Revolver said:
Hey, great job on the intro movie- I can't believed I missed it when you first posted. One suggestion though- is there anyway to add the black film 'noise' like in the other Fallout intros to make it seem less clean? - Maybe there's a name for it that I don't know about.
I use soundfordge to edit sound files, and I can't find a option to add "old record" quality to the song, so I guess I'll have to find another sound program to do that. I will add spots and moving verticle lines to the picture to give the old projector film effect.
Thorgrimm said:
Calculon, 2 more possibilities for resources that you might need depending on what you are going to have the players be able to build. Tin for the making of bronze, and coal for the making of steel as a required resource for the making of a lot of stuff, aka cars, car parts etc. etc. Steel would be needed by a lot of items as iron by it self is not strong enough.
I will add steel. As for the tin and bronze, I already have copper, which can be used with tin to produce steel. The tin and steel won't have very meny uses other than car production, but what the hell, I'll add them too. That brings the total to 72
Kaczor said:
I added resources to VDHP's FT: R section

I'll send you the updated list as soon as I am done making the symbols for each resource.
Specialist said:
How about adding
(brahmin crap is used to make jet. you can also make it so it improves crops or something.)
The brahmin won't actually be traded, but they will be kept on cattle ranches. I already have beef as a resource, so that coveres the brahmin, and I will add manure and jet. I don't understand why I forgot to add jet.....I was going to add it from the very beginning....
The Jet and Manure brings the total to 74.
Syphon said:
You forgot about Nuka Cola!!? And you say your a fallout fan??? Just kiddin' but seriously, put Nuka Cola in that biatch!...
WHAT?!?! How the hell did I miss Nuka Cola? I'll put that in right away..... (Well, when I get home, as I am using a school computer to post this at the moment

) The Boneyard is the main exporter of Nuka Cola
That brings the total to 75. Thats a lot of types of resources. lol, I still have to make a tree for all of this showing what requires what to make.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, your a BIG help!