre-alpha.

I have some questions for you guys:

What size do you think the map should be? (x by x tiles)


Sorry for the lack of visible progress, but I've recently been stricken with an addiction to simcity4, it should clear up in a few days. I'm still working on FTR in spite of this, however.
Fallout tycoon rebirth is gone. I explain here.

EDIT: Good news:

I used data recover software to recover a fair portion of my files, including the FTR ones. I won't know if they're corrupted untill I get flash mx again.
None of the FTR files were recoverable. I'll try to decompile the build thats available for download at VDHP, but if that doesn't work I'll probably give up.
Please don't leave this project...
I want to help You in this project. I could write some C++, I currently work on 2D User Interface for my own project. If you are interested tell me.
I'm also hoping that you'll not leave this project and, if needed, start working on it once again. I'll support you! :-)
Sorry for my poor english - i'm not native speaker.

My own project isn't connected with Fallout series - it's needed to complete my school :)

At this time i'm working on texture loading, and 2d interface, my next goal will be pseudo-isometric view (like in Simcity 2k & 3k) and i think that this can be usefull for Fallout Tycoon: Rebirth project.

Am I wrong?? :)
I am probably going to just do the C++ version, as I can also Hand it in as a final project in june to my computwer science class.
It will get done, I'm just working on another game right now, and I also gotta learn a lot of nessesary c++ syntax.
School is keeping me really busy so I haven't really had a chance to work on anything. When I do finish the game I'm working on, I'll post the link for it here.
School is keeping me really busy so I haven't really had a chance to work on anything. When I do finish the game I'm working on, I'll post the link for it here.