Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Hey I'm trying to download the file however it crashes my browser when trying to write it down to a disk. how big of a pagefile is needed in order for the browser antivirus scan to chew through this file? i have 8GB ram and 10GB pagefile and it still isn't enaugh wtf?

NVM.. it's just another FuckingFox browser issue agin. It's a bug since few releases already where it crashes when downloading large files from mega.nz . downloaded succesfully with chrome
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My guess is it maybe crashed as it tried to open a password protected 7z file?
Anyway, glad to hear you solved the issue!
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My guess is it maybe crashed as it tried to open a password protected 7z file?
Anyway, glad to hear you solved the issue!
Got a game question this time.

I've managed to get out of the game's prison, however after strolling just beyond tibbits i get an encounter with whole black screen and no exit grid. is this normal? I replaced sfall with eXtended version from Mr.Stalin plus a couple of global script mods. hardly anything that would fuck-up a savegame.

got a savegame from just before exiting the prison, I'll upload it if you want me to.
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So what did you do to the Mapper to make it load your stuff and also why do you need 99 encounter tables.
It's more of a demo. As far as I can tell, there should be 2, maybe 3 locations. Everything else has placeholder maps.
/Edit: based on the script names, I guess it's only the Tibbets location and nothing else.

PS: Don't call your GVARs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. unless you want nobody else to ever work with your scripts.
I extracted everything to a fresh install of F2 and I get blue screen instead of intro, then the character loads outside the map on the black background. Can't open pip, character screen, inventory or skills and the entire upper left 3rd of the screen displays a black square. All I did was that I applied the high resolution patch.
Got a game question this time.

I've managed to get out of the game's prison, however after strolling just beyond tibbits i get an encounter with whole black screen and no exit grid. is this normal? I replaced sfall with eXtended version from Mr.Stalin plus a couple of global script mods. hardly anything that would fuck-up a savegame.

got a savegame from just before exiting the prison, I'll upload it if you want me to.

That shouldn't happen. I just checked and all the maps are there. Sound like your sfall is messing up with my map indexes or it's forcing the Frank Horrigan encounter. But I'll gladly test with your save game so send it my way!

So what did you do to the Mapper to make it load your stuff and also why do you need 99 encounter tables.

Is this a question for me?
I only have 4 encounter tables, you're asking me about 100 map tiles? That's how it turned out, the game's area is that big.

I'm downloading, is it demo or some kind of beta version of full game?

It's not a Beta as I spent weeks playtesting it and fixing bugs. I even fixed lots of bugs that weren't addressed by RP.
It's more like an Early Access.

PS: Don't call your GVARs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. unless you want nobody else to ever work with your scripts.

Those GVARs are unused currently, they have completely different names in the dev build. I edited them for spoiler reasons ;)

I extracted everything to a fresh install of F2 and I get blue screen instead of intro, then the character loads outside the map on the black background. Can't open pip, character screen, inventory or skills and the entire upper left 3rd of the screen displays a black square. All I did was that I applied the high resolution patch.

You don't have to extract anything to a fresh Fallout 2 installation.
Just extract it to a new empty folder and copy over fallout2.exe

Sorry, HR patch is not supported, I mentioned it in INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS.txt

3. There is no official support for High-Resolution mod and I doubt there will be. We feel the game doesn't look good at high resolution as everything is too small.

If you can make it work, kudos to you. You might be better off playing around with widescreen resolutions in sfall. Check out this thread: https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/how-to-set-correct-widescreen-resolution-for-fallout-2.213432/
Just install the HR patch and it works, except for the scroll edges, because they weren't defined.

Nothing is "too small" when using it, unless you specify huge resolutions ...
Nothing is "too small" when using it, unless you specify huge resolutions ...

If I go by the 100% scale on 1920x1080 I'll lose my eyesight and it feels like the camera is too far away.
Also I hate how the dialog and some other fullscreens GUI screens look on higher resolutions.
This is both a con and pro of the old engine. You get an awesome pre-rendered GUI but it's not responsive.
alright here's my savegame, hope You'll figure out something more from it, I sure can't.

OK so I exited and went through 3 encounters and all were fine.
Do you remember what info displayed in the message screen? You know that text which goes "You encounter:"

BTW, nice loot :D
Yeah i tend to hoard stuff at the beginning of the game. i think i got most of the stuff that I've stumbled upon, if not all.

it must be my ddraw.ini then that screws things up. for the sake of certain options i prefer to play with extended version of Sfall (mainly for party members using active skills for You, no knockback on punch etc, so if there are any notable NPCs planned for the game I'll be hell-bent on using extended version, so if there are any party NPCs, could you look over sfall extended's ddraw.ini (the one which comes with sfall {which i'll provide] and the adapted one I use [sending it also] ), and see what I've messed up?

You'll see it's not so easy to setup sfall extended as some features occupy different sections of ddraw.ini than they do in regular sfall. but the migration (if sucesfull) is worth the trouble

oh yeah totally forgot. the last info on the pipboy log was from tibbits ground level, about that vertibird. I fleed the map because not long after there are HP penalties. Next encounter was simply black map, with no pipboy log.


If I go by the 100% scale on 1920x1080 I'll lose my eyesight and it feels like the camera is too far away.
Then don't set it to 1920x1080px? I am running Fallout in 1280x720px and it's just slightly bigger than the original - but in widescreen. Totally fine.
it must be my ddraw.ini then that screws things up. for the sake of certain options i prefer to play with extended version of Sfall (mainly for party members using active skills for You, no knockback on punch etc, so if there are any notable NPCs planned for the game I'll be hell-bent on using extended version, so if there are any party NPCs, could you look over sfall extended's ddraw.ini (the one which comes with sfall {which i'll provide] and the adapted one I use [sending it also] ), and see what I've messed up?

You'll see it's not so easy to setup sfall extended as some features occupy different sections of ddraw.ini than they do in regular sfall. but the migration (if sucesfull) is worth the trouble

Can you try switching back to my sfall and see if you're still having issues?
Can you try switching back to my sfall and see if you're still having issues?
well I'v unpacked the game to another folder and copied ddraw.ini and ddraw.dll and same thing happens, as if the game refused to run with ddraw at all. as I have no version string in the lower right corner (nor sfall string).
No, no. What I meant is that you try running my game in its original form, don't mod the ddraw files at all.
See if you're having issues then.
I ran it clean from a fresh unpack with the same savegame. This time random encounters work as intended (i think) i got a callout about encounter and when decided to go in, there were enemies, and random stuff, i got cannibals and new
sand shark critters
. So i guess it must be the case of mods I used. I'll try to pin them down.
I ran it clean from a fresh unpack with the same savegame. This time random encounters work as intended (i think) i got a callout about encounter and when decided to go in, there were enemies, and random stuff, i got cannibals and new
sand shark critters
. So i guess it must be the case of mods I used. I'll try to pin them down.

Great to hear! Good luck with the bug hunting, I'll probably look at supporting sfall extended one day but it's not high on the priority list right now.