Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Playing as Ghoul so entering BoS I guess will be a deathwish? PM me pls where is location to Reservation. Yes, I finished simulation in Tibbets.
Playing as Ghoul so entering BoS I guess will be a deathwish? PM me pls where is location to Reservation. Yes, I finished simulation in Tibbets.

Oh yeah, you can still enter if you destroy the turret but they'll greet you with fire. To reach Reservation, go one square north of the BoS and then straight east until you reach it. Hang around the area a bit, there are interesting encounters there. Also, there's a teaser location north of Reservation.
Made it to Reservation, nice that armor vendor greeting me per "smoothskin" while I am a ghoul xD
Made it to Reservation, nice that armor vendor greeting me per "smoothskin" while I am a ghoul xD

Haha I know! Her dialog is completely different when you're a ghoul but I didn't have time to finish it. It's coming in the next release!
Hi! I'm new to the NMA forums (although i been following it for some time watching the total conversion mods) and i came upon this new project which i'm really interested in it due to you know, being a Van Buren recreation of some sorts.
I decided to download this new release and i have one problem: It is kinda slow.
Is there something wrong with my pc? I remember that i had the exact same problem with the first Fallout without having the high resolution mod. I'll be really glad if someone can help me with this.
Hi! I'm new to the NMA forums (although i been following it for some time watching the total conversion mods) and i came upon this new project which i'm really interested in it due to you know, being a Van Buren recreation of some sorts.
I decided to download this new release and i have one problem: It is kinda slow.
Is there something wrong with my pc? I remember that i had the exact same problem with the first Fallout without having the high resolution mod. I'll be really glad if someone can help me with this.

Hi! Try forcing your 3D card to run the game instead of your 2D card. Go to Graphic Settings -> Browse -> navigate to game exe -> Options -> High Performance
Hi! Try forcing your 3D card to run the game instead of your 2D card. Go to Graphic Settings -> Browse -> navigate to game exe -> Options -> High Performance
Oh thanks. It seems more stable now!
Good luck on creating this fantastic recreation of Van Buren, i wish i could help you guys working on the project with some donations. :nod:
The world map looks really awesome. I was wondering how you made it. Would you mind explaining a bit about the process?
The world map looks really awesome. I was wondering how you made it. Would you mind explaining a bit about the process?

Thank you! What are you exactly interested - how to make a similar map graphically or how to add a finished map inside the game?
OK, here's how it went..

  1. I got the detailed satellite map of North America off NASA site way back in 2014. I don't have a link but you can probably still find it. Think it was in TIFF format and quite large, maybe over 1 GB in size.

  2. I took Fallout 1 and 2 maps and merged them into one for the purpose of scaling. Then I reduced my map in size until geographical elements would be 1:1 in scale with the Fallout 1 and 2 maps.

  3. I then cropped the area that is related to Van Buren but also being careful that the cropped dimensions fit into the game engine properly. It's a coincidence I ended up with 100 tiles as that's exactly the maximum number of tiles Fallout 2 engine supports "out of the box."

  4. After that, it was time to place the city locations on the map. I based those on Fallout 1's world map and added them in Photoshop as a separate layer.

  5. Then I started tweaking colors, saturation, lightness, contrast and similar to get the map to look similar to the shot of Earth from space from the intro of movie Damnation Alley. This movie inspired Fallout 1 artists so I went with that. In short, I went for the scorched Earth look.

  6. After I was happy with the results I applied a green dotted grid the player sees when traveling.

  7. Then I applied a slight interlace filter to the whole map to get the retro feel and also create the glitch effect you see when traveling up or down the map.

  8. Finally, I applied the Fallout palette to the whole map, which gave its final gritty look.
Out of curiosity, why are the Brotherhood hostile to Ghouls? I understand Mutants but I don't remember Ghouls being enemies of the Brotherhood. I also don't recall them being hostile to Ghouls in the VB documents, but I might be completely wrong.
Out of curiosity, why are the Brotherhood hostile to Ghouls? I understand Mutants but I don't remember Ghouls being enemies of the Brotherhood. I also don't recall them being hostile to Ghouls in the VB documents, but I might be completely wrong.

That's due to multiple reasons:

In Fallout 1, the BoS is pretty clear about trying to save humanity (and no one else). When asked about the Brotherhood, Vree says: "The only salvation this tortured planet and its people have. Without us, humanity is sure to perish."

As they absolutely hate super mutants - again from Fallout 1 where they are trying to destroy/change humanity - and remember ghouls are mutants too. So their initial reaction towards them can't be good.
There are other reasons for hating ghouls such as them being unworthy scavengers of old world tech as written in Fallout Bible 8:

Also, in VB, the local ghouls are slavers (of humans), the BoS is in trouble with their little war and thinning members, so that's enough for them to become trigger-happy after seeing one at their front door. They also don't trust mutants and are afraid that if they let you go, you will reveal the Bunker's location to other mutants. I was even once on the verge of outright attacking the player in case he's a human who refuses to join the BoS but thought that was a bit too much hehe